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Pyramids were made by the aliens ?

I saw a documentary on History TV 18 named 'Ancient Aliens' and i became more curious to know about them e.g.

1.why the pyramids were created? i.e the purpose behind their creation (I am not agree with the answer that they are nothing but the graves of their kings or queens)

2.Do they posses or used to posses any energy field ?

3. How is it possible for a generation which is technologically far behind us to construct such a huge structures which are not even easy to be constructed by using modern technology (as the blocks used are more than a ton in weight) ?

4.were the Egyptians helped by some one who is certainly not GOD but much advanced than us may be millions or billions of years advance?

Only the logical and exact answers are welcome.


18 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A better "documentary" is Ancient Aliens Debunked. Where they go in point by point and utterly destroy every single one of the nonsense arguments they use to support their "theories" on that lame a** show. Even better is where they show that they are outright LYING on the show to make it sound better. Like when they claim some ancient city in South America is made with stones that are so hard and dense only diamonds and lasers can cut it. When in actuality it's made out of a really soft stone that you can literally carve up with a butter knife. I can not understand why people think we would need alien assistance to stack rocks on top of one another. We have found the cranes the Egyptians built and used to move the blocks. We've found drawings of them using them. We've built replicas of them and found that they do indeed work. Were they good at what they did? Yes. But that hardly means that they had to have little green men help them do it. Only outright *fools* believe that.... Is it "possible" that aliens have visited the Earth at some point? Well, sure. Literally anything that can't be definitively proven to be false is by definition "possible". Is it likely? Heck no. Is it possible that aliens helped humans build the pyramids, or anything else on Earth? No, that is NOT possible...

    Joe is right, except they were NOT slaves. They were highly skilled, paid, craftsmen. We've even found the Egyptian payroll records showing how much was being paid, and to whom. We've excavated the little village that was set up nearby for the workers and their families to live in while working on the pyramids. They certainly were not slaves. They even more certainly were not aliens....

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    There can be no logical and exact answers to this strange speculations (the book "In Search of Ancient Astronauts" was published some 40+ years ago, and has no scientific merit.

    It is the case that predecessors to the Inca built huge structures of huge stones (some with more than 10 or 12 faces -- a cube has 6), which fit together incredibly well. Maybe these same guys (ETs) helped them too? The people who live there (and the people we met at the Pyramids) had explanations that made sense to me, and none of them required more than lots of muscle power and sliding stones on skids on sand or floating them on barges.

    So, ... some REAL answers.

    1. Pyramids in Egypt were built as monuments and tombs for their kings and queens. It is true whether you agree or not.

    2. They relied on the energy fields of Earth (Gravity) and simple machines (inclined planes, for example, pulleys, and maybe block and tackle), buoyancy, and so on. No "force fields" yet unknown to science even today. Remember these principles I mentioned were well documented centuries before the time of Christ, by the Greeks.

    3. Those civilizations did not build the pyramids, Sphinx, or any other structures quickly, but they had a lot more people and camels and whatever to do the work, even if slowly. When I was a kid (about the end of World War II), I watched a bunch of men and horses dig a full basement foundation using horses pulling a scoop sort-of like a dragline bucket, and then move a complete house from about a half mile away with nothing else but horse power and manpower (and big logs to use for rollers) and place the house on the new foundation. NO modern machines)

    4. The Egyptians were not helped by anyone other than horses, donkeys, camels, slaves and conscripts and dedicated citizens. No "much more advanced than us may be millions or billions of years advance" people or other beings helped.

    All the rest of that has made the authors of these books and the producers of the television shows a whole lot richer than you and me.

    Source(s): I've been to (and inside) the Pyramids in Egypt, to the fortress of Sacsayhuaman in Cusco, and the Maya pyramid temples in Central America and the Earth Mounds in southern Illinois and ...
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    1. The pyramids were built to protect the body of the deceased pharaoh. These massive tombs were constructed to withstand the elements of time and were intended to last forever. Most Ancient Egyptians planned for their death and the pharaoh was no exception. His death was much more elaborate than the typical Ancient Egyptian and considered an important event; this process was tied to the rising and setting of the sun.

