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jdman13 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Is it not ironic that liberals are demonizing Republicans over gay marriage?

The reason gay marriage is a hot topic item right now is mainly because of two major deals being decided by the Supreme Court.

The first issue is Prop 8, which started in 2008 over a bill that banned gay marriage in California, a state that in that year voted overwhelming democratic across the board including a landslide victory for Obama in that state. The very same people voted for the ban of gay marriage.

The second is DOMA, a bill signed into law by Bill Clinton.

So Republicans are being demonized over gay marriage even though the Supreme Court is currently deciding whether to vote in favor of gay marriage by overturning two things liberals did.

Don't liberals make politics fun?

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not just gay marriage. Liberals demonize, belittle, and namecall anybody who isn't in their way of thinking over any issue. Since they have absolutely no unbias facts, figures, stats, or history to fall back on, they must try to bring the opposition down as low as they can and start finger pointing. This plays on the emotion of their ilk who just puke the same talking points as their ilk have been given. If you don't believe me, just listen to several different sources on the same subject, they will be repeating the same lines.

  • 8 years ago

    Whoever told you all liberals are demonizing all Republicans is a liar who was lying to you.

    Anyone who has any brain at all can see the distinction between disagreeing with a position and demonizing.

    Deals? Do you mean CASES? Yes, those cases caused marriage equality to have a large share of public discourse recently.

    No, MOST of the people who voted for Obama did NOT vote for prop 8 (which barely won). Also, as everyone who isn't completely divorced from reality knows, attitudes on this issue have been changing very quickly. Now, 60% or more Californians support marriage equality.

    Yes, Clinton signed DOMA, but it was PASSED by the Republican-led Congress. And that was decades ago.

    It's simply a lie that NO Republicans had any role in doing either of those things.

    Don't wing-nut morons EVER get tired of being WRONG about EVERYTHING?

  • 8 years ago

    The Obama administration refused to defend DOMA so Republicans are defending it before the Supreme Court. Clinton believes DOMA should be repealed.

    Prop 8 is being defended by conservatives/Republicans before the Supreme Court.

    Stick to the facts and try not to attack liberals for correctly describing the Republican position.

  • 8 years ago

    Much of the funding for the prop 8 campaign came from the Mormon church, definitely a conservative group. DOMA was passed by a republican controlled congress with a large enough majority to override Clinton if he did veto it

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Democrats have the brains to change their mind when it is shown that they are wrong. Democrats no longer support DOMA, and the defense of DOMA is being conducted by the House Republican Party, at a cost of $3 million to the taxpayers. I think that is worth demonizing them for.

  • 8 years ago

    It Conservatives alienating every non-white, non-christian, non-straight voter, makes politics fun for me. They must all be foot fetishists, they way they keep sticking them in their mouths and all. I voted against Prop 8 and never supported DOMA, FYI.

  • 8 years ago

    It is not Ironic, you need to learn the definition of that word.

    Kind of funny, the GOP's argument against gay marriage is because it might require the change of a word's definition, yet you're unclear of the definition of another word......

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

    Can't make an angel out of a fundamentally intolerant Republican that defies human freedom.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Who paid for those political campaigns?

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