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Do Christians ever really think through the ramifications of the Biblical flood?

According to the Bible hundreds of thousands of men, women & children drowned - all of humanity except 8 people.

Poster Tylertxan put this up this morning -

"I was bethros

A boy of 6

who just wanted to farm like my dad

I got scared as the water washed away the fields

I got scared as it came into my house

I started crying when my toys washed away

I started screaming when my parents washed away

I screamed so much I could scream no more

And then tears as I tried treading water

I got so tired

And then the pain as I breathed water

And the darkness

Should I be happy now in the arms of my murderer?

All i wanted was to farm like my dad"

I can't think of a more glaring way to put real faces to those people than this poster's words.

Christians, how can you brush off such a horrific act?

***IF*** God was real, don't you think he could have handled it far more humanely than this? Drowning is one of the most terrifying ways to die.

Have you really thought about this? Why do you so blithely accept the belief that the Biblical god had no choice when that's clearly not true?


The idea that the story is allegorical has only been believed as people realize it's not possible for it to be literally true. Deciding it's allegorical is a way to cling to a belief that's clearly outrageous. Cling being the operative word.

@ JESUS DIED FOR YOU. They had a chance to repent? Are you saying Noah traveled the world, to each village and town? That makes sense to you?

Update 2:

@ PLANNER. For the sake of argument I'll accept the possibility of there only being a few hundred to a few thousand people who died. That doesn't make it less horrendous.

As to me looking at it from the standpoint of a modern person, no. My point is that from the viewpoint of an omniscient god, he would be above the mores of an ancient people.

To the poster who said there wasn't time to be afraid, that's hogwash. Even in a tsunami, there's plenty of time to be afraid. Drowning is far from instant. It's terrifying. A compassionate god who spoke the universe into existence could have simply ended their lives with a thought.

To the poster who said I was looking at it from the outside, no. My opinion on the barbarism of blood sacrifices, the flood, the other assorted genocides formed while I was still a passionate believer. The morality was fine from a human standpoint of the day. But if god is real, he would be above the flawed morality of men.

To the

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do Christians ever really think through the ramifications of the Biblical flood?

    Is this a trick question? Christians don't think. They are taught to accept myths as truth. For that, thinking isn't required.

    As for the flood, it wasn't a world wide flood for sure. Whatever actual events comprise the Noah legend, the idea that the people killed were wicked is comes from the people of the day. Ancients believed that all things were caused by god, including floods. Floods kill people so God must have wanted them dead. Therefore, the people must have been evil or wicked, otherwise God would not have killed them. IOW, superstitious people of thousands of years ago were caught in the same circular reasoning that exists in the minds of believers today.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Let's hope Tylertexan puts his talents to writing a gut-wrenching poem about the children slowly dying after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the deformed babies born after it. Then he could shock us rigid with poetry about the millions of horses cut down, slashed with swords, blown up with cannon-balls, and drowning in mud during man's many wars.

    Once humanity starts paying attention to the reason for the flood of Noah's day, we might make some progress in being human. After all, the flood came because "The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time." (Genesis 6:5)

    Jesus warned that things will get to a similar pitch of depravity just before he returns. "As it was in the days of Noah" he said, "so it will be in the days of the Son of Man". (Matthew 24:36-44).

    Now, what was that you were saying about the ramifications of the flood...?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No one had time to be afraid when the flood came.

    Matthew 24:38-39

    For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

  • 8 years ago

    The Biblical Flood was punishment for the sinful lifestyles of the time. Noah and his family were the only ones that were living by God's law. The others had the chance to be saved. They know full well that the flood was coming. The poeple made fun of Noah while he was building the ark, but when the flood came, it was too late for them to get on board.

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  • 8 years ago

    Your graphic description is heart-rending. It certainly must have torn at God's heart to bring a flood. Did you read Genesis 6? While God made the Earth for His glory, Genesis 6:5&6 states,

    "And God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every thought and imagination of the thoughts of his (man's) heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart."

    We see that your peotic description of a young boys thoughts is incorrect and you have maligned the reader by presenting a pretty picture, which is really a lie. Bethros is the result of someone's imagination, and that imagination is also evil as it brings forth a fictional character not in keeping with the evidence as stated.

    ...EVERY thought and imagination of the minds of mankind was continually evil.

    ...and now you take part in the lie.

    congratulations, you too now offer us the lie.

