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Volvo V50 dashboard display....'Engine System Service Required'?

I have a Volvo V50 2.4 diesel 6 speed manual which is the D5 engine that I believe Volvo install in their 4x4's as well. However, I have recently had a full service on the vehicle by a local garage (not a main dealer) to which the oil was changed plus all filters were replaced etc. but about two weeks after the service, a message came up on the dashboard with 'Engine System Service Required'. I took the car back last week and a diagnostic check was done by the mechanic saying it was the oil level sensor that has malfunctioned. Apparently they have contacted Volvo who claim that it's a common fault and that a new sensor is £174 plus labour costs which totals around £225. I have tried doing some research myself on the net but finding various problems that seemed to be linked to this message. When I enter the details in the web search box it seems to relate directly to the Volvo D5 engine so do any Volvo owners in particular had any experience of this as I don't want to buy a part, have it fitted then only to find out that the oil level sensor wasn't at fault after all.

The dipstick has been checked for the oil level and is about mid-way between the low and full marks so it doesn't appear that the sump has been over filled. According to the Volvo handbook the spec for the D5 engine oil grade is 0-30 & 6 litres in quantity which the mechanic confirms the service conforms to the this specification.

Any offers of advice would be greatly appreciated.

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "a diagnostic check was done by the mechanic"

    In other words it had the fault code read and the car is telling the mechanic exactly what is wrong, he hasn't just guessed.

  • roger
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Im not sure what else you think it could possibly be. Let me tell you how your computer works in your car. when ever you see a warning light this means your computer in your car has already dignosed a fault in the system. So you go to your mechanic he plugs in his computer who interacts with your cars computer. Your car computer tells the mechanic what the fault is and has already diagnosed itself OK? so your car knew what the problem was before you got out of the driveway. Im guessing you dont like the price of the sensor. Welcome to volvo ownership. This has been the chief complaint from anyone I ever heard of who owned a volvo for over 20 years.

    put a piece of tape ofver the light if its a problem or get it fixed. There is nothing else you can do.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    First off, the 'provider required' gentle shouldn't be a fault code. Without problems taking the negative battery cable off won't repair it. Believe me. Now not handiest will it not repair the dilemma, it's going to intent your radio to stop working as it is going to need the code (which handiest your dealer has) to begin up again. That carrier gentle will come on each 6 months or 7,500 miles because your final provider. Ie, 7.5k, 15k, 30k, 60k, and many others. You must discontinue by your dealer to have the automobile serviced if you want the warning mild to leave. It doesn't do anything negative to the automobile, as it's only a warning gentle, but it is the simplest method to comprehend when its time to have the vehicle serviced.

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