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Lv 55,531 points


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Tennessean, Dancer, Equestrian. My 2 horses and Pomeranian are the loves of my life :)

  • What is the most versatile color for show coats?

    I am looking to buy a new show coat and I want to get one that is nice, and therefore I want it to be versatile. Most of the shows in my area are h/j; I like Jumpers better but most people here compete in both Hunters and Jumpers so I'd want a coat that would work in both. I also really want to get into eventing, so I want the coat to work for the dressage and SJ at events. What color would work best for all of that? I don't want to be "that" person that looks silly with a weird colored jacket, so just looking for opinions.


    9 AnswersHorses6 years ago
  • What bit would you recommend as the next step?

    I currently have my Arabian mare in a plain eggbutt snaffle. Thick, mild, basically the most gentle bit ever. However, she is too strong for it, especially when we are jumping, and I don't feel like it's helpful to be constantly pulling on her mouth as much as I have to, so I want to move her up a bit in terms of bit strength. What do you think would be a good bit to try? I've considered a waterford, a french link, a twisted snaffle, and maybe even a pelham, but I'm not sure she needs that much more. Any suggestions on that?

    5 AnswersHorses6 years ago
  • Can I drink alcohol while taking DayQuil?

    I have a bad cold and have been taking DayQuil every 6 hours since yesterday afternoon. Since tonight is NYE, I want to go to my friends place and drink, is it dangerous to be on dayquil and drink at the same time? I don't plan on getting belligerently drunk, just a few drinks. Would that be ok?

    2 AnswersMedicine6 years ago
  • What kind of large breed dog would do well in NYC?

    I am moving from Tennessee to NYC this summer. I am a young, small woman and I will be there alone, so I am looking for a large breed dog to live with me. I will be living in a small studio, will walk it twice a day. I have had dogs my whole life and know what a big responsibility they are.

    I am looking for a dog that is affectionate but will protect me if the need arose. It needs to be ok with being indoors. I also need it to do well with small dogs and cats, because my family back home has Pomeranians and cats, and the dog would need to do well with them.

    I am willing to rescue a dog from the shelter or get a mixed breed, as well as being willing to pay some money for a purebred dog. It really doesn't matter to me, I just want a dog that will be happy with our living situation and can become my baby. Any ideas?

    6 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • How do I purchase something internationally with a different currency?

    I live in the US and I want to buy concert tickets to a concert in Norway. Obviously they have a different currency, so I don't know if I can do this like I normally do. I don't have a credit card, just a MasterCard debit card through my bank. Can I just buy the tickets and the bank/mastercard will transfer the currency, or do I have to do something with an outside provider?.. I don't even know if there is a such thing, I'm just confused and have never done this before. I tried to look it up on the Norwegian ticketmaster site but almost all of it is in norwegian and I couldn't understand.

    Thank you for your help!

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance7 years ago
  • Swimming in salt water after tattoos/piercings?

    So I know you shouldn't swim in chlorinated pools after getting a new tattoo or piercing, but what about salt water pools? I'm wanting to get another tattoo in a few weeks and might get my belly button pierced today, and really the only place I swim is in my friends salt water pool. It's private and clean, does it pose a risk for piercings and tattoos? How long should I wait to swim in it? Thanks :)

    2 AnswersTattoos7 years ago
  • Best saddles for Arabians?

    I was just curious to see if any of y'all know a good saddle to fit Arabians. Since most of them have round, hardly there withers and round barrels its tough to find a good saddle fit. Mine always slides forward and its so frustrating. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    2 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Any guesses on this lameness?

    So my horse came in yesterday morning 3 legged lame. Her hind left leg was really swollen and she was reluctant to put weight on it, and didn't want my trainer to mess with it. I was out of town but I just got home and came to check on her. To my great annoyance, my trainer gave her a good amount of bute so it can't tell if she's doing better or if she's just drugged up. At the moment, it's swollen only between her pastern and hock, nothing lower and nothing higher. She's not limping at all and doesn't care if I squeeze all over her leg or mess with her hoof. There's a tiny bit of heat right under her hock, and there's also a small scratch there. Before I have to call the vet, any guesses on what's wrong? Blown tendon? Infected from the scratch? Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Any tips for getting my horse back in shape/on her hind end?

