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  • Got water in ear while taking antibiotics for ear infection?

    While I was taking a shower, I accidentally got water in both ears and tried to lean to the side to shake it out, but both my ears hurt a bit afterward. I'm currently on the last day of taking antibiotics for an ear infection caused by getting water in my ear...what should I do? I hate antibiotics btw.

    1 AnswerFirst Aid7 years ago
  • HELP! My computer looks new when I turned it on?!?

    So I turned on my computer this morning and it loaded for a while, and when I finally logged in, it looks like a brand new computer. I have windows 8 btw. This has happened before but I solved that one with simply restarting my computer. But now it doesn't work :( I lost all my bookmarks, history, and everything. PLEASE HELP! Thank you

    4 AnswersDesktops7 years ago
  • I'm thinking about getting a cartilage piercing?

    So I always liked the look of cartilage piercings and I want one. So I did a bit of research, and some things kind of made me hesitate it. So it you have a cartilage piercing, can you answer the following questions?:

    1. I would get it done with a needle but IDK which places are the best to go. Can you name a few that you recommend?

    2. Do they let you choose your earring?

    3. Does it hurt?

    4. How would I take care of it?

    5. Is it true that if they hit a certain part of my ear, that side of the face will become paralyzed?

    6. Will going into the beach affect it? Like an infection?

    7. What happens if your hair gets tangled in it?

    Thank you so much!

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • Cuts on finger from basketball? PLEASE HELP! 10 pts?

    PLEASE READ! So I was playing basketball and all I did was dribble the ball and a cut the inside of my middle finger (on the palm side) and there was a piece of skin only holding on to one side so i took rubbing alcohol and sanitized a pair of nail clippers then cut off that piece of skin. I've never got a cut on the side of my palm before, under the skin is really red. Is this normal for the skin underneath to be really red? I already applied rubbing alcohol to the cut that night and applied neosporin and placed a bandage over it. I'm afraid it will get an infection? It is now the third day since that cut, should I still apply alcohol and neosporin with a bandage tonight?

    Plus, I also had really short nails before the game and when I caught the ball, it hit my finger and my nail bled, can it also get an infection? Will it grow back?

    1 AnswerInjuries7 years ago
  • Allure of the Seas: Are specialty restaurants free for those who own a suite?

    I remember reading somewhere that on allure of the seas, if you own a suite you get free spa services and free dining at specialty restaurants but I've been searching for the answer to confirm for a while now and can't find it. Has anyone been on allure of the seas and know the answer to this?

    1 AnswerOther - Caribbean8 years ago
  • HELP! I'm eating unhealthy and not exercising but I'm losing weight!?

    I eat normally, three late meals a day. I eat chips almost everyday, and I eat ice cream maybe two times a week? But I never exercise because I get too lazy but I'm losing weight and I'm a bit scared. I don't know how to gain that weight back because no matter what I eat, I don't gain weight but sometimes lose weight! For example, I ate Haagen Dazs and Popeyes but didn't gain any weight the next day

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Is there a way to get straight teeth without changing my face?

    I am thirteen. I just got my braces off last summer, i've had braces for 3 years. But they aren't completely straight, my ortho said to get my premolars extracted so I can get straight teeth. But then I saw the negative comments online so I crossed that out. Then someone offered rapid maxillary espansion and expanders but those will also change my face. I want to get straight teeth without teeth extractions, facial change, and surgery. Please Help!

    2 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • Possible Solutions for crowded teeth instead of premolar extractions?

    I'm thirteen and had braces since the 4th grade. So basically it's been a good three years of braces. I took them off last summer but they aren't completely straight. I asked my ortho about it and he said that the only way for my teeth to be completely straight is for me to get my premolars extracted. He said that way, I wouldn't have to take out my wisdom teeth later on in life. And it would be cost free except for the surgery of course. But i've been reading really negative comments about premolar extractions online and would like to know your opinion. Is there any possible solutions for crowded teeth instead of premolar extractions? I heard expanders are only for cross bites. And I don't want surgery. Please help!