    Aztec pyramids were not only built for religious reasons, but they were also built to be the centre of their cities, symbolising the "mountain of the city" which, in Aztec belief, brings wealth and fertility to the citizens.

    The Ancient Mesopotamians built pyramids to be their religious temples and were influenced by astronomy.

    The Ancient Chinese also built pyramid mounds above burial chambers of their emperors.

    2. Probably. Was that energy field used for anything and even could be used; I doubt it. There are some modern pyramids in Russia and tests were made, test show that antibiotics increase their effects by up to x100 times. Don't know enough to make a rational thought on that.

    3.Main-stream science says slaves, hieroglyphs and drawings show us exactly how it was done. Although new findings from the Giza plateau suggest that work force in Egypt sure doesn't seem to be living like slaves. They were well feed, there was great organization, there were places where people prepared food, where workers ate, where they rested, etc.

    If it was done by advanced civilization, why would they left us misleading details?

    4.I don't think so. Try to imagine how would be living back then. Lets say you were a normal, average joe back then, a worker. Your life span is about 50 years (if you're lucky). You will start working at the age of 10 I assume. You will be religious since everyone else are. You will be ruled, maybe fair, maybe not but you will be ruled to live according to civilization norms of the time. Now the number of population under the first two dynasties was between 1 and 2 million people. Some work force eh?

    Imagine what could 1 million people today do if they were all working on the single project.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Made by humans. If you have time and motivation and many workers, you can do without machines. And we had not been stupid in the past - thus I don't find it astounding, but fascinating how ingenious our ancestors have been - and how stupid and lazy we must have become. Just try to build something simple, like a bow. You will be surprised how hard it is to build something as primitive with the same quality as humans did in the past. You just did not learn to do it. Also, the Egyptian pyramids had never been build by slaves, unless you use the neo-conservative definition of modern slavery. The workers for the pyramids had been mostly specialists for exactly this task: Building monuments and pyramids. We know that because the Egyptians had developed a very good bureaucracy for building these and left many documents behind, which had been found and translated. These contain also information about payment, housing and the food these workers needed. If you are such a specialist, learning your business for years and have the tools and geometric knowledge of these Egyptian specialists, you can do it as accurate as they did. The pyramids only appear to be symmetrical, but compared to modern buildings, they are pretty uneven. The angle of the pyramid is even no wonder at all: Archaeologists have found some failed pyramids in the desert, which had been too steep and collapsed under their own weight. The Egyptians needed a few failures until arriving at the right geometric shape. Also, there is no scientific theory which includes aliens. All theories about alien visits and these helping stupid humans to build buildings, which are only impressive if you are used to modern technology, are not science - science does not permit hypothetical hypotheses.

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  • 8 years ago

    1.)First Of all,Pyramids Were Not Made By the Aliens But Made By slaves By THE Order Of Their Kings.There Are Different Opinions Of different scientist That Why it was Created.Most People Say It Is Tomb Of Pharohs and Mummies,Some Say it Is A Human connection to aliens.

    2)Generally any Tetrahedron Shaped Object Possess More enery than Other shaped Object which Was concluded By a Experiment Of A Russian scientist He conclu.Theded That His Own Made Pyramids Suddenly Rised Up and started Rotating.There Is A man made Pyramid In russia Which Produces Energy fields.Highest energy Field Is produced At top of great Pyramid Of giza.

    3)According To Carvings In Pyramids Of giza.It Is concluded That The Kings Must have contact With their Gods Or we can Call Aliens.Which Gifted Them the knowledge to make a Pyramids.And There I particular thing in all the Pyramids weather It is Mayan,egyptian etc they always point Towards Sky.Ancient Astronaut Theories Says that All the Pyramids In the earth are In contact With each other.


