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Who refuses to acknowledge that we (temperatures) have fallen below IPCC (climate model) "estimates"?

In a recent answer, we read the following:

"...deniers have for the last several years made the false claim we have fallen below the IPCC "estimates" when quite clearly we had not..."

Well I've been labeled a "denier" and I've certainly made that claim so I need to investigate further. Let's have a look at comparisons of climate models and observations recently.

1. Draft IPCC AR5 graph:

2. Ed Hawkins is a climate scientist in NCAS-Climate at the Department of Meteorology, University of Reading. "yes the observations are at the lower edge of the projected range – several possible reasons"

"The most recent decade has seen observed global temperatures at the lower limit of the model projections"

"Ed Hawkins, of the University of Reading, in Britain, points out that surface temperatures since 2005 are already at the low end of the range of projections derived from 20 climate models (see chart 1). If they remain flat, they will fall outside the models’ range within a few years."

3. "On average, the CMIP-5 models underestimate the observed cooling of the lower stratosphere and overestimate the warming of the troposphere."

4. "The upper end of the range of CMIP5 climate model projections is inconsistent with past warming."

The one who has a much different opinion that comes to mind is Grant Foster from Tamino's open mind. (I'd mention again but they just basically parrot Foster like they parrot Trenberth). Here is Foster's interpretation:

So how does Foster (and Rahmstorf) do it? Well, they adjust the temperature data to account for natural factors like ENSO, volcanoes and solar activity. The result is a good match to the IPCC AR4 climate model projections unlike those in my list above.

So who else refuses to acknowledge that observations are below IPCC climate model projections?

(Notes: I realize there is mixture of models and scenarios so this is just a general question. I also need to note that this note about what it means, whether warming has stopped or AGW is false. It's about simply acknowledging that climate models in general are running hot.)



@Big Gryph: Why don't you take your toys and go home. You're of no value here to anybody. Take a lesson from Elizabeth on how to politely present a point of view, regardless of whether I disagree with some of it.

Update 2:


@Elizabeth: Thanks for your civil manner which gives me a chance to have a rational discussion with you to perhaps gain a better understanding of each others point of view.

However, there is not much for me to say here about your answer other than you didn't take note that I didn't want this question to be about what the climate model/observation comparisons MEAN, but just rather what they ARE (and for those who dare, how they are determined).

FWIW, I do agree that not much can be said with regard to future temperature trends or the validity or accuracy of the models at this point. However, if I were a fervent AGW believer, I would certainly be concerned that the AGW theory may indeed be inaccurate and that models may be overestimating warming of which one cause might be an overestimation of climate sensitivity. But that's speculation as you point out and I agree with. And a much bigger topic.

Update 3:


I like the graph on this site because it shows each model run instead of a shaded area. But I should caution the AGW believers to grab No.14 welder's glasses because this link is to Roy Spencer's site:

I'd say that looks a little on the low side of projections.

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Logic" according to fake-question-poser Mike: Stock markets have not moved exactly as analysts' models predicted, therefore capitalism is a socialist hoax.

  • 8 years ago

    I recommend you read the papers on the IPCC (International Panel for Climate Change) especially the technical paper about the modelling (the Reports 2007). The papers really state the problems the scientists have to model future climate change and they came up with 7 of them, all with different stating assumptions, the most likely is a increase in average temperature of 2 and 4 degrees Celsius until 2100 and the political discussion is based on this models.

    They especially point out how difficult it is to create a model as it is a huge and extremely complex system they deal with and the number of data points and the influencing factors are not very well known and therefore difficult to predict. Every additional and modelling will be better as we learn daily about the system. You basically try to model the future of this planet.

    The AR 5 graph shows an increase from appr. 1993 to 2010 in this range, in absolute value of appr.0.6 degrees Celsius over 17 years and it is well within the model.

    So: your statement is correct: the data points are lower then other expected data points during this period and can be interpreted that we are on the way to the 2 - 4 degree model (and that was assumed to be the most likely).

