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What are specific reasons that Ron Paul and Rand Paul are "nutjobs"?

I see people saying often that they're "nutjobs" But that's the only evidence I see.

Can you cite links? Do you have anything other than "he's crazy"?

I guess standing up for civil liberties by opposing things such as killing non-combatant US Citizens or opposing the NDAA and Patriot Act, or wanting to audit the Fed and eventually dismantle it is "crazy".


Returning to the gold standard is a basic libertarian view and I've never heard Rand Paul support a gold standard. In fact, I'm more willing to say that he supports a goods system.

Update 2:

Liberal, you mean it didn't make him look sane because he stood up for the Constitution? By using a filibuster?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    People who have serious things to say don't use words like "nutjob," "retard," "tard," "sleazy Chicago thug," or "lesbian socialist liar."

    those are common epithets on YAPolitics. I don't take anyone seriously who uses words like those.

    I don't think either Paul are nutjobs, but I seriously disagree with their vision for America. Ron Paul bothers me more than Rand Paul.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    His foreign policy proves that he is either mentally insane or he hopes that Americans are mentally insane

    Read more about his isolationist policies and his willingness to bring back all the non-combatant troops from all over the world and therefor take away our influence which is the only reason why other countries use dollar for international transactions and which is the reason why Federal Reserve can operate and keep our economy strong and which is the reason why you can afford to buy a new toothbrush every month.

    If you haven't figured it out on your own already then it's about time.

    Stop messing with the Feds, they are not your enemy.

    Do not bring back the troops.We need them overseas.


  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Well for one bro, our debt is more than all the Gold in the world like 10 times over and we don't have much in the way of active Gold mines, but Russia does... so um I guess "going to a Gold standard" seems pretty nutty to me, but what do I know.....

    cough cough.... bubble bubble bubble... he he he he.....

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If you are not an establishment hack, then the media and the sheeple paint you as a "nutjob."

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Ron Paul; is batshit crazy because he believes we should return to the "gold standard" whereby each US dollar in circulation is "backed" by a dollars'-worth of gold in a warehouse somewhere....the reason this is "nuts" is that there is a finite amount of gold in the world, so (unless you impose strict, global population control) every time another human is born, each ounce of gold becomes worth "just a little more", which results in deflation (and the subsequent need to reduce everyone's wages every few weeks)...

    Rand Paul; is batshit crazy because he actually said, out loud, that the murder of FOUR Americans in Libya was "the worst tragedy since 9/11"—worse, for example, than 4,000 Americans killed in the pointless and costly war that followed 9/11...he also believes so devoutly that we are "Taxed Enough Already" that he leads the TEA Party, in spite of the reality that the average tax burden on Americans today is at its lowest since 1958, FIVE YEARS before he was even born!

    Source(s): Of course there IS always the possibility that neither Ron OR Rand are quite as stupid as these realities make them appear, but they just genuinely believe that YOU are too stupid to understand the facts...
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    They simply make way to much sense for the average American these days. And we both no liberals are even worse. In fact, liberals are the sworn enemy of anything that makes sense.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The recent filibuster didn't make him look anymore sane.

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