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How did Sunday become a day of worship?

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ravenous wolves came in after Paul died & changed the day. They were already there because Paul had warned the Assemblies of these people, but once Paul died there was nothing to restrain them.

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    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    We have no idea exactly what day the sun was once worshipped on or even though it was weekly. The day we know as sunday bought its identify from being committed to the solar, now not from the solar being worshipped on that day. The day sunday being put aside for christians has to do with the notion that jesus rose on a sunday. This do not have been set down unless after rome became christianised.

  • 8 years ago

    If you love me keep my commandments; those who follow the Bible and accept Jesus as the Christ have always kept the 7th Day Sabbath since the beginning of creation.

    Those who do not believe that the Bible is the word of G-d and think it is all metaphorical, follow the decrees of men and the changes of law from papal rome then should accept the sunday following along with mary and the saints of idolatry.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    There are many Sabbatarian groups that trace this event to Constantine in 321 A.D. and the council of Laodicea held in 364 A.D. In changing the Sabbath day of worship to Sunday. In the 4th cent. Sunday was declared to be the day of rest and worship.

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    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    After Jesus’ death, his apostles at no time commanded Sabbath observance.

    The Sabbath was not included as a Christian requirement at Acts 15:28, 29, or later. Nor did they institute a new sabbath, a “day of the Lord.” Even though Jesus was resurrected on the day now called Sunday, nowhere does the Bible indicate that this day of his resurrection should be commemorated as a “new” sabbath or in any other way.

    First Corinthians 16:2 and Acts 20:7 have been appealed to by some as a basis for observing Sunday as a sabbath. However, these text merely indicate that Paul instructed Christians to lay aside in their homes for their needy brothers at Jerusalem a certain amount each first day of the week. The money was not to be turned in at their place of meeting but was to be retained until Paul’s arrival.

    Sabbath days and years were not a part of first-century Christianity. It was not until 321 C.E. that Constantine decreed Sunday (Latin: dies Solis, an old title associated with astrology and sun worship, not Sabbatum [Sabbath] or dies Domini [Lord’s day]) to be a day of rest for all but the farmers.


    Source(s): The Holy Bible Book: Insight on the Scrptures Vol #2
  • 8 years ago

    You must understand that in inner Christianity the stories are spiritual allegories and not regarded as being literally true, which is the viewpoint of outer Christianity. Jesus, the god-man who descended from heaven to Earth is a profound spiritual allegory. From other viewpoints Jesus is the sun personified, originally worship was done on Saturn-day (saturday) the most supreme god at the time, but was switched to SUNday to honor the sun sphere, in essence Christianity can be viewed as a form of sun worship. You can still see sun symbolism today in many churches of many denominations, though very very few people become consciously aware of this hidden symbolism let alone realize it's implications. There is much more to Christianity than meets the eye once you see past the fear based dogma.

  • 8 years ago

    in the time period after Messiah founded His church 29 ad true time / 33 ad catholic calendar time the romans got fed up with the jewish rebellions so roman emperor hadrian in 135ad put Jerusalem and all its surrounding area off limits to all jews and nazarenes / true christians.

    the gentile members of the church fell away and decided to remove any semblance of jewishness and started keeping sunday and easter so they could remain in Jerusalem.

    however these days and others not found in leviticus 23 were already ancient days of sun worship going back to origins in ancient babylon.

    Source(s): ecclesiastical history by eusebius pamphilus the 2 babylons by alexander hislop
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    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    God wants us to worship on Sunday.

  • 8 years ago

    The apostles instituted Sunday as the Christian day of worship because they rightly believed it was more fitting to celebrate worship on the day of Christ's glorious resurrection than on the day He lay dead in the tomb. Which is why the Bible (Acts 20) tells us they came together for worship "on the first day of the week".

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