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A question for mormons?

How do you deal with the lack of physical evidence supporting the claims that Joseph Smith made?


Lack of evidence for walled cities

Update 2:

Lack of evidence for walled cities

Update 3:

Lack of a lot of things that the book of mormon claims

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    One of my customers was telling me about how great it was to be a Mormon.

    He gave me a copy of the "Most Correct Book Ever Written" (their 'Book of Mormon') . I was supposed to read it cover to cover but only managed to get about 5 pages into it before I realized it was bogus.

    The guy who made this story up did not know ANYTHING about North and South American History, hence , none of the stories in his book even remotely match known History of the 2 Continents. He wrote about animals like Horses, Pigs, Elephants , Cattle, ect, ect , none of which occurred here till well after Christopher Columbus got here in 1492. Also plants like Cotton, Wheat, and metals like steel and Iron.

    His knowledge of religion was very limited as well . Even today, NONE of the mainstream churches recognize the Mormon Doctrines as being authentic, most notably, the Doctrine of "Eternal Progression" , which can be summed up with a saying by Brigham Young: "As man is, God once was, and , as God is, man may become". Broken down this means that "God" is part of the creation and is Himself a created being with Parents and Grandparents ect. ect. and not the CREATOR of EVERYTHING that exists and who alone deserves our Praise and Worship . We are the literal offspring of this "Heavenly Father" and one of his heavenly wives and if we are obediant to the rules of the church (The Gospel) then we get to attain Godhood for ourselves.

    This ,of course, is a big insult to The Almighty God who has always existed and knows EVERYTHING, and can do ANYTHING.

    Be very careful when dealing with these people. Your eternal well being is at stake. Dont let anyone tell you to just pray for a warm feeling and take their word for it.


    I wish you well.


  • Neerp
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    What evidence? The events in the BofM took place between 600BC and 420AD. There are very few remains dating that far back for any civilization, and the ones that we have found are unidentifiable. The exception might be the Olmecs - we know a little about them, and they existed at about the same time the Jaredites did. They lived so long ago that we have very little "evidence" for them, certainly not enough to be able to tell if they were Jaredites, Nephites, or what they were.

    Show me evidence for civilizations that existed back then that have been proven to *not* be from the people depicted in the Book of Mormon.

    Next time, don't go to some anti-Mormon website and read it, believe it, and then come here posting their "questions". They almost always get it wrong, and believing what they try to tell you is a good way to embarrass yourself.

  • Fulano
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Why do you want physical evidence for spiritual things?

    There is plenty of physical evidence for those who want it, but if all you want are weaknesses, that's all you'll see.

    Either way, if you pray and ask God with real intent you can receive the strongest evidence you can find. It would surpass all the physical evidence the world could provide. That's why we know this Church is God's true church. We believe because God has shown us his truth.

  • Kerry
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Have you not seen the architectural evidence of many North, Central and South American ancient civilizations?

    How do YOU deal with the fact that in spite of all of this "evidence" you and others still refuse to accept it and find excuse after excuse to explain it away?

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  • 8 years ago

    There is no lack of evidence to augment my FAITH that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.

    Besides, there is little real scientific evidence that the BIBLE is the word of GOD.

  • Ammon
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    How do blind critics of

    The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ

    deal with their extreme lack of evidence against

    The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ

    when it comes to archaeological evidence???

    Have the critics of

    The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ

    dug up every square inch of land down a hundred feet at least

    in every place in the American Hemisphere in North, South and Central America???


    Then where is your supposed archaeological evidence against

    The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ???


    There is none. Because YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE TO DIG.

    And neither does any other critic of

    The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ.

    Therefor when anyone anywhere anytime asserts that archeology proves

    The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ

    is not true, whoever is saying that is doing something...

    that something is called lying to you.

    Why would you believe known liars who have knowing lied???

    They have lied about archaeological evidence because they don't know where to dig.

    THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints

    has not disclosed that information.

    Therefor the critics of

    The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ

    are lying.

    God gave you a brain therefor He meant for you to use it.

    Logic is something that you should use to think with.

    Stop thinking irrationally and in a slovenly slop-gut manner, and instead

    think in a sensible rational logical manner. This will help you greatly in life

    not only when it comes to learning more about

    The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ

    but about a lot of other things as well.

    Use the brain that God gave you. That is why God gave you the brain

    that He gave to you. Use the noodle, that is what it is there for.

    Stop believing in illogical irrational lies no matter what subject you are considering.

    Because that is the way God wants you to think, the honest logical way,

    not the absurd pathetic nonsensical irrational way.

    Jesus Christ is the truth. And the truth is Jesus Christ. Chat.

    God bless.

  • 8 years ago

    Mormons dont believe there is a lack of evidence. They believe his letters he wrote is evidence, and believe what he says, and his explanation for lack of evidence (He said angels told him to rebury the golden plaits etc).

    Source(s): My Dad's a bosting homophobic jugeful mormon, who forced me to go to church for years.
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