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Kelly asked in HealthDental · 8 years ago

Premolar Extractions? Please Help!?

I am 13 years old. I've had braces since the fourth grade and took them off last summer. But now my teeth aren't completely straight. I asked my ortho about it and he said if I want it to be completely straight I have to have 4 premolars extracted. But i'm so scared because i've been reading so many forums and such to find a majority of one answer but there are mixed opinions about them. I don't want my face to change, I don't want to have longterm effects, and I don't want to regret pulling them out. I asked him if this is the only way, he said its the only way, what should I do?

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would find another orthodontist. Extractions are the easiest and one of the more common ways of making space however there are alternatives. There are surgeries but they can be costly to have and nobody truly wants surgery. At your age it might still be possible to have expansion done instead of pulling teeth but it sounds like your ortho wants the easy way out.

    Source(s): Lots of research on the Internet.
  • 8 years ago

    It would be in your best interest to find an orthodontist who will do expansion instead of pulling perfectly good teeth to make room and causing facial disfigurement and possibly TMJ problems.

    Source(s): functional orthodontist
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