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Lv 6

If God was all-knowing, why did he have to wipe out almost all his creation with a great flood?

Why didn't he start his creation with Noah's family?

He would have known everything prior was going to fail.

Did he know that Lucifer was going to betray him when he created him?

Did he know Adam and Eve were going to sin when he created them?

Either he did, and he created them with that nature, or he didn't and he isn't all-knowing.

which is it?


Alexander, that means I cannot be held for my actions as he created me knowing how I was going to act. You can muddy the waters as much as possible, but is still comes down to the fundamental point that if God is responsible for all things, and knew everything, he is responsible for the bad as well as the good.

Update 2:

But Fiaz, he create them, and whatever nature they have.

He knew that making them susceptible to the serpent would lead to their downfall, and he did not make them more strong-willed.

If God knows, and creates them knowing they are going to fail, God is to blame.

Update 3:

Ernest, It isn't "crushingly obvious" otherwise we'd all believe it.

It is morally ambiguous and confusing.

Update 4:

Ernest, came back to start slinging mud, did we?

You represent your side well.

12 Answers

  • GOD
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There was no flood that could have wiped out all of mankind, it is just a ridiculous story from centuries ago, in fact, if you apply your question to the dinosaurs, why would your god wipe them out, get back into the real world, the land of make believe may seem all rosy but in the real world we have to look at things with a bit more logical thought.

  • 8 years ago

    So you also believed that God got angry at people and repented after having sent the devastating flood? Anger and repentance are human traits and if this was attributed to God in the Bible this is because the Bible had been written as human interpretations of the divine phenomenon. Christian scholarship has established all along that Holy Scriptures were authored by human writers but under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. That is why it is pointless to argue the bible from purely scientific bases. The Bible should be understood for the religious truths they contain; fundamentalist Christians often fall for this trap and you obviously fell for it, too.

  • Fuzzy
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Free will makes omniscience impossible about future events. While God knows all things in the now, this he does not about the future.

    The future is controlled by his planning and power, but his ability to know all that happens in the now. He knows even what we think before we say anything, so he has plenty of time to change what needs changing, to effect what changes are needed.

    There is evidence scriptural to support this claim.

  • 8 years ago

    Which God are you talking about? The God of the Jews, or Marduk the Babylonian God; The great sky god of native americans; the Gods of Central and South America, and their counterparts in the far east. All are supposed to have instigated great floods in antiquity, almost obliterating humankind. It is not an event exclusive to Judaism, Christianity or Islam.

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  • 8 years ago

    He already knew that all of those things will happen and he has a plan for everything that will come in the future. He wiped out all of his creation with a great flood in order to start over again because it is tainted with sin. He wiped everything clean but still more people sin and sin again. According to history, the Jews sacrificed animals to God in order to forgive their sins but still they commit sin that is why God sacrificed himself through Jesus Christ in order to wash away the sins of the world. You may still think that many of us are sinning but there will be a time when sin and evil will be vanquished completely when Jesus returns in the Second Coming and Last Judgement. God only knows when it will happen.

  • Well i am a Muslim. God i s free of all the attributes we assign to Him.Human minds are incapable of understanding His creations.somebody mentioned here about evidences. Islam has evidence to every question a human mind can have.God doesn'tot makes mistakes that's what humans do. He is the creator of heavens and earth, do you see any imperfections therein? there are many things to ponder upon for the people who THINK! Yes God is all knowing. There is a concept called predestination. God knew Adam and Eve will commit that sin. God knows everything. But we still have choice. Islam calls to the truth, God has provided us with His Word ie. Quran. if you any questions about islam contact me my facebook id is ie. Ilovislam

    Source(s): Islam , Youtube , Facebook
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    firstly i am not a christian but a a muslim. i would just like to as you how it would feel if you had strings attached to your arms and legs like a puppet. it would be horrible. the fact is we have to find out for ourselfs what happens. we have a choice and we choose whether we acept religion or not. so god is indeed all knowing but the reason he didnt start with noah (a.s) is becaus firstly he wanted Adam and eve (a.s) to understand and make their chioces. we belive adam and eve where in fact prophets so they had to attend the world, no matter what. the reason those evil people that where killed by the flood where created was so they could choose what they wanted, so that they knew what they wanted to do. they chose evil so they where drowned.

    Source(s): myself & my religion
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Contradictions of an infinitely knowing entity being blind sided by things it didn't see coming.

    Good ol' logic. Crushing religious beliefs one at a time.

    Funny how many people are in love with pancakes for beliefs.

  • 8 years ago

    To preserve the chosen line that salvation might be accomplished for those who look to Him for that.

    It is crushingly obvious.

    Atheist objections are unbelievably stupid. How such incredibly stupid people can think they are clever and even superior is itself beyond comprehension.

    Edit : If the cap fits then wear it. You prove the point.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    he was extremely drunk when he created the animals and couldn't remember what he did the following morning - which makes sense, because some of the animals, like whales, are examples of how god got it a bit topsey turvey

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