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Am I a despicable person?

So, here's the story;

A friend of mine, not that close but still a friend, was dating this guy. I was so happy for her as she seemed content and full of joy. One day she brought him with her and introduced me. She knew of a job opening where he worked and they told me to look into it. This guy was cute but I didn't think my type. And I thought I noticed a certain look in his eyes when he looked at me but I didn't think much of it.

Often I would ask my friend, how it's going with him and that they were cute together etc. And I was really, genuinely happy for her.

As for me I was not even remotely looking for romance at that time. In fact I just wasn't interested in dating at all.

A few weeks later, I'm at a dance and that guy is there. We dance, as friends and he is very sweet and easy to get along with. Later that night, he finds and chats me up. I get that feeling again that he kinda likes me and I try to keep it friendly. By the end of the night he asks if I'm still looking for a job and that we could network through Facebook.

So, I think he'd make a good friend and how cool would it be if he could me a job!?

The next day or so, we're Facebook friends now and he is messaging me. Never about work but he's seeming flirty. When I'm sure he's not just being "friendly" anymore,and asks me on a date, I withdraw a bit and he asks if he's made me uncomfortable. I tell him, "I just thought you and my friend were together...?" He tells me, "No, it ended" I make it known I enjoy chatting with him but wouldn't feel comfortable going on a date just yet. So he says, how about just getting to know each-other then?" Seems harmless enough and, not wanting to disappoint him, I agree.

By the end of the night we have chatted 'till 4:00am

A few more nights this continues and each time he breaks me down a little more until finally I agree to a date.

Now, I really like this guy and my friend's heart is broken, though she is trying to be okay with it I sense the animosity. When I saw her today, I nearly cried for causing her pain.

I don't know if our friendship can be mended and this guy and I may have something special.

We text and Skype every night until he passes out. And both of us, I think, are falling for each other, he more quickly than I.

From seeing Facebook posts it seems that they were close and now she considers him her best friend, I think it's only me she hates.

And he assures me that it was not working out but she always called him her prince and he called her his princess. Each time I see that I wonder, if I'm the real reason he broke up with her, though he tells me that It's something else. And what if they were meant to be, not us? What if they both deserve better and I'm just an obstacle?

I wasn't even looking for love in any way and now I just feel screwed no matter what.

-please, be honest but don't be too cruel.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    To answer you original question, no, you're not a despicable person. Could you have made some better judgement calls here? Definitely. But you're not going to hell for making a mistake.

    That being said, this situation was certainly a mistake.

    First of all, your friend. It doesn't matter how close a friend you were - if you called her a friend, you had no business getting involved or 'getting to know' her boyfriend on any other level than 'oh, hey, it's so-and-sos boyfriend". That being said, clearly you've also been played here.

    This guy is a scammer. He dated a girl, realised that her friend was cuter and willing to ignore the friendship and promptly dumped the girl to chase her friend. That is what makes for a despicable person. I'm sure that before you appeared, your friend had this exact same 'connection' with him. And I'm sure that they girl he ends up ditching you for will have the same 'amazing connection'.

    Please, save yourself the heartache, end things with this guy and work on getting your friendship back in order. At the end of the day, that's what's important. You've behaved very badly toward her, but if you break up with the scammer and make a genuine effort to fix things, she might come around.

  • luby
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i do no longer now a despicable guy or woman. i presumed that i might discover love in myself and from there share it with others. i presumed at some point yet another guy or woman might do the comparable for me. consistent with hazard I merely want too lots love or consistent with hazard i'm too impatient yet I nevertheless experience love is attainable for us all.

  • 8 years ago

    Liking someone just happens, sometimes it can't be stopped. I suggest that you talk to your friend and try to apologize. It hurts to know that your friend is starting to date your ex. But I do feel like she will forgive you in time, she can't stay mad at you forever.

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