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food trends in the 1920s! Health and nutrition?!?

I am doing an essay about food trends in the 1920's and I need facts or advances on health and nutrition!!!

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the 1920's, the science of nutrition was just coming into vogue. Vitamins A B,C,D and E were discovered, and fruits and vegetables were added to the list of foods that everyone would add to a balanced diet. The fictitious Betty Crocker was invented, and people bought her cookbook and cooked. Large chain grocery stores opened, so people had easy access to fresh food. Gerber baby food was introduced making feeding babies easier. People started drinking more milk, and dieting became more and more popular, as women wanted to keep their hourglass figures.

    The book excerpt I provided has plenty of information on the subject.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well, to start off I think ALL of these issues need attention and are important, but I feel that health care should be first priority. I am on a poverty level. I am college educated, but mental illness and being bipolar has taken me down to this level. I worked 40 -65 hours a week for over 10 years. The stress level became so great, I just could no longer function. Which in turn made me lose my job, then eventually my existence. All because I could not afford health insurance to get the medicines that I needed to function. I used all the free medicine programs offered by drug companies like Merch, Bristol Meyers Squibb etc., but even those ALL have a top outs of a year or so. Then I utilized all the sliding scale clinics that would take me, then they too exhaust after a period. So there I was sleeping 4 hours every 4 days, trying to raise a child, no medicine/ or insurance, working 50 hours a week to simply afford daycare and neglecting my own needs just to keep up. People wonder how could a mother like Andrea Yates could murder her 3 kids... I see how it could happen easily, when you are in a depressed or mental state the aggitation and stress become unbareable. How many more tragedies will we have to see before America realizes that Health Care should NOT be an option! It should be mandatory. We seem to only open our eyes to this when these incidents happen directly to us or "our" family, then it may be too late.. So when a school bus driver or teacher losses it and YOUR child is involved, remember that everyone around us being healthy does effect us on some level.. So I am on social security disability, live in Los Angeles I pay my rent out of my check and have less than $160 a month to live on. Yes it is hell, but I get medicare to cover my meds and now I sleep at least once every 2 days, can see a doctor when I am flipping out instead of just driving around like I did at 4:00 am before.. Also, I want to say that I am 35 years old, female, and WHITE, not a minority. Everyone wants to believe that everyone "working" the system is a minority. Yes, there are a lot of people "using" the system. Although I don't see how that can be too fun. I barely make ends meet and go 2 days without eating because my power bill has to be paid. It is sad that people want to label me as "lazy" or a "welfare moms" . If they had the slightest idea how low and how manic and aggressive I have been in the past unmedicated, they would not speak. You truly walk in anyones shoes you have no idea what their "true" story is.... So education, nutrition, housing etc those are symptoms, of an unsound individual.. A positive healthy, sound, spiritual person will some how make a way.. So to be able to get to that point for all humans would be a blessing..

  • 8 years ago

    I could help you start off your research by looking up Nutrition Breakthroughs and Health too.

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