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Why is the Muslim world so easily offended?

Their reactions to even mild criticism of their religion is fairly childish and neanderthal.

I am not looking for politically correct excuses for answers BTW, so I would encourage you to think before you type.

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are so easily offended because so much of the world spends time mocking their religion, and most of the people mocking their religion are the Western hypocrites. There are so many people saying christianity is better. However the truth of the matter is, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the Bible and the Torrah have changed from their original form. If you do believe that God has made a revelation to mankind, Islam is actually the most credible religion because the Quran has not changed since its begining. This is the case even if you think the things in the Quran are all dark-aged stuff. Many things prohibited in the Quran were also prohibited in the Old Testament, and then suddenly changed to suddenly be okay for some reason. Also, another reason they are so easily offended is that so many people seem to have made it their hobby to ridicule their religion without bothering to fully understand it first....and it gets frustrating for them. I dont know if this makes the Muslim world justified for getting so easily offended, but I hope this explains the frustrations that they face that lead them to take offence.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Because they have nothing but their religion and they have to settle for it. Deep down inside they know how great the life in the west is and they are jealous of those people living together, enjoying their lives and cultures, living rather wealthy. Back n the middle east they have nothing but sand, heat Islam. Also, they are very insecure about themselves and their only solution to anything is violence. Beating children and women is normal there, when they say anything wrong. How should a child behave different, when it was only taught vilence in its life?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Theirs is a fragile culture held together with spit and vinegar. Mild criticism is like a full frontal attack to the culture because of the stranglehold on power that the religious leaders enjoy. They can't let their followers have even a moment's doubt, because then they'd wake up and realize they're taking a guy in a dress and flip-flops seriously.

  • 7 years ago

    Muslims are called so many swear words and are also called terrorists. The USA are the REAL terrorists they bombed their twin towers for many reasons. 1 reason is because The USA needed a reason to invade Iraq, mess up their country and go for the oil supply.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The people in much of the Muslim world are still backward and primitive compared to the western world. Their religion is a bigger part of their life and they take it seriously, just as Christians did in the past centuries when they burned people at the stake for saying the wrong thing.

  • 7 years ago

    Peace Upon you All.

    because they knew that Islam is perfect but the Muslims are not and some Muslims who don`t know Islam are acting for their own desires like Cece in Egypt and actually there is some non-Muslims who don`t know anything about Islam and just want to be famous but they actually spread Islam because who ever seek the truth he will reach it .

  • 8 years ago

    Because, we have allowed and stand aside from these Preachers of Hate in allowing them to preach hate against us, the very people who gave them sanctuary in the first place. Our Politicians with their Political Correct attitude have given them protection, while at the same time have taken ours away.

    Their culture and belief is a one sided affair and any comment in respect of that culture, even without malice is deemed to be insulting.

    Having said that, how depressing for the million of British Muslims, who have to watch their religion being demonised and discredited by a small number of people who are manipulating it solely to cause dissent and division.

  • Mick W
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    because they know that their ways, traditions and beliefs,to say nothing of their pervacious pastimes, are unacceptable and distasteful to every other nation in the world, however as they are primitive and lack self control they are powerless to reform their ways, hoping that by clinging to ancient traditions, it will hide their obnoxious traits from the rest of the world.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    You are as good as anyone -honest-take your tablets.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


    They know their primitive backwards religion sucks and they don't like anybody to point that out. It puts them in the position of defending that which is indefensible.

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