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Summer Babysitting Rates?

I will likely be babysitting for three different families on set days this summer, and I would like some input as to what I should accept to be compensated. I do not drive, and I live in the suburbs of a moderately sized city.

Family 1

2 days a week, 4 hours each

5 year old girl

Family 2

1 day a week, 4 hours

3 year old boy, 6 year old boy

Family 3

1 day a week, 4-8ish hours, we haven't discussed yet

6 year old boy, 8 year old boy


1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The younger the children are the more you should charge because you have to give them concent attetion for the older ones not so much they can basicallly watch themselves. Around $10 and hour would be good i would personally charge less for the 3rd family since they are older but the Family 2 i would charge a little more since there is a 3 year old.

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