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Christians is the whole bible the inspired word of God?

Or is it Just the law of Moses and the teachings of Jesus we should follow?

Just curious what Christians believe, not looking to judge anyone for their beliefs.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Peter said it was, and I believe it. It all has influence on us.

    Nothing is hidden in the bible, it's all laid out for us to see

    the failure of the Jews, the evil that got going.

    It's there as a warning often that there lurks within darkness

    that we'd better bring to Christ, for example.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    It is all the inspired Word of God.

    It was indeed written by man, some 40 authors in fact, but the Holy Spirit guided them to write what God wanted written. There may be different ways that the different authors express that, which some that misunderstand the Bible see as errors, but in reality they are simply different writing styles. For example, we have poems, letters, songs, prophecies, etc. Each of these literary styles express things in a different way than the others.

    The Bible consists of 66 books written over a 1,500 year period, and yet it contains a rather consistent message. Yes, the Old Testament contains the Law of Moses and the history of the Israelites, whereas the New Testament contains the birth, life, ministry, death, resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ, but the Old Testament points us forward to the New Testament and the NT points us back to the OT.

    The Bible contains prophecies that have been proven true, some thousands of years later. There is information that is only now being proven true by archeology, and there are science facts that were only proven true in the 19/20th century. The current Bible is around 99% accurate when compared to the oldest manuscripts, and those discrepancies do not actually change any of the core meanings in the Bible. Compared to other ancient documents from similar periods this remains the most accurate document in the world. If this is not the inspired Word of God it is a document that defies explanation when compared to other ancient documents!

  • 8 years ago

    Christians obviously think that the whole Bible was inspired by God. But as it was written by fallible humans there might be some errors in there. This is what I used to believe and many people still do.

    It was a very convenient way of explaining any apparent contradictions and absurdities.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Christian, by definition, is a follower of Christ. A christian believes in and follows the classes of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught from the scriptures because of the fact he knew they have been stimulated by God. He knew that each and absolutely everyone scripture is stimulated by God and effective. As a follower of Christ, we have faith an analogous. And we are to communicate in settlement. The Bible is crammed with prophecy that are nevertheless being fulfilled in the present day. The Bible writers have been men and ought to no longer assume something, so there had to be a extra suitable capability directing this action. additionally, the indoors cohesion of the Bible. It has an analogous topic in the time of, the redemption of Jehovah's incredible to rule and his kingdom. All this being stated, issues can only be shown to absolutely everyone seems to be quite need the respond. in case you have already got the respond then what extra might nicely be stated?

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Almost all Christians believe that all of the Biblical documents were inspired by God.

    Note, though, that different groups of Christians understand that differently.

    a - some think "inspired" means "without error; completely accurate"

    b - some think "inspired" means "that particular author was inspired by God to write that particular document, but that does not guarantee that all of the words themselves were dictated by God. In other words, the inspired nature of the document does not guarantee that the document is 100% accurate"

    But the answer to your question is, "Yes, almost all Christians believe that the entire Bible was inspired by God."

    - Jim,

  • Y
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Hi there,

    Luke 1:3

    3 it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely[a] for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent The-oph′ilus,

    He is basically stating that others have written accounts, so he thought he would do the same. Doesnt seem the inspired word of God to me

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If inspired by God, all doctrines of such.

    The bible inspired by God, with the tarnished image writing.

  • 1st quirk; Which old testament? Satan has defined old testament as Genesis-Malachi; and gotten it in many 'Bibles'. God's old testament is the law of Moses (to use an elementary math concept) it is a subset of Satan's.

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