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Warren D asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 8 years ago

Do you like my tribute to Hanoi Jane?

Hello Jane

Hello, Jane, I think I heard you say,

“I made a mistake, back in another day”

You thought it so funny to aim that gun

They smiled, you smiled, it was all in fun

You said that later, you knew you were a fool

Aid and comfort to an enemy just isn’t cool

Sober thought, isn’t it? When you come to your senses

The insults you rendered to your nation’s defenses

You cried and you said “Now I know it was wrong”

But somewhere before, haven’t I’ve heard such a song?

Benedict Arnold,you remember that traitor?

He betrayed his nation and repented it later

Oh, Jane, how could you? Do you think we’d forget?

That anti-air gun that was aimed toward our jet?

The men you betrayed at the POW place?

Who remembered you well, can’t forget that face .

“Barbarella,” they said, remembering the movie

The face and the body they though was so groovy

A daughter they knew of a much-beloved actor

A sweetheart they thought, based on that factor

You want us to forgive, to put all behind,

But secretly I think you wish we were blind.

Well, Jane, you asked for it, so forgive you I will

We all make mistakes, this one’s your bitter pill

I forgive, but won’t forget, I know that I should

But my heart won’t forget, I wish that it could

What’s done is done, it will never be right

What you should do now is stay out of my sight

Out of my sight, out of sound out of mind

And someday just someday I may be able to find

The peace that you cried for and now that’s your thirst

But, Jane, you should have thought of it first.

What’s done is done, that gun was no toy

It was part of the weapons defending Hanoi

The gun, the helmet that stupid little grin

Was all a part of that long ago sin

Keep trying, Jane. Keep saying you’re sorry

We’ll listen, we’ll think, we will, don’t you worry

And maybe someday in another space and age

You’ll get your forgiveness and we’ll all turn the page

It’s over, now Jane. The war, it’s too late

We’ve no more energy, that it takes to hate

Your beauty has faded, as mine has I fear

And Jane, for us both, eternity is too near.

Goodbye, Jane, I’m glad I heard you say,

“I made a mistake, back in another day”

There’s no more water, the well has run dry

Goodbye, you’re forgiven. Just don’t ask us why.


Somehow I don't think the leftists will like this one very much.

I don't hate Jane Fonda--I actually feel rather sorry for her--but I very much dislike what she did.

Update 2:

The anti-aircraft gun was--as she said--a silly little stunt. The part I have a lot of trouble with was her visits to the POW camps and reporting an attempt by one of the Americans held there to get a message to his family. He was punished by the North Vietnamese for doing that. Ask any ex-POW what they think of her and you will get an earful.

Thanks for responding, firecat. I answer more than I ask. I need occasional inspiration to wax poetic--I don't have your gift of spontaneity, I need to get silly or angry or crazy and it doesn't happen as often as it should.

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah, right! I was born when Rolling Thunder 1965 was in its third year, and the Pentagon must've been as timid as the vast majority of Yashar-El's scouts investigating the Promised Land (Numbers 13), much to REAL Patriots' consternation. My sympathy's with the Free Viets who had to flee Southeast Asia on account of Comrade Fonda and not a few of her Hollywood co-conspirators.

    Know this furthermore: There are some out there who will not be satisfied until Fonda is burned - and some of the aforementioned co-conspirators with her - not at the stake, but in the the twin F119-PW-100 afterburners of an F-22, for that and other flagrant violations of Article III., Section 3, of the CONSTITUTION, in wartime yet - normally a firing-squad offence in the Military.

  • 8 years ago

    This poem brought the sting of tears to my eyes.

    Well I remember that war. And remember the events of Hanoi Jane.

    Like I said to all the hippies then, having a sit-in at college, "Nuke Hanoi" It would have been the biggest military 'bluff' of all time.

  • Tigger
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    That is a wonderful poem! I don't remember the incidents during that war but I have read about it since'.

  • 8 years ago

    OMG I just learned the story behind this wow. Great poem my friend a rare treat to see one from you!

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