    But: 17 data points of a projection of nearly 100 years is not significant and the mathematical variation is still within the model.

    But: the use of the "average global temperature" is only one factor, there are other observations as melting glaziers, melting arctic ice caps, change in precipitation, droughts, changing hurricane paths, increase in coal burning, more aerosols in the atmosphere (especially China) and much more, on a local basis the situation can be very different. The problem is: the effects of climate change (which is not questioned based on local data) but the effects on human civilization on a very local level: e.g. a 6.6 earth quake in the Anden mountains have basically no effect but the same earthquake in the Los Angeles area or as happened in Japan with a Tsunami can have horrible effects.

    The situation has to be monitored locally and the possible effects be determined and that has to be considered in local activity (a hurricane very 5 years in New Orleans, New York or New Jersey are not a problem if the infrastructure is build to withstand one).

  • 8 years ago

    So is it a reading disability or are you just trying to ignore what was said, you quote me, but leave out the detail (a common denier trick)

    a) deniers have said for several years that the temperatures had fallen below the IPCC models

    b) the only model available when they made those claims where the AR4 models which no matter how you try to twist it, the temps had not fallen below.

    c) As I stated in the other question you are not posting a link to the IPCC, you are post an individual image from some third party site that a translation of shows as right wing, if that is what you wish to believe then that's up to you, personal I have seen more than enough fake diagrams from deniers and denier blogs to put little faith in this one, I could be wrong, but I will wait till AR5 is actually released.

    The point being that regardless of the accuracy of models deniers made a claim (based on AR4) that was simply not true, you can huff and puff as much as you want and quote new data (that may or may not be real) but that facts doesn't change, but watching you try to re-write history is a fascinating insight into how denier work.

    The AR4 was quite plain

    and we had not fallen below those estimates, whither you call it a lie or a fib or any other name, deniers claims where simply not true we had not fallen below those estimates.

    I have to also wonder about a denier who would post this AR5 diagram (if it is real) as it may have escaped your attention but the observed markers make a joke of the denier claim of cooling since 1998, or is that last weeks theory now. Given that this is you and not a rational person I guess it's a waste of time to point out that you AR5 diagram show quite different temps (observed) to those that actually where observed.

    Your AR5 has 1998 - 0.5c above the mean

    NASA have 1998 at 0.61c, so the diagram you present is based on CRU data, funny how denier lurch from saying they are discredited to trying to use them, if it is from them.

    Then we have the usual old link to Roy (which is apparently going to blind us) or should that be bore us, with Roy playing his now standard tune, of making estimates that are well below anyone else's, you honestly think anyone is fooled by that sort of nonsense, our old phony Dr Jello used to list CRU, NASA, NOAA and UAH as the four temperature agencies, when UAH is just Roy Spencer.

    I'm sure Watts et al will play this for their audiences just as they played the stories of a small sea level drop, in 2011, being the end of AGW, but now they simply ignore the sea level data

    for pretty obvious reasons.

  • 8 years ago

    The problem, as I keep pointing out, is that the importance of the 'leveling off' of temperatures depends on what happens in the future.

    For example, suppose the temperature falls outside the model predictions next year. This doesn't kill the models because real data is always messy. What will kill the models is if temperatures fall outside the range predicted and stay there. There is a statistical point where the number of years outside the prediction is sufficient to kill the model. We're not there yet, and probably won't be for at least a decade. Now, that might not suit your argument but it is a mathematical fact.

    If the temperatures start to increase, and we find that they begin to return to the values predicted by the models, then all the debate over the 'levelling off' will have been pointless. Again, there will need to be a certain number of years for which that is the case for us to be statistically certain that the trend is being followed.

    And so on. What I don't understand is why the temperatures leveling off is seen as a victory for those who do not agree with AGW theory. It's far too early to draw that conclusion and the simple fact is that any alternatives to AGW that have been suggested have failed to explain this pause and failed to predict what will happen in the future.

