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Lv 6

If I intend to convert on my deathbed, so that I can live a care-free life, is that okay?

As long as I am genuinely sorry, it's okay, right?

I mean, I know of Christians who sin happy in the knowledge that they can be "really sorry" for it later, and consider this absolving their sins.

What I intend to do is no different.

Therefore I get heaven, and all the chicks, because chicks dig atheists.

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    And what happens if you get hit by a bus or fall down a flight of stairs and die suddenly? What chance will you have then. I'd risk repenting now. It will save you a lot of trouble in the long run (like not being sent to Hell). I personally find your question kind of ironic; why (and how) would you choose to repent on your deathbed? Don't you think that God will ask you something like "considering you had the opportunity to do good your entire life, and considering that I wanted to have a meaningful relationship with you your entire life, why did you put me off as your last option?"

    Anyway, here is the answer to your question. God does not accept anticipated death-bed conversions. They are absolutely meaningless to him. Considering that you have the knowledge of God now, why would you resist him your entire life and then, when you're about to die, turn to him as a rescue-raft of sorts to bail you out of Hell when you're seconds away from judgment? Why would you resist God for years just to repent at death, expecting him to ignore all of your willful sin your entire life. God does not forgive sins that are done on purpose. Of course, if you genuinely repent (if you're genuinely heart-broken because of your sinfullness) then God will absolutely forgive you and tear up your ticket to Hell. However, since he already knows that you plan to resist him, do not expect him to be so gracious. Give God an incentive to forgive you - show repentence as soon as possible and start trying to do good now while you have the opportunity.

  • 8 years ago

    Dont you fish, see it hanging by a hook, gasping for pain as people take pictures?

    Have you not steamed a lobster, or seen stuff happening to living creatures - accidents, suffering, etc.

    That is due to KARM

    That is not God, but their own KARM

    If, however, they appeal to the Almighty in whatever form they believe God has, they can see a reduction in their suiffering.

    Most of the time, atleast.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If you intended to do it all along, then odds are you won't be genuinely sorry for the life you led.

    Personally, I prefer to live my life in a way that I won't regret it when I get older.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    did you ever hear the story of the guy who intended to do just that

    his horse bucked and throw him over a cliff

    having led a sinful life, God was not on his mind nor were godly words on the tip of his tongue

    and so he was heard to says as he plunged to his death

    "well i'll be damned"

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  • 8 years ago

    Yeah. I don't get heaven, but the chicks, because heaven does not exist.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    But, if you are waiting for that time, it will not happen because it would not be true repentance and you don't know how quickly you would die either. What if you were instantly killed in a head on car accident?

  • 8 years ago

    How about just be a good person, you'll be happier and any decent God wouldnt deny you from heaven.

  • 8 years ago

    Whatever makes you happy, there is still no heaven.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 8 years ago

    why gregory? Evidence?

  • 8 years ago

    no god will not honor that

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