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Julie.SAL asked in PetsHorses · 7 years ago

Best saddles for Arabians?

I was just curious to see if any of y'all know a good saddle to fit Arabians. Since most of them have round, hardly there withers and round barrels its tough to find a good saddle fit. Mine always slides forward and its so frustrating. Any thoughts? Thanks!

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    A very well padded bareback style pad? If I was a horse, I would so prefer that on my back than an inflexible saddle. A treeless saddle is an option. I know that type of back on a horse (low wither/round barrel) makes the saddle not stay put.

    Here's something I pulled up:

    Saddling the Arabian

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Do you ride English or Western?

    Luckily, I haven't had much trouble with saddle fit, and I ride a variety of different horses. I love my Courbette Husar, although it is 34 years old and they are no longer made. I've never had any issues with it. The same goes for my Collegiate close contact.

    For Western, I have had great luck with my Dakota barrel saddle. My mom's Weaver all-around trail saddle fits anything too.

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