    1 AnswerDental8 years ago
  • TMJ Problems after Premolar Extractions for braces? Facial Change?

    I'm thirteen and I had braces since the fourth grade. But after getting braces off last summer, I found that my teeth aren't completely straight. Since i've already had braces before, I asked my ortho about it. He said if I want it completely straight, I'd have to have 4 premolars extracted.He said i wouldn't need my wisdom teeth removed if I have 4 premolars extracted. I was pretty pumped about it but i don't know anymore. Tooth975 answered all of the premolar extraction questions, but really that person is the only extremely negative person. I don't know what to do! My ortho said that if I get my premolars extracted, my braces for the second time would be free and that a ton of people has done it before! I heard it will cause TMJ problems and pain in the longterm. I don't want to pay again to another ortho when I have already paid this ortho. Plus, he said that there is no other way

    1 AnswerDental8 years ago
  • Premolar Extractions? Please Help!?

    I am 13 years old. I've had braces since the fourth grade and took them off last summer. But now my teeth aren't completely straight. I asked my ortho about it and he said if I want it to be completely straight I have to have 4 premolars extracted. But i'm so scared because i've been reading so many forums and such to find a majority of one answer but there are mixed opinions about them. I don't want my face to change, I don't want to have longterm effects, and I don't want to regret pulling them out. I asked him if this is the only way, he said its the only way, what should I do?

    2 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • Korean Drama Lovers Out There? :)?

    So I'm sure a lot of you guys watched the popular KDramas such as: BOF, You're Beautiful, Playful Kiss, Coffee Prince, Secret Garden, etc. But Have you guys seen any of these dramas?:


    -Wife Returns

    -Dong Yi

    -Queen of Seonduk

    -Three Sisters

    **If you guys have seen any of these, leave your review of these dramas in the answer** and put your top 5 favorite korean dramas :) Thank you!

    2 AnswersKorea8 years ago
  • (Variety Show) Running Man Fun Quiz!! :D?

    So I made 3 other fun quizzes before and people asked me to do more, so here is one but it's not k-pop or idols, it is simply Running Man! :D Hehe let's get started!

    1) Who's your favorite Running Man member and why?

    2) Which Running Man episode is your favorite and why?

    3) Who would you like to join running man? (Name as much as you want)

    4) How long have you been a fan of running man?

    5) Who was your favorite guest?

    6) What game/segment do you like the most on running man (Bell Hide & Seek, Thief Card Game, Coffee Spoon Guessing, Singing Karaoke etc)?

    7) What do you think about each and every one of the members?

    8) Which pairing in running man do you like the most (Nae Dongsaeng oodi Hyung, Monday Couple, Ace and Tiger, Grasshopper and Ace, etc)?

    9) Where do YOU watch running man?

    10) Which episode of running man do you dislike the most and why?

    11) Who should be the next guest on running man?

    12) How did you find out about running man?

    13) Do you miss Song Joong Ki and Lizzy?

    14) Have you guys watched "Nice Guy/The Innocent Man"? It has Song Joong Ki AND Lee Gwang Soo!

    3 AnswersKorea9 years ago
  • This or that? (K-POP Version)! :D?

    I made two other quizzes, pretty recent and they have all different questions on both quizzes so i'm gonna make this one different as well :)


    1) 2ne1 or SNSD?

    2) Big Bang or Super Junior?

    3) SHINee or Big Bang?

    4) F(X) or Wonder Girls?

    5) Miss A or Wonder Girls?

    6) IU or Ailee?

    7) Se7en or Boa?

    8) 2pm or 2am?

    9) MBLAQ or Beast?

    10) DBSK or Super Junior?

    11) DBSK or Big Bang?

    12) SNSD or Wondergirls?


    13) That XX or One of a Kind? (G-Dragon songs)

    14) Genie or Gee? (SNSD songs)

    15) Good Day (IU) or Heaven (Ailee)?

    16) Forbidden Love or 0330? (U-Kiss)

    17) Lonely or Ugly? (2ne1)

    18) Don't Cry or You and I? (Park Bom)

    19) Bad Boy or Blues? (Big Bang)

    20) White love or Next day? (Seungri)

    21) Wings or Try Smiling? (Daesung)

    22) Flashback or Because of You? (After School)

    23) Better Together or Digital Bounce? (Se7en)

    24) I am the Best or Can't Nobody? (2ne1)

    25) My Heaven or Koe Wo Kikasete? (Big Bang)


    26) City Hunter or IRIS?

    27) BOF or Your Beautiful?

    28) Playful kiss or Coffee Prince?

    29) Nice Guy or Faith?

    30) Can You Hear my Heart or East of Eden?

    31) Dream High or Dream High 2?

    32) Dong Yi or Chuno?

    33) Fashion King or Love Rain?

    23) Feast of the Gods or King of Baking?

    24) Goong or Miss Ripley?

