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Julie.SAL asked in PetsHorses · 8 years ago

Transporting a horse internationally?

I'm curious about transporting a horse from one country to another to live there. If one was moving their horse from America to England, how much would that cost? I know its crazy expensive, but does anyone have a number estimate? Also, what is the quarantine period? Any other things about moving a horse to another country? Thanks!

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The horse is quarantined for about a month before transport and the cost is around $10,000.

  • Lili
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    All three of my horses are from Germany, so it's kind of the same thing. We had them shipped to the States after buying them. Shipping costs were about $10,000, since it was overseas. It's a lot cheaper if it's not over the ocean. Also, my horses had to be in quarantine for a week before and after the flights to get necessary vaccinations and vet checks (even though we had already had vet checks), just to make sure they weren't carrying any diseases. This cost an additional $500 for both quarantines (in Germany and the States). I imagine moving with a horse is pretty much the same, or at least pretty similar!

    Hope this helps!

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