    Hiiii. So over Labor Day my 13 year old OTTB mare got extremely sick and long story short she has been out of work completely for 5 months now, 2 of those months being exclusively on stall rest. So, obviously, she has hardly any muscle :( She has just been recently cleared to get back into work, and I've ridden her about 4 times. She feels great, but has no stamina, can't stay straight, and is refuses to go into frame. There is nothing wrong with her, she's just out of shape and needs to be worked. I was wondering if any of y'all had any tips to get her into shape as efficiently and safely as possible. I don't want to rush her but I don't want to dilly dally either. I've been working on lots of transitions and a whole lotta circles and we've only been doing walk/trot. One thing I've noticed is that she is very heavy on her forehand. How do I get her to use her hind more?

    One last question, as if I haven't already written enough: I think she needs a different bit. She's currently in a copper d ring snaffle and she doesn't seem to like it. She pulls her head and is reluctant to relax her jaw. What are y'alls favorite bits to help your horse free all that up?

    Thanks guys, sorry that I wrote a novel :)

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Effects of a prolonged fever?

    This summer my Thoroughbred mare got Colitis, a usually fatal illness involving their digestive system (more info

    She had a fever of 102-105 for about 2 weeks straight, as well as getting shots of banamine every 5 hours for probably 10 days. I'm worried the banamine may have caused long lasting damage, the vets didn't worry about it because they didn't think she'd live. But she did and now I'm concerned about not only the banamine but the fever. Does having a high fever for that long have long lasting effects? Could she be rideable again? I feel like that could damage her heart but my trainer seems to think she's totally fine. Seattle Slew survived Colitis and went on to race, but I don't know if he had a fever as long as my horse did. I'm just very confused and I don't want to put her back into work if theres a risk of her getting sick again. I wouldn't ride her before getting a vet check but I just wanted to know y'alls opinion on the situation. Thanks!

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Do you think she's sound enough to be a broodmare?

    I have a 13 year old TB mare who, until labor day, was incredibly healthy and talented, jumped 3'6" courses and free jumped almost 5 feet. I was about to sell her, but on Labor Day she got really sick. We found out she had colitis and the vets gave her a 5% chance of living, at the most. Both me and my horse fought, and she managed to pull through. The vets were worried she would founder, but after wearing raised boots and being on stall rest for over 3 months, she was checked out and she hadn't foundered. We are currently unsure if she will ever be rideable again (she had a fever of 102+ for over 2 weeks as well as being on banamine for quite a long time) but I really can't afford to keep her any longer. I know theres no way to know for sure until I get a full vet check, but I was wondering if y'all thought she might be sound enough to be a broodmare. She was for sale for $10,000 before she got sick, so I'd rather not just give her away as a pasture pet if I could get maybe $1,500 for her to be a broodmare. Just wanting opinions, thanks! I attached a picture of her taken a week before she got sick.

    1 AnswerHorses7 years ago
  • Bit questions for my Thoroughbred?

    I have a few questions about a good bit for my Thoroughbred mare and was hoping you guys could help me :)

    She is 12 years old very simple to ride. Easy to control and works hard for you. But, she tends to lean on the bit (she was a racer and I hear a lot of OTTB's do this since they were trained to do so) so we are working on getting her off her forehand and out of my hands a little bit. She is currently in a copper D ring snaffle and I am absolutely buying her a new bit because since I've owned it this bit has squeaked incessantly, no matter how many times you clean it. Can't handle it anymore!

    I am wondering what bit to put her in. Eggbutt? Another D ring? Loose ring? Something else? She doesn't need a lot, but she needs something different. Thanks for your help, sorry if this sounds a little wonky, its late! :)

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Ways to incorporate ribbons and posters into a grunge room?