    25) Heartstrings or King 2 Hearts?

    26) Poseidon or Athena?

    27) Protect the Boss or Rooftop Prince?

    28) Scent of a woman or Dr. Jin?

    [Variety Shows]

    29) Family outing 1 or Family outing 2?

    30) Strong Heart or Star King?

    31) Strong heart or star golden bell?

    32) Running Man or Strong Heart?

    33) Running Man or Family outing 1?

    11 AnswersKorea9 years ago
  • Another Fun K-Pop Quiz for you K-POPPERS! :D?

    I have made one already but i'm gonna make another one :D Hehe

    1) What's your favorite company/entertainment? (YG, JYP, SM, LOEN, etc.)

    2) Ultimate Bias and why?

    3) Top 10 K-Dramas?

    4) How much do you love k-pop from 1-10? (1 being I don't really care for k-pop and 10 being k-pop is my life)

    5) Which k-pop idol(s) are very talented or have many skills in your eyes?

    6) Favorite K-pop songs at the time?

    7) Is/Was Gangnam Style crazy at your school?

    8) How many of your friends also like k-pop?

    9) Do your friends that don't listen/like k-pop make fun of you for listening to it?

    10) Top 5 male groups?

    11) Top 5 female groups?

    12) Favorite song from Big Bang?

    13) Favorite song from 2ne1?

    14) Favorite song from 2pm?

    15) Favorite song from Beast?

    16) Favorite song from G-Dragon?

    17) Favorite song from SNSD?

    18) Favorite song from SHINee?

    19) Favorite song from Super Junior?

    20) Favorite song from F(x)?

    21) Favorite song from Wonder Girls?

    22) Favorite song from Se7en?

    23) Favorite song from Ailee?

    24) Favorite song from IU?

    25) Favorite song overall?

    14 AnswersKorea9 years ago
  • Korean dramas like Giant?

    Korean dramas that have revenge/family as the main issue? Like:


    -Wife Returns

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersKorea9 years ago
  • Some K-pop Questions! :)?

    So I love K-Pop surveys/polls/questions so I'm gonna make one for you guys :)

    1) Favorite Boy band?

    2) Favorite girl band?

    3) Favorite male soloist?

    4) Favorite female soloist?

    5) Male bias?

    6) Female bias?

    7) Favorite kpop song(s)?

    8) What got you into k-pop?

    9) First song/band you listened to?

    10) First impression on kpop/Korean culture?

    11) What artist do you find yourself listening to the most?

    12) Best looking male idol?

    13) Best looking female idol?

    14) Favorite actor(s)?

    15) Favorite actress(es)?

    16) What do you think of G-Dragon's new songs: Crayon, Missing You, One of a Kind, That XX, Today etc.?

    17) Favorite member from SNSD and why?

    18) Favorite member from Big Bang and why?

    19) Favorite member from SHINee and why?

    20) Favorite member from 2pm and why?

    21) Favorite member from 2ne1 and why?

    22) Favorite member from super junior and why?

    23) Favorite Korean Drama(s)?

    24) Favorite korean variety show(s)?

    25) How long have you been listening to kpop/since you've been introduced?

    13 AnswersKorea9 years ago
  • Outstanding Korean Dramas?

    I have watched some korean dramas and I like K-Dramas with a good storyline without any switching lives or bad comedy. Here are some K-Dramas i have watched:

    -Giant (#1 Best drama ever, amazing storyline, very touching)

    -Wife Returns (#2 Amazing storyline as well, about revenge)

    -Dong Yi

    -Queen of Seonduk

    -You are my Destiny

    -Three Sisters

    -City Hunter

    -You're Beautiful


    Please don't list:

    -Coffee Prince

    -You're Beautiful


    -My Princess

    -Prosecutor Princess

    Thank you so much!

    3 AnswersKorea9 years ago
  • What are some good Hong Kong TVB Family Dramas?

    I have watched many Hong Kong dramas and i especially love Moonlight Resonance and Heart of Greed, some more:

    -The academy

    -On the first Beat


    -Dicey Business

    -Tiger Cubs

    -Witness Insecurity

    -The Brink of Law


    -Just Love ll

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerChina9 years ago
  • Where can I watch Infinity Challenge w/ Gdragon with Eng Subs?

    I would like to watch the NEW infinity challenge ep(s) that have g-dragon in them with eng subs? If they are not out yet, please tell me when they are gonna be out. Thank you!

    2 AnswersReality Television9 years ago