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Why most of the UFO incidents are noticed in the US only?

here is the list of reported UFO sightings

most of them are from US which makes it doubtful.

why US or Europe is their favorite area to visit again and again?

As they are very frequent visitors to US then why cant they take the photographs of the so called UFO's?

why their sightings are becoming more and more as we move from 19th century to 21st century ?

Is there some thing called area 51?


@Miss H : can you suggest me some more reliable source than wiki as their information is based on the research done and the references are given below the page of every information" then how can you say its not reliable, and can u please explain what the area 51 is all about ?

11 Answers

  • Robert
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    because thats where your army tests its secret weapons and aircraft systems and wants to keep them secret and they stir up ufo rumours, they probably take a lot of fake pics and start these wierd rumors! your govt loves a good conspiracy, if aliens actually found us in this vast cosmos, would they not at least announce themselves and say howdy?

    you also have the most pot smokers with cameras and hollywood sci fi fans-do the math, 2 improbabilities exist both are crazy, which one is less crazy? Occams razor principle here dude!

    area51 is a top secret airforce base where they will capp anyone not meant to be there, govt denies it but they deny lots, remember watergate and bill clinton's bj?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    And Wikipedia is such a trusted, accurate source, right?

    Actually, the US government denies UFO appearances whereas other countries (former Soviet Republic, Mexico, India, UK, etc) report them and even have special agencies that handle the sightings and investigate them.

    No, the US and Europe is not a UFOs "favourite hang out." I suggest you do more research.

    How often do you have a camera or video camera with you? Most people don't and mobile phone footage is often not very good.

    The reason why is may seem like there are more UFOs now than in the past is that more people are aware of it and the media is reporting on it more. We also have the internet where any video, photo, etc can be put up at any time to tell the world what someone saw.

    Yes, Area 51 is very real.

    Again...please do your research...and look at something more credible than Wiped.

  • 8 years ago

    I am American, so maybe I can help (a bit).

    Area 51 is a detachment of an air force base in Nevada, and the reason it is mentioned so often is because there are number of conspiracy theories surrounding it, several having to do with aliens. Therefore, it has been used a lot in pop culture.

    I can't really explain why we have more UFO sightings (if we do as you say). The number likely increased through the years as the concept of UFOs became more well-known, with more sci-fi novels and the creation of the internet. A lot of people either want their fifteen minutes of fame, or they are just deluded.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    America covers a lot of ground and it makes sense that if one UFO is seen over France then maybe ten would be over a landmass 8 timesnthe size of France. There is no official place called area fifty one. But there is groom lake which is known as area 51. A top secret base an no one can tell you what goes on out there because we don't know. And like the article says it is a partial list of sightings. The one we saw in Texas isn't mentioned.

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  • 8 years ago

    There are also many outside the US, right?

    why their sightings are becoming more and more as we move from 19th century to 21st century ?

    Well, more people got camera, more people report them.

    Area 51 is exist. It's an air force base 83 miles (133 km) north-northwest of Las Vegas.The base's current primary purpose is officially undetermined; however, based on historical evidence, it most likely supports development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems.

    why US or Europe is their favorite area to visit again and again?

    Well, as i said before, maybe people in Europe and US got more camera.. For example: in Africa most people don't have camera, so even they see a UFO, they do nothing and most probably don't report it.

    Sorry if it's not the answer you looking for...

  • 8 years ago

    Actually most of the UFO sightings and abductions are around europe. Area 51 is an american military base in the state of nevada. Ufo crashed in small town of roswell. American military came in and covered it up. Been a huge phenomenom ever since.

  • 8 years ago

    I can think of a few reasons:

    1 The US is the main global market for cocaine, heroin and other mind-altering drugs

    2 The US is by today's standards a rather religious country, and therefore inclined to believe the ridiculous

    3 There is a great deal of aircraft, weather balloon and similar activity in US airspace.

  • 8 years ago

    Probably because these are the areas where people are most likely to think they might see a UFO therefore whether it is one or not they're more likely to report it.

  • 8 years ago

    I think it is mainly due to the fact that so many people take photos and video of what they think is evidence of UFO's. American's are dumb (an opinion of mine). More and more sightings gained coverage after the 1950's as the culture started to become more into science and space.

    Source(s): Just an opinion
  • 8 years ago

    <QUOTE>Why most of the UFO incidents are noticed in the US only?</QUOTE>

    Hint: most TV shows featuring UFOs (i.e. science fiction) are aired in the US; coincidentally, the aliens in those TV shows also speak English.

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