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Julie.SAL asked in PetsHorses · 6 years ago

What bit would you recommend as the next step?

I currently have my Arabian mare in a plain eggbutt snaffle. Thick, mild, basically the most gentle bit ever. However, she is too strong for it, especially when we are jumping, and I don't feel like it's helpful to be constantly pulling on her mouth as much as I have to, so I want to move her up a bit in terms of bit strength. What do you think would be a good bit to try? I've considered a waterford, a french link, a twisted snaffle, and maybe even a pelham, but I'm not sure she needs that much more. Any suggestions on that?

5 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Waterfords are good for pullers. You might also like a twisted wire snaffle or a slow twist. I had a big TB mare that used a thick eggbutt at home but out at an X-country event she had to have twisted wire. She was a LOT of horse and I weighed like 110 lbs back then LOL.

    You're going to hear "school school school" and "circles" and yes that may be true.

    But stay away from a Pelham. That's like 10 times harder than your eggbutt.

  • 6 years ago

    Try a thin eggbutt snaffle but before going to a really harsh bit see if your riding position is correct also have her teeth checked. I don't think a french link will help much you could try a Dutch gag or even a bit with rollers on it. Also use a flash nose band or a drop nose band so your horses dosen't open it's mouth to avoid the pressure of the bit.

  • 6 years ago

    Try a flash befor you step up to a different bit. It stops the opining there mouth. If they can open there mouth they can avoid pressure from the bit.

  • 6 years ago

    If she is too forward I would try a d ring snaffle nothing to harsh or she could et frustrated I moved my horse from an egg butt to a d ring and it made a big difference but I would still consult your instructor

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    Your horse doesn't need a stronger bit. What your horse needs is to be taught to respond to the bit you're using.

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