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I'm thinking about getting a cartilage piercing?

So I always liked the look of cartilage piercings and I want one. So I did a bit of research, and some things kind of made me hesitate it. So it you have a cartilage piercing, can you answer the following questions?:

1. I would get it done with a needle but IDK which places are the best to go. Can you name a few that you recommend?

2. Do they let you choose your earring?

3. Does it hurt?

4. How would I take care of it?

5. Is it true that if they hit a certain part of my ear, that side of the face will become paralyzed?

6. Will going into the beach affect it? Like an infection?

7. What happens if your hair gets tangled in it?

Thank you so much!

2 Answers

  • 1. You can find a refutable piercer at any good tattoo shop

    2. They should have a selection of different jewelry for you to choose from and should be included in the price of your piercing.

    3. It won't be painless but it only lasts a second.

    4. Sea salt soaks 2-3 times a day. Mix 1 teaspoon SEA salt(no table salt, its iodized and doesn't have any antiseptic properties) to 8oz(1cup) warm water. Submerge your piercing in this solution for 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a day.

    5. No, there aren't any facial nerves in your ear.

    6. Going to the beach shouldn't be a problem as long as its the ocean or a sea, swimming in salt water will actually help your piercing. Pools and freshwater are what you want to avoid.

    7. It could irritate it but shouldn't be hard to handle.

    Source(s): Professional
  • 7 years ago

    Go to the places where the person doing the piercing has a license to do body piercing modifications,

    Yes they let you choose the earring, you just have to pay for the earring.

    That depends on your tolerance level for pain.

    I don't think so.

    It might depending on how well you keep your piercing clean and taken care of.

    If your hair gets tangled you should have some help to get the tangle out.

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