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Do Liberals have any idea how economy works?


Liberal believe Keynesian economics works, An economic theory stating that active government intervention in the marketplace and monetary policy is the best method of ensuring economic growth and stability.

Use of Keynesian theory did not work during the FDR administration

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Depends on what kind of economy you are asking about. Do liberals understand free market economics? Most do not but some do but they hate the concept of a free economy because they are unwilling or unable to compete. They don't understand the value a corporate CEO provides, yet they think George Clooney is underpaid. To them its not about results, its about "fairness", which to them means professors, teachers, entertainers are the upper class and the rest are peasants.

    Most liberals not only don't understand economics, they also don't understand history or human nature. The liberal sees a poor man and blames society. The reason for that is most live in areas that are relatively free of urban blight or they have positions like teaching, that focuses on the youth of society. They don't see or choose to ignore the realities of the adult world. No liberal ever used the term personal responsibility because to do so erodes their entire philosophy of how things work. The FACT is that most down and out people in this FREE society are there because of personal choices they made. No sane person can tell me a kid who makes good grades, doesn't have offspring and works hard can't make it, even today. A liberal wants to eliminate freedom in order to eliminate the very pitfalls that are part of being free. Instead of blaming the individual for failure, they blame society so the fix is to limit everyone's freedom, except the elite leaders... (kind of like Gore running around on his personal jet and limos while telling us peasants to ride a bike)..

    It is personal responsibility or the lack thereof that has created the issues we have today. It is that simple.

    It's funny how liberals tend to love all the newest and trendiest consumer products that hit the market...Apple..Starbucks...etc... yet despise the very system that made those things possible.

    Don't see many of them with Soviet era, Chinese, North Korean, or Cuban developed products... Seems like that would be a simple illustration of which types of society are productive and which ones aren't.

  • 8 years ago

    It is how the economy works but how one wants the economy to work. If one wants there too be two very distinct classes, the wealthy well off and the working class poor with no middle between them, tthen one embraces Conservative economic values which stress that God & Jesus want the worjing class to struggle for their daily bread while those who have inherited or stolen wealth should have an easy go of it, while those with a more Liberal view believe that there should be varying degrees of wealth but overall everyone should be able to enjoy the wealth of the nation especially if they work with vigor and integrity. Qhwn it comes to economics Conservatives value dishonesty, lying and cheating hiding their views behind phrases such as ";aize fair," ' and 'free markets,' encouraging the sort of shenigans that encourage robbery and theft.



  • 8 years ago

    I dispute your claim and file a counter claim that right wing policies do not work.

    I will submit evidence to you that proves my that we can stop just talking and look at facts.

    When Ronald Reagan became president he dropped taxes significantly for the rich.....if you look up any economic chart on the web that shows what happened after those tax cuts, you will see that deficits grew sharply after that...then Clinton raised the taxes a bit, and you will see in the charts that deficits fell after that, then Bush made the massive tax cuts and brought them down to record lows....and the deficit blew up after that exponentially. You can easily see all this info on the web by doing a few searches such as tax revenue as % GDP and track the history..and do the same for deficits and or deficits as % of GDP and trakc the history.

    Furthermore, you say that govt spending is not conducive to growth but govt hires so many people even contrators in the private sector are hired by the govt, so what you say is not true.....if govt were to stop spending right many people would lose jobs? You also state that FDR economics failed... lol you mean all those programs that put americans who were unemployed did not work? why did it work then? people did go to work and make money and the country did not go down the toilet. I am sure those people who got those jobs would strongly disagree with you.

    Reality always proves that you are wrong..ever notice that? all you have are theories.......the Bush presidency alone by itself is major undeniable prove in many ways that right wing ideas have and do fail.

  • 8 years ago

    They have ideas, but the ideas they have are different ideas. Very different in some cases.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    This one does, it's a shame the tea party members of the house do NOT

  • 8 years ago

    I sure hope not, I would rather it be ignorance..

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I don't think either side knows how.

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