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Who do you think is most likely behind the Boston Tax-Day bombing?

19 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It doesn't really have the earmarks of a well organized Al-Queda plot......

    probably some lone wolf nut job, who wanted to get his name in the papers, after the Batman Killer and Adam Lanza.

    Hiding bombs in trash cans, seems pretty amateur-ish........and I am sure the media will do it's bit, to play up whatever his political affiliation might be.-------

    and Fox , of course, will spin it either way, .......

    If it's leftie......then it's some deranged hippie nutjob.

    If it's a rightie.......then it some "poor hassled, tax paying citizen, who has just had enough and wanted to make his voice heard against an ever increasing Govt , or some other flag waving pablum."

    Either's a murderer........who's now killed.....and hopefully they catch the culprit and deal with him swiftly.

  • Judging by the info presented thus far, I'd have to say that the attack was planned to gain maximum attention by harming people dedicated to personal fitness, that last missive might be pure speculation unless someone or some group takes credit for it "anonymously".

    It seems this was a test event for whomever staged it in order to judge the response by authorities.

    Or just to test how much of a lock-down takes place in response to it.

    Some knuckleheads at the first press briefings insisted on asked whether or not this was a "false flag" event alluding to the endless speculative conspiracy theories that seem to follow just about every mass tragedy for the last 12+ years including 9/11.

    I don't know if the figure was accurately reported, but the BBC reported that 5 "devices" were found that did not detonate and were disposed off by controlled means presumably by the local Boston bomb squad.

    Source(s): cable news
  • 8 years ago

    I hate to speculate at this point but since many of the runners were running for a charity that would help the survivors of the Sandy Ridge School shooting I think it was most likely a Right wing gun enthusiast or a Glen Beck survivalist group.

    I say this because CNN said the bombs were made by amateurs which was why two of the four failed to go off. It could a foreign terrorist group ,who knows, but I predict they will have someone in custody within 48 hours because of all the camera surveillance in that area. Plus, Obama has called in the top professionals to investigate.

  • 4 years ago

    No. the objective is all incorrect. If it replaced into the outstanding doing the bombing, that they had be bombing some thing related to those issues, like an IRS place of work, an ATF place of work, or some place that they might take out some anti-gun legislators.

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  • 8 years ago

    I honestly think it's the Koreans because there was supposed to be a bombing today in Taiwan too but they were lucky enough to find the bomb before it happened and I honestly don't think this is a coincidence. And I also do believe that if the American military finds out its true and bombs Korea back. All hell will break loose and it could be a start of world war three.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Well anti government factions have the most reason to protest this week but I doubt the Boston Marathon would of been a target if It was those factions.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Right wing nuts. Anniversary of Oklahoma Bombing, Waco Texas etc. Bomb design similar to that used in the Atlanta Olympic bombing.

  • 8 years ago

    Wayne LaPierre

  • IMO
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Tea Party

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Paul Rand.

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