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Kelly asked in HealthDental · 8 years ago

Is there a way to get straight teeth without changing my face?

I am thirteen. I just got my braces off last summer, i've had braces for 3 years. But they aren't completely straight, my ortho said to get my premolars extracted so I can get straight teeth. But then I saw the negative comments online so I crossed that out. Then someone offered rapid maxillary espansion and expanders but those will also change my face. I want to get straight teeth without teeth extractions, facial change, and surgery. Please Help!

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 8 years ago

    I understand your concern about not changing your face.

    You're absolutely right about not extracting.

    If I were you I'd definitely choose maxillary expansion. Functionally and aethestically it makes the most sense.

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