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Boo-Bottle asked in PetsDogs · 8 years ago

Trying to pick a dog.?

me and my partner are trying to pick a nice small dog. we like to be able to pick up and sit on our laps. though i love toy/teacup dog my partner profers a littlw bigger. we've both been raised up with Jack Russels Terriers and though loving the breed they are waay to hypo and i have a 4 year old baby brother who understands how to treat dogs but we would be worried with a hypo dog round him.

we like yorkies and cockers. but internet and research say house training is more harder as there stubbon dogs. we would get from a puppy age.

we have had exsperience with a chihuahua which we resuced before which was hards due to the fact he hatted being by him self. he edventually went to a lady of a mannor and is better fed the queen.

any advice or suggestions will be appeeciated.

sorry for the spelling.

10 Answers

  • Janian
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Are there any training classes or dog shows in your area?

    If so, go to those and speak to the owners of the breeds you are interested in. This will give you a better idea, they will also be able to recommend breeders to you.

    Make sure you have lots of time to train and exercise the dog.... a tired dog is fine, but a dog without enough exercise can be trouble!

    Just a word of warning.... 'teacup' dogs, do not really exist, you are just been sold the runt of the litter which is likely to have health problems. Don't buy from anyone who uses the word 'teacup'.... unless they're offering you tea of course.

  • 8 years ago

    I owned GSD"S for twenty years, although big and shed a lot, they are easy to train. For the past fourteen years I have owned Jacks, yes they are hyper and a bit stubborn and I have heard not good with kids (we don't have any) but the breeder I got them from brought up two sons that were Junior showmen with the Jacks so I guess anything is possible, so if a child knows how to handle them I guess it's ok. And if you have land they pretty much exercise themselves. We have a dogie door and five acres so other than being in for the night they go in and out all day and surprisingly they do spend quite a bit of time indoors sleeping.

  • Pamela
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The local animal shelter has plenty of pre owned dogs.

    Most are just gently used, come with shots,spaying and neutering, and will give years of Love in return for just giving them a warm comfortable home.

    Some are pretty well used and will take some TLC but will make a great friend for you an BF.

    Consider taking a drive and giving one a test run in your home for the next 10 years or so.

  • 5 years ago

    1.) size. Predominant when for the reason that lifestyle and dwelling area. We prefer indoor puppies, and we survive a busy street so we cannot/are too paranoid to allow them to run additional than their 20ft potty chains. We additionally journey lots so a canine 25 lbs and under is excellent for RV traveling. Our RV is luckily enormous sufficient to accomodate three puppies below 25 pounds. 2.) Pet first-rate or exhibit great? A "pet nice" canine may just develop greater or smaller than a "exhibit excellent" canine. It can be ordinary for a pet satisfactory dog to be practically double the show commonplace. My "maltipeke" is considered a pet first-class canine and on normal they are 10 kilos. Mine weighs 24 kilos and he is very tall for his breed. Three.) Is pedigree foremost? Do you fairly have got to have an AKC registered canine. We've got one AKC pup and two "novelty breeds" on the grounds that we just want pet fine. Pedigree charts do have advantages due to the fact mostly health problems can also be traced easier, but are quite best useful when you plan to breed. 4.) Do you've got any allergy symptoms, or need minimal shedding? If so, a single lined canine is more superb. 5.) Do you might have young children/have small children discuss with? Some breeders discourage households with small children from getting a small canine. Base your determination on the power stage of kids who're in/who consult with the apartment. A small canine may not be able to control rough play of a small baby who does not comprehend any better.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Hi, and there are alot of nice small-sized dogs to choose from.

    You have the Toy Poodle, that comes in alot of beautiful colours, and are very intelligent dogs. They shed hair very little so you wont have to be doing alot of vacumming.

    Pomeranians, to me they look a bit similiar to a fox. They are very cute but can be a bit shy and wary of strangers. They come in many colours and have long hair.

    There is the Maltese, a very beautiful dog. They have a wonderful long white coat.

    You can try searching up small dogs on google if you want more info. There are alot of beautiful breeds of small dogs out there. And good luck on finding your dog!

  • Kirbee
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Stay away from the toys - they are yappy. Tea cups are just tiny inbred dogs with alot of health issues.

    Cockers are NOT hard to housetrain. They are high maintaince with grooming and are prone to ear infections BUT they are LOYAL as hell and never run off. Mine stick to me like glue. If you keep their ears clean from the beginning, you usually don't run into chronic issues.

    I LOVE the Springer - larger but alot less grooming, no ear issues. Great size for kids. And my springer would sit on your lap! lol- all 55 lbs of him...

    I have 8 Chis but don't usually recommend them with kids - too fragile unless you get a Chi-Terrier.

    Then there's the MUTT - you can never go wrong with the mixed breed.

    Good luck.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Avoid all the teacup "breeds". They are just poorly bred mutts from BYBs.

    Try the Italian Greyhound, or perhaps the Toy Poodle.

    Source(s): Breeder of Champion and Working Newfoundlands.
  • 8 years ago

    This dog is very rare and I doubt you'll find one but they are the cutest things In dog life I have one it's an dogo argentino these dogs are born to protect you like all dogs but these dogs are born to kill don't freak out!!!! A dog grows up to how you raise it they are bigger and larger than any other dog and are really great with kids if you have any google them they are really worth it, they are white with spots when first born but the spots fade away when the over coat starts to grow.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    consider a bug a very loving fun breed that's a lap dog.

  • 8 years ago

    Pick the dog that you like for who the dog is, no need to be so racist about it.

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