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Lauren Mahon asked in PetsDogs · 8 years ago

Should I call animal control?

So, my neighbors are almost never at their house. Today I was taking my dog out and I noticed a puppy barking at their door. He was cute, but it's bark was annoying. It was running near the door and I was wondering why it was so attached to their doorstep if it was stray. Then, I noticed a leash. It's tied to a tree! And barking like crazy. The owners aren't doing anything about it and I don't know if I should just leave it or call animal control or something.. it's bark sounded like it was scared or worried. I feel really bad for it. The owners had some rabbits before and 2 of them died. We saved the other one. They never fed them or gave them water. So they don't have a very good history of keeping pets. Also, there's a lot of hawks that fly around our area because it's in the woods-ish. I don't want it to be taken by a hawk. What do I do about it?

11 Answers

  • .
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    ANONYMOUSLY call Animal Control. Chances are, if you ask them, they will not listen to you since their pets have already died, and if you call animal control, they will know you probably did.

    My neighbors moved in almost 3 years ago in the summer. So far, 3 of their cats have died... now they have 2 kittens! They leave them outside, with basically NEVER any food or water! (Once I saw maggots, flies, etc. in the food dish, so I fed the cat myself with actual cat food...) They only wanted them because they were tiny little kittens... They gave NO **** when they hit 6 months old.

    They got 1 kitten when they could hold her in their hands! THAT tiny! Well, she died about a month or 2 later. Turns out, and Owl ate her.... Rip Smokey.

    So, my friend in town was giving away her kittens they couldn't keep. My friend got attached to most of them. These cats weren't small anymore, they were kittens, almost young adults. My friend didn't take much care of them, they had fleas and bald spots. She didn't like the kittens, because they weren't "cute", or could be held in her hands... Right when we got back to her house, she said "I think we should return it"... WTF? You literally just BEGGED you mom for this cat! She said "I don't want to hurt it". I'm like then DON'T hurt it! She said "I know but he has fleas and I don't want to hurt him by petting him...". After that convo (about a few minutes) she goes over to her friends house! A kitten, alone, in her drive way... NO shelter, NO food or water, and she just leaves it!

    I gave the cat one of my used pet carriers... He used it as a litter box, and they never cleaned it up! Disgusting. One day he was really hungry, again, no food or water. I gave him a lot of petting, and fed him a can of Friskies wet food, with some kibbles :)

    Sadly, he died about a week later... The cause of death? UNKNOWN. My other neighbors said that they put out Rat Poison, and the cat got to it because he was so hungry. Another person said he was shot near the woods. Others say he probably got eaten by a Coyote/Hawk. There were many different stories, from numerous people... There was a rumor that the man threw the cat's dead body into the river after it ate his poison! My friend was PISSED. She loved that cat to death.

    Then guess what? They got ANOTHER kitten! They said they passed a sign FREE KITTENS, so they picked one up. Right when she got out of the car, the cat ran into the woods and wasn't seen until recently... this was 2 years ago. Still the same summer as when they got the other 2 cats...

    Last year, on my birthday, I remember seeing a stray cat in my yard under my shed. A lot of strays hang out here and pass through my yard... until I would set my dog loose! That cat fit the description my friend said she was! She vanished near our houses, and was found in that area and leaked into my yard. I fed her for awhile until my mom caught me... then the cat took off after no food for a day or 2. Never seen again. I go into the woods regularly, but never have seen her. We thought she died after a few days when they brought her home originally, but she happened to survive a year and came into my yard. It's unknown if she is still alive or not...

    YES please call animal control! Make a complaint that there is no food, water, or shelter, and say there is also loud barking...

  • heart
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The only thing animal control might care about in this situation is the noise. By what the laws say, they aren't committing any crime of animal abuse or neglect as long as the puppy isn't out there permanently without shelter and water, isn't starved, and isn't lacking vet care when needed. You could leave an anonymous note saying the barking is disturbing you instead of take up AC's time. Puppies bark and whine when in a crate too sometimes, but the owner isn't supposed to run and let them out.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes you should call animal control is owners arent dere to care for the dog and plz call immediately before something happens to the dog those ppl dont deserve to own animals

  • 8 years ago

    Many states have laws on tethering (tying a dog out). Some have laws against it or the amount of time the dog can be tethered. I would call animal control and ask them about tethering laws and mention the boise disturbance.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago


    The animal control will mainly be concerned about the non stop barking. If the puppy is being given adequate food, water, and exercise, there is little animal control can or will do.

  • 8 years ago

    I would call because young puppies are not supposed to be left without food for a long time or their sugar could crash and they could die. let the animal control decide if anything needs to be done, better safe than sorry

  • kim
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    If the puppy is out there right now with no shelter, food or water then call animal control and report them for negligence.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Yes, I would call for animal neglect. It is also illegal to leave a dog tied for more than 3 hours.

    Source(s): I raise Australian Cattle Dogs/Queensland Heelers
  • 8 years ago

    First, you should ask them why they aren't taking care of their animals. If they don't start helping the dog in a day, tell them you will call animal control or take it to the humane society yourself. Don't let the dog starve to death! He/she doesn't deserve it.

  • 8 years ago

    Are they ever home? If you can catch them at their house, I would consider talking to them. See if they even want their dog, or if they would give him to you. If they won't, or you can't find a time to talk to them, call animal control. It can also be a noise violation, in which case you can call the police and report them.

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