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GobyGirl asked in PetsFish · 8 years ago

How to make a extremely shy fish come out more?

I have 2 parrot cichlids in my 55 gal planted tank. There are plenty of hiding spots, I've made several caves out of rocks and there is a coconut decoration and cichlid stones also. Pinky is the first parrot I got and the biggest. When she was in the 30g she was always swimming around and never hid. When I added the smaller parrot they got along great and swam around together.

When I moved them to the 55gal the little one continued to swim around like before but pinky constantly hides! She stays in the coconut all day and night. I've even had to start using a turkey baster to target feed her bc she won't come out to eat. I read that having a school of slow moving peaceful dither fish or loaches will help them feel safe and will make them come out more. So I got 6 serpae tetra and 5 yoyo loaches. The smaller parrot "plays" with the loaches and is more active than ever but Pinky is still in her coconut. Any suggestions on what else I can do?? She's had plenty of time to adjust, they have been in the new tank for 3 months


Edit- Wow that was hilarious and such a brilliant answer! Ill go throw her in the pond out back.

Seriously kid, get a life or at least say something that's actually useful :)

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds strange to me, are you really sure that your newer Parrot didn't harass Pinky at all (maybe when you were not watching them?) because 'to me' it sounds as if Pinky is frightened to be hiding 24/7 and not even coming out for food. They 'can be' aggressive so i'm wondering if when you changed them over to the new Tank whether the newer one claimed the territory (completely)

    You could kind of test this theory out by putting in a Partition, place the newer Parrot in about a third of the tank ,wait for a while & see if Pinky comes out but. give it some time for Pinky to realise they are seperated. If Pinky eventually does come out and act 'normal' ,myself I would leave the Partition in place in the hope that he will gain some confidence & lay claim to part of the tank.

    I really don't think this Parrot is 'shy' (it wasn't before) I think it's frightened.

    That's what I would try ,We are not watching our Fish 24/7 and my strong gut feeling is Pinky has been harassed while you were not seeing this happen

    It's worth a try don't you think as it's not much of a life hiding in a cocnout shell 24/7?

    If Pinky did decide to appear,you have your answer, i would then leave the Partition in for some while but, not permanently then when it was removed I would really 'watch them'

  • 8 years ago

    The "playing" is most likely hunting. In any case, the yoyo is a very social animal that needs more than 5 to stay healthy and happy.

    Parrots, and pink. I'm assuming this is that weird hybrid fish then. Bit much 2 in a 55g. These guys reach 8 inches quite easily and can get really grumpy if they age. Is this an American style bare tank? Or is it decorated and maybe even planted? The serpae will need plants.

    Arrange some shelter, territorial boundries, maybe a few floating plants and see if that helps, it often does.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm going to start by saying I've never owned parrot cichlids and know very little about them specifically, but I had a VERY shy pleco do the same thing. I tried a lot of things so I'll just give you some suggestions that seemed to work for my plecos. Rearrange the tank and maybe add a few more hiding spots similar to her favorite one. I did that for my plecos as a last ditch effort to get him (Buddha) to come out and as crazy as it sounds, it seemed to work. He now can actually be seen frequently going from cave to cave and sometimes chilling on top of his rock caves. Also maybe try enticing her with favorite foods out in the open. Hopefully she comes out soon. It sucks having a shy fish. Good luck.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    that's probable stressing him out everytime and too a lot stress can decrease their immune equipment and lead them to extra at risk of affliction. The bowl i'm confident is extra helpful then the cup they save them in on the keep even though it nevertheless isn't what's ultimate for the fish they actually would desire to have a tank with heater and clear out.

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  • 8 years ago

    the shyness does stays for a while as i've gone through it many times , once with a rainbow shark , the other time with a betta and with a blue ram cichlid too.

    and you know what i used to get worried about them each and every time , i don't want to advice more as i think you would've cycled your tank.There isn't much to tell but what i CAN advice is..

    -do change the placement of the decorations.

    -turn off the lights for 2-3 days , that has worked with my RS.

    but it may seem a problem as you mentioned 3 months.

    check the hardness of your water if that may be a problem?

  • 8 years ago

    WELLLLLLLL if I were a fish, and some HUMAN put me in a glass prison, I would't want to come out and see their face every day!


    Source(s): i am nemo.
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