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Difrince between English and Scotland?

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I assume you mean the difference between England and Scotland, not the English language in Scotland.

    In practice there is very little difference between England and Scotland. Particularly the northern half of England and Scotland.

    We speak the same language, watch the same TV shows, listen to the same music, wear the same clothes, complain about the same politicians, use the same money and so on. And of course almost 10% of Scotland's population is English, with an even larger number of Scots living in England.

    The main differences are that it's wetter here in Scotland than it is in England and that the people here are slightly more left-wing politically speaking. That's about it.

    @Alexandra: Ireland is not part of Great Britain. Great Britain is the island containing Scotland, England and Wales. The United Kingdom is the country containing Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland (but not the Republic of Ireland).

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    There is very little difference between the people of Scotland and England. We have been united for about 300 years and shared the same monarch for about 400 years.

    Scotland has a greater proportion of wild countryside. England has a bigger population.

  • 8 years ago

    English is a term used to describe something originating from the country of England, and Scotland is a separate country. They are both part of Great Britain, along with Ireland and Wales.

  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Very few differences.........politics, laws, accents, some foods, customs, culture etc which are ethnically Scottish or English

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  • 8 years ago

    They are two completely different countries with different flags, different accents and different ideas

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