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Caro asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 8 years ago

help!!! global warming...?

what is the relationship of carbon dioxide with greenhouse gases and the entire global warming?

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well if you where to go by markj's answer you would think there is some debate in science about climate change, the 'scientists' he refers to are the tiny handful that act as mouthpieces for the denier movement, you will see these same names quoted again and again on many denier websites, in fact the same names also pop up as consultants on these same websites some appear to be involved with 5-6 or more sites.

    The facts are, there is not one scientific institution in the world that disputes AGW.

    As to your question Co2 has always had an affect on the climate of the planet at low level the planet is cooler or even frozen, at higher levels it is warmer other factor come into play as well like what the Sun is doing (as it is very slowly warming up, at ~10% per billion years) Early in the planet life it would have taken more Co2 to warm the planet than it does today. You also have the movement of the continents which over millions of years change the planet albedo and currents in many ways that also affect the planets climate. These of course happen on very long time frames that do not explain what is happening now. Deniers have (amongst many things) tried to blame volcanoes and while in the past they have been far more active and helped change the planets climate, at the moment they are historically quite, humans are currently putting x100 the Co2 into the atmosphere, this is a documented fact.

    Greenhouse gases (as a total) make up just 1% of the atmosphere with, by volume, water vapor being the most abundant, yet that one percent warms the atmosphere ~30c, while deniers try to compare the volume of Co2 to the total atmosphere, to make it sound insignificant (0.039%) compared to the greenhouse gas portion of the atmosphere it is more like 3.9% and as in reality Co2 is in fact a far more powerful greenhouse gas than water vapor, it's averaged effect is up around the 10% mark, hardly the insignificant effect deniers try to pretend.

    This tries to cover most of the myths deniers have tried to use in relation to climate change.

    The problem is deniers have just invented so many, it's hard to keep up.

  • mark j
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    it depends who you ask. Some scientists think global warming stopped in 1998. others say an extreme el nino caused that lowering of temperatures after 98. Others say anthropogenic climate change is a myth. And others say the damage is already done, even if we stopped emitting greenhouse gases today.

    Carbon dioxide is one of many greenhouse gases. A greenhouse gas is any gas that stops the suns heat escaping back into space after bouncing of the earth. Methane, for example, is 50 times more ´greenhouse´ than CO2. We talk more about CO2 because it is the largest byproduct of burning fossil fuels.

    Source(s): education
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    As one who genuinely cares for the planet to stay hospitable enough as to allow and have tolerance for the quality life that many human generations of future may also enjoy, it is tantamount to scale the natural need to assess culprit and crime, right and wrong, toxic and tonic, and breath and gas, in a talk with another about it. Further, to yell 'FIRE !" in a crowded theatre may prove to result in more human injury than an incidental fire could have promoted, what with trample and panic, 'out' doors that open 'in', etc. Global warning might prompt mn's obliteration with nuclear arsenals and all, especially if heads are already suffering the strain of managing such improvencial elements. In light of 'global warning', 'global warming' sounds like a welcome international tradition to start at our next RedMan meeting , even if you aren't SOL. Shall we?

    Quite bluntly, we cannot pin hands and lasso necks in addressing any threat to our environment that is to its land, air, or sea in general. Great ape murderers must be restricted to those who qualify as being human, on the other hand. Also if I was to fart and exhale with relief, I choose not to think the mateiral of these expellings is a threat to that which would be of a general case, but surely it would be quite considerate of me to find such bodily bloat more appropriate under the stars on one's balcony or whatnot. Thanks, just a word from afar.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    CO2 is a greenhouse gas and it is one of the most prominent man made gas which increases global warming. There are thousands of site dealing with this if only you can figure out how to search

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