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How can I overcome my sins (Christians only)?

I've been struggling with three kinds of sins that I can't seem to overcome. I constantly repent with a genuine desire to serve Jesus, but I find that these sins have quite a hold on me. The first sin I have trouble with is swearing. I don't swear often, but one bad word a day is no better than an entire day of swearing. The second sin is lying. Though I don't want to lie, I just do it, without even thinking about it. And finally, my last and probably worst sin would be pornography and all that entails it. I don't think I've gone a day without it. What can I do about these sins? I've asked Jesus for help, I've been baptised in the Holy Spirit and in water, I've prayed David's prayer, I've done so many things in order to stop. What must I do?

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you have been baptised in the Spirit you would have spoken in tongues .. this draws on God's Spirit "of power, love and a sound mind", so are you doing that?

    Next is to get involved with a church where all members have this, so they are living by the Spirit of God, not "the flesh" which is weak. This will help your vision, help you appreciate your potential and use what you have got.

    You will still have to be disciplined, choosing to seek God rather than giving your strength to "the flesh".

    If you walk towards something (God) your appreciation will increase and what you have turned your back on (the problem) will decrease.

    I hope you visit us:

  • 8 years ago

    All Christians struggle with sin at some point. Check out Romans 7: 14-25. Paul struggled with sin too. Though, I am not trying to justify sinning. It's good that you want to stop. Praying to help overcome your temptations is a good first step. To start, everytime you swear, immediately pray for forgiveness and reword the sentence. The more you do that, the easier it will be to use different words instead. Don't even swear in your head. If you do, do the same thing. Reword it a better, more Christian like way. Soon you will stop yourself before you swear, even if you were about to think it.

    When it comes to lying, I don't do that much, but I do lie sometimes, even if it is a white lie. A lie is a lie. Try and think before you speak. Say, if you did something wrong, admit it, but think first. Try to train yourself to develop new habits that are more edifiying and expedient (1 Corinthians 10:23).

    As soon as you are tempted to watch pornagraphy, stop youself and pray that God take away the temptation. Pray for a minute or two. Listen to a hymn or two. Read your Bible also helps. You might think it won't help, but if you develop the habit to do something else instead, it will get easier.

    Here is a good sermon for more help on these issues. Please take a look.

    This one may help too.

    Understand that this is a constant battle between the Spirit and the flesh. But it will get easier to control so long as you keep at it. Remember what Paul said to the Corinthians.

    "There hath no temptation taken you but such is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it]."

    God will provide a way out. You just have to look for it and take the chance as soon as possible. Keep moving forward.

    I really hope this helps you. Please, if you need to, email me and I will do what I can.

    Source(s): Bible (KJV)
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I can offer some advice. For the swearing wear a rubber band on your wrist. When you cuss snap your wrist with the rubber band. That will make you think before speaking. For the other 2 you must be sure to surround yourself with people who are also Christians to make sure you are not tempted. If need be give your computer to a friend to hold onto until you can control the urge to go to porn websites.

    Most important learn to forgive yourself. Get involved with some volunteer work. You will find your life has meaning.

  • 8 years ago

    Everytime say spirit of anger (or lust or pornography or resentment) in the name of Jesus Christ I command you in Jesus name to get out of my life and go to the feet of Jesus. And then pray for anyone you are angry at, lusting after, etc. You know pray that they will be ok or not bad. I saw it on EWTN and tried it for anger and it really worked. I suppose you could do it for lying to. This prayer is if you feel you are being harrassed by evil spirits. Don't go looking for them, but if you feel they are bothering you.

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  • 8 years ago

    No man is without sin.

    Repent and invite Jesus into your life which you say that you already have. Express sorrow for your sins

    and pray.

    Visit us at

  • 8 years ago

    Sinning is going to happen from time to time, but if you find yourself in terrible sinning addictions the Lord is always there to help.

    Just know all sins are completely forgiven the moment you put your faith into Jesus Christ for eternal life. =)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    i cant tell you what to do .. cleaning your mouth up is probably the least of your worries i feel you have a genuine desire to accomplish that and God will lead you .. i sense disobedience on the other though .. obey what God has told you, and i pray that He reveals to you the true nature of what your involved in there ...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Continue to read the Word and surround yourself with wise council, those who will lovingly correct you and inspire you to strive towards godliness.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There was a very long period in my life that I was far away from God even though I knew Him well, to start with. But I want to tell you one thing and that is that, Jesus never gave up on me. I look back and I realize that even in my darkest moments, where I was in sin, as drunk as a skunk, denying my Lord, doing things that I knew were wrong. He never left me, He was always there. He came after me, He cared for me. I should have been killed many times, many times, but He kept me alive because He is good and He cared for me. And then He turned my life upside down, because He cared for me.

    It took many years for me to realize that the rainbow that I was chasing was foolishness, and then eventually when I crawled back to Jesus, (because I crawled back), and I said:"Lord, if You will take me back, then I WANT to come back, but I don't deserve anything." He accepted me and He drew me in!

    Dear friend, it doesn't matter how far you have fallen, Jesus cares for you and HE HASN'T GIVEN UP ON YOU AND HE WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU, until the very end. But we don't know when the end will be and if we are away from the Father's house when we die, then it will all be in vain. The door is standing wide open and He is calling you and me into His house. He loves us. He is not judging you, He is not rejecting you. He is waiting for you, eagerly, for you to come home. It is up to you, friend, to come home. Jesus is waiting for you. Don't wait any longer. Don't look back, don't think of what things used to be like, come back to the Father's house. He is waiting for you. Don't wait too long.

    When the prodigal son came home his father said:"My son who was dead, has come back to life!" He wants you to come back to life, my friend. He is waiting for you. Don't let anything stop you. JESUS HAS NEVER GIVEN UP ON YOU, NEVER, but don't waste it any longer. Go to Him right now, say:"Lord, please take me back!" and He will gladly accept you back.

    If you have backslidden, if you have gone away from Jesus, He is waiting for you. I am so glad that He never quit on me and that is why I can tell you, HE HASN'T QUIT ON YOU, MY FRIEND!

    Call out to Jesus, He is waiting for you!

    May Jesus bless you.

  • 8 years ago

    You sound like an average human being to me, I really think you should stop feeling guilt unnecessarily because of your religion.

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