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How can we be certain that we know anything, when everything that we know is contained in the context of...?

not only our own human limitations, but contained also within the limited parameters of a dream illusion? Would not "knowing" (Truth) exceed all parameters? Yet we continue to reach for knowing within the confines of the dream; is this foolhardy? Or is it necessary to stir remembering?

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "The world is illusory; Brahman alone is real; Brahman is the world." – Ramana Maharshi

  • 8 years ago

    Earth is a school, and just like real school, it's a semblance of true life to come. In college we prepare for what is to be. In life, we do just the same. You'd never say "this school project is foolhardy because it's just for school, not for the real world." You know this project is preparing you for real life. But we never stop learning.... never. Even after discovering that this place and these lives are illusions, we must continue to study the nature of relationships through the doorway of our own self image and with a clean new perspective. As for knowing, we don't know anything, they're all just opinions. Nobody knows the truth, not even the Pope (although he'd beg to differ! lol!) But there is also faith in what we feel and that's what we must hold on to. Don't worry so much about being "certain", just worry about being a kind, giving & honest person, and the rest will fall into place!

    ~ namaste ~

  • 8 years ago

    For the worldly man we live in a real world but for the spiritual man we live in what God has called, the Dream to express My Glory. Even science has come to realize that what we see and experience of the 'real' world is not as it appears but rather an appearance of substance. There is more space between the atoms of 'stuff' we see and touch than there is space between the stars and galaxies in space. Take away all the space in the Empire State Building and it will fit in the palm of your hand,,, but it will still weigh millions of pounds. Is what we are seeing 'real'? or apparent? What is unseen has Substance and what is seen via the senses has no substance. It only appears substantial to the senses Intuitive perception sees the Light that shines in the darkness knowing that the darkness cannot know the Light. The Buddha spoke of It, the Bible speaks of It, the Bhagavad Gita speaks of It and too many of the Saints speak of it to dismiss those perceptions as nonsense. Even the smallest taste of that clarity which comes from direct experience of It is enough to encourage one to seek further within where Substance is to be found.


  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Fear not my friends in Truth !

    Life is not a dream; it is an ever-progressing Reality. Life originates in the Universal Father and through the Eternal Son and by the Infinite (Holy) Spirit.

    Jesus has stated to a young man who was afraid: "You, and your problems of living, are Real !" Some Eastern religions of pessimism and despair still teach that nothing is real; but not for much longer !

    When you are Spirit-of-Truth-Born here on earth, or later up in one of many progressively higher Heavens, you Know Absolutely that God and You and all in the Family of God are Real ! God is no mere respecter of persons anywhere; He loves each with an infinite love and lavish mercy and all-perfect Ministry.

    "It is Done ! All humans are my Sons !

    Be now the perfecting, ascending Son of God

    in Truth that You Are !"

    (see John 12:31-32, Rev 21:3-7 and others, and/or ask Jesus here in Spirit !)

    Source(s): Personal God-consciousness. See my profile (click on "about me") and links.
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  • 8 years ago

    Yes, but the fact that we are asleep to our reality

    does cause us to believe that we have limitations.

    In truth, we are still as God created us: Spiritual, Changeless, Perfect

    and co creators with God. Nothing else is needed, except our

    awakening to realize that we must still be as He created us

    because He did not give us permission to override His Creation.

    When we do realize that concept - we begin the awakening to Reality.

    Source(s): Truth is hidden in plain sight.
  • Sara
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I think it all comes down to the simple description of God in Hinduism, of Existence or "Being", Intelligence (or Knowledge), and Bliss.

    You know that you are.

    You know that you are aware.

    You know that misery is an attachment that that has come as the result of life experiences and attitudes, not part of your true and basic nature.

    Everything else could be part of the dream; certainly your name and your history is.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It certainly is not foolhardy, for if this is an illusion then foolhardy as a concept no longer has meaning.

  • 8 years ago

    Reason developed at the expense of intuition. Truth must be intuited through personal experience. It is so pure yet vulnerable to being profaned that he who knows does not say and he who says does not know.

  • 8 years ago

    were not in a dream illusion

    we live in a real world

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Knowledge brings understanding faith brings only delusions!!!

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