    4)Maybe.Here We can Just Predict Noone Knows the Exact answer.Some theories States That aliens helped Them.That Is why There Is no Blueprint Of any of The pyramids In the world.This is a Biggest Evidence That the idea Of Building Pyramids Was Given By someone who is much Advanced than us

    Finally.If We Know The real Use Of Pyramid iT is Possible to contact Species Of another Planet.we are not alone in the Universe.

  • 8 years ago

    The whole idea of Ancient Aliens is unmitigated nonsense. It is a way of making money from books and TV shows for the terminally gullible, and was started in modern times by a convicted Swiss embezzler. The Egyptians left us plenty of documentary evidence showing how they built the pyramids, and we even have the remains of the village in which the laborers and craftsmen lived (certainly not slaves)! They had no need of assistance, and the survey work can be done with a piece of string, two pieces of lumber and a weight. Also, pyramidology (question 2) is a figment of the imagination of New Age hippies and should be treated as such. Do you not have any idea of the effects of a pulley system (question 3)? It is surprising how much weight can be shifted by this method. Also, in ancient Egypt, it was a honor to be recruited to serve the Pharaoh in his quest for immortality, and most Egyptians hoped that some of that immortality might rub off on them.

    Source(s): Information obtained from the Egyptology department of the University in which I work.
  • 8 years ago

    The short answer is no. The long answer is:

    1. They levelled the ground using linked trenches and water. They then gradually built a ramp to move the stones up. The quarries are nearby and the blocks were placed on sledges and drawn by around 250 people at once. The heaviest stones are 200 tons but most weigh 2-5. It's possible for one strong person to pull a lorry weighing tens of tons, so it's possible for 250 people to draw such heavy blocks.

    2. No. That was a hoax started by Martin Gardner in his "Mathematical Games" column in Scientific American and it got out of hand.

    3. See above. However, today's technology is not necessarily better than ancient technology. For instance, the Aztec chinampas system of agriculture is more efficient than modern farming, ancient Japanese swords are strengthened by carbon nanotubes only discovered in the 1980s or 1990s and Mesoamerican blue pigments also rely on the production of particles of a very precise size which wasn't achieved deliberately until very recently. The problem with today's technology is that in a capitalist economy exchange conflicts with use and items are commodified in various ways. Obvious example: the original IBM PC was based on a CPU with an 8-bit data bus and cost a year's wages for an unskilled worker, but 32-bit CPUs were available at the time which were better in basically every way - faster and larger address spaces - but the minimum was done to make it profitable and the cost was kept up for about a decade. Because we're used to capitalism, we don't realise how pathetic our technology is.

    4. No. There is no need to posit the existence of such entities given the evidence available.

  • 8 years ago

    1. The pyramids were created to withhold dead kings sarcophaguses and their wifes, maides, servents, etcetera.

    2. By "energy field" do you mean the spiritual energy produced by a particular living being. In that case then no.

    3. There are various theories of how the ancient egyptians created the periods. One theory states that they used water to lift the blocks to the destination. I must agree that the ancient egyptians were technologically superior compared to the romans, greeks, etcetera.

    4. Considering that I do not believe in god, no. Could they have been helped by extraterrestrial life, well..... Complex organic molecules necessary for life could of have existed in the protoplanetary disk of dust grains that surrounds the sun prior to the formation of the earth. Despite that, no alien lifeforms did not help then create the pyramids. And even if they did, why won't they return? Were they intimidated by the egyptians, did they find earth undesirable due to it's lack of technology and scientific superiority?

    Source(s): My cerebral cortex.
  • 6 years ago

    Pyramid is mysterious but I think it was made by aliens because it is at earth's grid...even all ancient monuments. How is it possible the structure of 1600 bc is still standing.....pyramid was built as a station for aliens......

  • 4 years ago

    Aztec Alien Drawings

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