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ashlee. asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 8 years ago

I want my hair to be thick and healthy again!?

my hair is naturally really thick. last year I didn't like it, so I thinned it..a lot. now my hair is really thin (you can see through it at the bottom), and it's really damaged. whenever I run my hands through my hair in the shower, strands fall out. I told myself, "it'll thicken again. it always does." but it hasn't.

I need help. bad. how do I make my hair thick and healthy again?? I'm scared :(

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    First use a very good moisturizer shampoo and conditioner wash your hair but don't use your finger

    Use a comb or brush blow dry your hair and put oil in your hair to help the scalp cut your hair to like an a very short like boy short don't use any heat to curl or straighten because it will burn your hair and after a few weeks or months Your hair will start to grow Barack more hair and everything else you want

    Just keep using that shampoo and conditioner and every other month trim your hair for it to grow

    hope this help you

    Source(s): It happened to my friend
  • 8 years ago

    Get a trim to get rid of any see through ends. Start using a deep conditioner in place of regular conditioner every time you wash your hair to make it soft and silky again. To get your hair thick again, you will need to let it grow out and just cut off the thinner parts as your natural texture grows in. For future reference, if you want a hair cut to take the bulk out of your hair, get long layers don't thin it out. Thinning out the hair damages the texture by roughing up the cuticle. After you get out of the shower, apply a Moroccan Argan oil to your damp hair. This will leave it silky and frizz free.

  • 8 years ago

    Your hair had lost its life.My suggestion will be to go for chopping and apply nutrition treatments.

    And if that fall continues, it will lead to some patches on your head,so as soon as possible,go for a extreme makeover.and help ur hair regrowth again.

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