    I'm really into the whole soft grunge/hipster thing when it comes to home design. I'm trying to redo my bedroom because it is very childish. I am 17 and (embarrassingly) into One Direction so I have some posters. I don't really want to throw them away but they obviously don't fit into the soft grunge theme. I also have over 50 ribbons from horse shows. They obviously mean a lot but they also don't fit at all. I need some creative ways to incorporate these things into a new room. Thanks :)

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling8 years ago
  • Why is my puppy food aggressive?

    I have a 4 month old Pomeranian puppy whom I got from a reputable breeder when he was 8 weeks old. He has always been fed and cared for but he is occasionally food aggressive. Mostly it's when he gets food or something he isn't supposed to have (underwear, socks, etc) and I try to take it from him he growls and tries to bite my fingers. I don't know why he does this, because he has plenty of food and toys and is very loved. Why does he do this and what should I do? Do you think it'll stop when he's neutered? Other than this happening occasionally, he is the sweetest, most wonderful, best tempered dog ever. I'm throughly in love. Thank you!

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Transporting a horse internationally?

    I'm curious about transporting a horse from one country to another to live there. If one was moving their horse from America to England, how much would that cost? I know its crazy expensive, but does anyone have a number estimate? Also, what is the quarantine period? Any other things about moving a horse to another country? Thanks!

    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • How to solve a horse's pulling problem?

    My 12 year old OTTB mare has a seriously annoying pulling problem that she's had ever since I've owned her. I got her from a rescue who said she was donated to them by a beginner rider who had no idea how to handle her and I've come to find she has a wealth of issues from that. The one I'm really wanting to fix is her habit of pulling her head down when you're riding her as if to pull the reins out of your hands. I thought maybe she just didn't like having much contact on her bit but she does this even if you're walking around on the buckle. It's like she doesn't even think about it, its just become what she does every few minutes. Does anyone have any techniques to help with this? I was thinking I'd just get a martingale to help her realize herself that she's doing it, or maybe a different bit? I'm really not sure. Any ideas or tips would be appreciated :) thanks

    5 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Arabian breeding safety question?

    PLEASE don't give me crap about not breeding because i'm not saying I'm going too, I'm just asking if it would be safe. Thank you.

    I have a 12 year old 15.1 hand Arabian mare. I have thought about breeding her to a nice warmblood stud and getting an Arabian sporthorse (again, not saying I will) but I was wondering if it was safe for her. Warmbloods are quite large, even the ones that are smaller in height are still heavy built and since she's quite small, would it be safe for her to have that baby? Her old owner had four babies out of her, so she's not a maiden mare but I don't know if that makes a difference. Just curious! Thank you!

    6 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • How easy is it to sneak to front row of a concert?

    I'm going to a One Direction concert this summer in Nashville and me and friend have 3rd row tickets on the floor on the far far right. We want to sneak 1st row and more towards the middle for when the boys jump into the crowd but were not sure how? I don't want to upset anyone but honestly I care more about us getting up front. Do we just walk up there or crawl over the seats or what? We're trying to plan everything in advance. Thanks :)

    4 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Why can't I ask stuff on Tumblr?

    Whenever I go to somones Ask box on Tumblr it says "Sorry this feature isn't available yet." What does that even mean? When I first got a Tumblr it worked but now it wont. Any ideas on how to fix it? Thanks :)

    1 AnswerOther - Internet9 years ago
  • How difficult is it to train a broodmare?

    I am looking to buy a new show horse and there is an absolutely beautiful broodmare for only $10,000 but she isn't trained to be ridden. She is a 7 year old Hanoverian. My question is, how difficult is it to train an older broodmare? Is it worth it? I would be doing it with my trainer. I have trained young horses and worked with horses with problems but never started a horse at a more advanced age. Are they usually more difficult or easier? Any info would be appreciated. :) Thanks!

    10 AnswersHorses9 years ago