    Source(s): <><
  • 8 years ago

    it is not us christians who have not thought it through. it is the unbelievers who have not thought it through.

    the flood happened when the earth was still all one large land mass before the earth was divided up into continents, according to the bible.

    in addition to that, it happened early on after the initial creation of man. by that time there could not possibly have been more than a few hundered to a few thousand people on the earth.

    in addition to that, it took noah 100 years to build the ark and during the entire time, he daily warned all of the people about the coming flood. they did not believe him and chose to remain living sinful and evil lives.

    like most people, you are looking at it from the standpoint of a modern day person rather than from the standpoint of an ancient biblical times person. those people all knew God. when noah was building the ark, the original people whom God had actually created were still alive on the earth. but they had become evil because of the sin adam and eve had committed. in fact, according to biblical timing, adam was still alive when the ark was first begun.

    get your head out of romantic tragedy and look at the truth.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    God himself didn't think it through. But that's one of his options. Not thinking stuff through.

    And when the infants and pregnant women were drowning God didn't pay attention. That's one of his options too. Being all-powerful includes plenty of options.


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Noah preached for 100 years.......and warned man was exempt fromt hearing Noah and seeing him building the ark.....he spoke to them continually about what was to come.....anyone who knew this was coming....had the chance to run tinot eh ark for safety.....but all families came to laugh....

    the children that were too young to know, were ushered into the next world...and they received heaven.....all children who die before the age of 8...go straigth to God......the others waited for the savior to die...and he went into hell and unlocked the gates and allowed many of those who died in the flood to receive slavation.....

    but had God allowed everyone to live at the flood...the families were so wicked that the children would have become wicked he caused that the innocent children would go back to him in paradize.....the parents went into the depths of hell....until the savior came.

    but everyone...knew of noah...and if they wanted to be saved..if they were old enough to know..they had the choice to come with him..they all chose to laugh and scorn...

    God had to cleanse the earth and try over again........and it finally that man is wicked again.....he will soon allow the world to become in great turmoil..called the great tribulation where 9/10th of the worlds population will die as ezekial says...


  • 8 years ago

    We don't just "brush it off," but we don't propose to judge God either.

    The flood was quite humane. You sound like you're the one who hasn't actually thought this through.

    First of all it was quick. No prolonged suffering like torture, war, starvation, infection, and disease that people recover or escape from only to die soon after anyway.

    Also, countless thousands in generations to come spared from eternal hellfire.

    It seems like you atheists never think about these things from the actual perspective of God being real.

    You actually think it more merciful to allow humankind to live in their sin as they inevitably become so depraved as to think that child rape is a good thing, that bestiality is a fun thing, as to think watching people suffer and die is enjoyable?

    Think about it, only Noah and his family counted worthy. What do you think that meant for every other person out there after they died, their children? Generation after generation living sinful depraved lives at the expense of the lives of those unfortunate enough to be the underdogs of society only to go to hell after they die generation after generation. You think this merciful?! No wonder atheists could do what they did under national atheism.

    God ended them and ended them quickly without all the suffering. The humans that came afterwards from Noah started over fresh, with the fear of God in their hearts to keep them from adopting the depraved practices we humans tend to crave.

    Then to avoid the same situation, God chose a people to be an example of what it means to fear and serve God.

    Of course they failed at times, and succeeded at times, but ultimately failed as we humans are a very selfish and wretched creature. So God sent His Son to live in our hearts, to have God's understanding of the world, of right and wrong, and that understanding has managed to revolutionize humanity and our perception of justice over the next 2 millenia. Of course we will fail because we humans are still a very wretched creature, God will finally relent and hand us over to that which we want to serve wholly and without reservation. We will manage to commit the most horrific acts of oppression, suffering, destruction, and depravity the world has ever known and ultimately destroy all in less than a decade. In fact, when crap really starts hitting the fan, it'll only take 3.5 years.

    But God will stop us short of destroying ourselves and all breathing creatures off the face of the planet, and rule us Himself for a millenium. Then God will allow us one more time to prove ourselves capable of ruling ourselves that we will then use to try and destroy Him. Of course then God will put an end to us and our world, and create a new world for those who chose to be faithful and not be a slave to their baser human natures.

  • God hates Sin and the people had a chance to repent just as all do now. Accept Christ and Believe in Him with all your Heart and gain Eternal Heaven or........

    EDIT- Moses and His Believers warned them just as Ministers do today. God doesn't go door to door. He leaves the choice to believe in YOUR one to blame but YOU

    Source(s): Romans 3:10 Romans 3:23 Romans 5:12 Romans 6:23 John 3:15-17
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