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If Jesus is LORD of the Sabbath, what does that mean? Why do so many refuse to keep the day He is LORD of?

Mar 2:28 ESV So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath."


Soo, Dolly no have answer? Poor Dolly...

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Soo, Dolly no have answer? Poor Dolly...

Update 3:

Soo, Dolly no have answer? Poor Dolly...

Update 4:

No 1 home is truly a good avatar for you.

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When the religious hypocrites demanded why Jesus was doing things that were unlawful on the Sabbath, He responded that the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath, and that He is the Lord of the Sabbath, so just as the lord of a manner owns the manner and can do what he wants with what is his, so likewise, Jesus can do what He wants.

    Servants must obey their master.

    YOU are a servant and must obey the laws, including those pertaining to the Sabbath.

    I'm a child of the King, and as such, am free to come and go as I please.

    But remember, if you try to KEEP the Law, you must keep the ENTIRE Law, and you'll be judged by the Law, and that if you break even the smallest part of the Law, you're guilty of the entire Law.

    There is no mercy with Law. The only thing Law can do is condemn you when you break it. Have you EVER broken ANY of the Law? (for starters, look at the 10 commandments

    - have you EVER told a lie?

    - Have you EVER disobeyed your parents?

    - Have you EVER taken something that wasn't yours (i.e. stole it)?

    - Have you EVER committed murder? (Jesus said that if you have hate or anger in your heart, then you're already guilty of murder.)

    - Have you ever committed adultery? (Jesus said that if you even LOOK at another person with sexual thoughts you're guilty of adultery.)

    Furthermore, the Law states that you are to work (at gainful employment) for SIX days. Do you work on all six days for your boss or job? If not, you have broken the Sabbath Law.

    On the Sabbath, there is to be NO servile work (that means no cleaning house, cooking, mowing the lawn or shoveling the snow as the case may be, doing laundry or washing the dishes, etc.)

    Also, on the Sabbath, there is to be no financial transactions (yes, it's there, if you ever bothered READING what you claim to be obeying!). That means that while you cannot cook, you cannot pay someone else to cook FOR you!

    "He who LIVES by Law, shall be JUDGED (condemned) by Law"

    "Who ever is guilty of even the smallest part of the Law, is guilty of the ENTIRE Law"

    (I'll let YOU look these up - they're both in the New Testament).

    So, unless you have been perfect 100% of the time, 100% of your life, you stand guilty before God, and you have broken the Law, and that Law that you put your trust in, will condemn you!

    So, go ahead, keep the Sabbath Law, while breaking the REST of the Law, and see where it will get you! (Certainly not heaven!)


  • 8 years ago

    Not only Jesus but every one else is lord of the Sabbath. The meaning is that the Sabbath was established for man and not man for the Sabbath. To choose to keep the Sabbath holy is a personal

    choice based on preconceived notions.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    the Sabbath has been changed to a Sabbath rest that we as Christian must enter today (Hebrews 4:1-11) and we are to rest from our works of confessing our sin and rest in the completed work of Jesus at the cross where Jesus died to take away the sins of the whole world never to see them again.

  • 8 years ago

    Jesus is not the only Son of Man, we all are.

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