    AGW makes a prediction - regardless of what has happened recently, temperatures MUST increase. To disprove AGW that prediction must be falsified, and to falsify it you must look, statistically, at the number of years we still have to take data before the quantity of data cannot be explained away.

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  • Noah
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    If X plus Y amount of solar heat enters the Earth's atmosphere on the day side, X plus Y heat will have to be expelled on the night side to maintain balance. Since the beginning of the Industrial Age about 1830 and the advent of the use of coal, oil and gas the CO2 accumulation in the atmosphere has risen from 286ppm to almost 400ppm today. Both of the above statements are objectively true.

    The excess CO2 comes entirely from the burning of fossil fuels...that also is objectively true. CO2 and other gases ARE collectively and accurately called 'greenhouse gases' with all that the term implies. That is also objectively true.

    The heat index of our atmosphere has not actually increased...that's also objectively true as stated by the, for lack of a better word, the 'deniers'. But that doesn't mean that global warming or climate change isn't only begs the question, where has all this excess heat retained by this blanket of man made CO2 gone? Short answer:

    All of the excess heat retained by our CO2 laden atmosphere has gone to melt ice and warm seawater. Heat energy ALWAYS moves from warm to cold....again, this is objective and scientific reality. Ice fields are diminishing under the onslaught of this retained heat....and that's why the range of atmospheric temperatures has only advanced a fraction to several degrees. The loss of ice is objectively's melting as it absorbs heat energy. This melting creates certain feedback loops that lead to even greater warming...NO scientist has EVER disagreed with this.....NONE!

    Conclusion: It's true there's been no appreciable atmospheric heating and on occasion even va bit of cooling, but the trend is toward higher temperatures unrelated to volcanoes or 'the sun' getting hotter. World wide atmospheric temperatures are being held in check and will be until X amount of ice is melted...only then will temperatures rise rapidly. At the current rate we can look forward to this by mid century or sooner. There's no 'denying' any of the above.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    As somebody who used to argue that it became into impossible to simulate the habit of a single tree, no longer to point international climate – until eventually a pal of mine (who I call “huge Daddy” as a results of fact he's the only individual i understand that single-handedly invented a medical discipline) did it – brushing off all climate fashions as “bunk” is purely incorrect. if fact learn that no person knows – or articulates - the predictive problems of modeling climate extra suitable than the scientists who do it. it is likewise a actuality that there has been, and maintains to be, sparkling progression in springing up fashions that extra wisely seize climate habit. in spite of everything, uncertainty on the subject of destiny consequences of climate substitute would not regulate the fact of world warming or in any way mitigate the potential effects. issues are going to alter and we are able to the two attempt to boost some information of that fluctuate or purely provide up and have confidence that issues will artwork out as a results of fact “God protects the stupid.”

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Not me.

    Temperatures falling below IPCC estimates are a separate issue to the supposed "pause" in global warming. I don't deny that temperatures have fallen short of IPCC forecasts. I addressed that issue in my question.;_ylt=Aq...

    But I say that we need to look at such factors as contrails, the cooling trend of the Sun and the Asian brown cloud before we jump to any conclusions to the effect that carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas.

  • Gary F
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Just from looking at the list of items you provide - Things that are near or at the lower limit(s)of model projections are "within" the estimates, not "below" them. And "below the upper limits" does not mean "below the estimates",either.

    If anything, your references would seem to confirm the accuracy of IPCC estimates.

  • Ian
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Only an alarmist could look at these projections and say..."If anything, your references would seem to confirm the accuracy of IPCC estimates."

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    On a roll again with the model bullsh*t

    No one cares about these models Mike except you and a couple other DA deniers

    You continue to use this forum to lecture, which is no more than a rant and an irritant to those of us looking for the truth of real science.

    Source(s): ... Why not post legitimate questions you seek an answer to, rather than lecturing all the time?? My toys are factual info, based in real time climate info, sorry if that doesn't fit with your inability to play well with others!!
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