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Lv 6

Is Christianity a false religion, since Jesus is a Jew and never asked us to start a new religion based on Him?

The Christian religion was started by the Roman emperor Constantine as part of a political power grab. Jesus was here to do our Father's work and said that he was not trying to make a name for himself. Can anybody tell me where to find that page in the bible, where Jesus asked us to veer away from the Jewish religion that he is part of and to start a new religion based on him?

12 Answers

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    Jesus was a Jew and died a Jew. He had no thought of bringing about a new religion, only in helping to fulfill his own religion. He certainly would have been horrified if he had learned that a new religion would be formed with him as its basis and that it made a deity of him.

    Jesus was proclaiming that god would imminently overturn the existing order and establish a new kingdom--the kingdom of righteousness. The Sadducees, who were the temple priests, realized full well what would happen if Jesus continued to expound what he was saying, and they expressed it quite well in John 11:48.

    "If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation."

    The Sadducees held their position at the whim of the Roman authorities, so they were concerned that what Jesus was proclaiming would cause the people to rebel and bring the Romans down on their nation and their position. They therefore brought about the arrest of Jesus by the Romans in order to preserve their station in life.

    And the Romans executed him because they perceived him to be a rebel who was seeking to establish a new kingdom. That is why they placed the placard saying "The King of the Jews" on the cross. They wanted him to be an object lesson to those who would seek to overthrow them and establish a new kingdom.

    By the time the gospels were written, there had been a schism between the original Jewish followers of Jesus and those who followed Paul, who was the actual originator of Christianity. Paul brought in many esoteric and pagan ideas and added them to the myths about Jesus that had developed in the years following his execution. Paul also expanded his church by preaching to and bringing in Gentiles, who did not hold any particular allegiance to the Jews. In addition, the Christian church at the time was trying to make their way in the hostile Roman world, and they did not want to antagonize the Romans, so they minimized the Roman involvement in the death of Jesus and laid the blame on the Jews, which furthered even more the separation of the new religion from its Jewish roots.

    That resulted in the origin of Christianity.


    Much of the New Testament was written well after the death of Jesus, and much of it includes the myths and superstitions about Jesus that came about after his death. The writers of the New Testament were not above fabricating things in their attempts to sway others into believing the new religion.

    See my answers to these questions for examples.

  • 8 years ago

    Is Buddhism a false religion, since Buddha was a Hindu Brahmin and never asked us to start a new religion based on him.

    If you want real answers to your question, you have to go study comparative religion and history in a graduate level college program. Then your question will seem pretty sophomoric, besides the Jesus was legendary person and orthodox Christianity, created by emperors who followed Constantine (not Constantine who simply thought it was politically correct to embrace Christianity), was one of a myriad of myriad of Christian-y spiritual orientations that emerged between the first century BCE and the the 5th century CE or so.

  • 8 years ago

    Well, there's the false Christianity and then there's the real. Your problem is that you can't tell the difference which is a lot of people's problem nowadays.

    Hint: If a religion wants world domination its of the Devil.

    If they have a lot of silver and gold, its of the Devil.

    If they control governments by blackmail and the threat of damnation: its of the Devil.

    They can act like they're the "true Church" but they give themselves away by rejecting what the Bible says that we should do today and yes, there are quite a few that have found out that they can control MASSES of people by holding their everlasting souls over the fires of hell if they don't obey them.

    But that doesn't mean that all of those who are Christ's disciples are of them. Usually you can tell true Christians by their weakness in power and influence and conversely you can tell those who are of the Devil by their power in their roles in society and no, it doesn't matter if those in power say that they're Christians because the Devil uses God's word all the time for his purposes.

    You'll just have to figure it out for yourself but money talks so listen to it as well.

    Pro 11:1 A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well, unless Jesus lied, or all the separate witness accounts lied about what he said in the exact same way, then no.

    Read the Gospels. There are many, many references to Jesus referring himself as on an equal level with God, and that Jesus is the only way to salvation.

    Also, Jesus didn't come to start a new religion. He came to fulfill/abolish it:

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Have ye not read in the gospels?

    Testament and Covenant mean the same thing, In Jeremiah (Old Testament) it always said, "Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will make a NEW COVENANT with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers...

    ON THE NIGHT HE WAS BETRAYED Jesus told his disciples he was instituting the NEW Covenant "in my blood which is shed for you."


    Jesus also said no one puts new wine (religion) into old wineskins, nay, but you put new wine into new wineskins. Right there he told them Judaism as they knew it was done.

  • following Christ started way before Constantine, according to the bible the people in the Old Testament worshiped God.... And Jesus himself said "I am the way the truth and the life no man, comes too the father but by me" Thus we have to believe in him/worship him...... so again we have another person who knows nothing about the bible trying to make broad and bold conclusions about it.

  • 8 years ago

    The entire Bible is about Jesus. All the types and shadows of the Law and the Prophets are about Jesus of Nazareth.

    Source(s): The Law and the Prophets.
  • G C
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You are listening to others and never read the Bible. Jesus commanded the church to be and died for it. They were first called ;Christians' at Antioch, just after the church started. The Jewish way was destroyed by God, Himself, in 70AD after giving the Jews over 40 years to change.

  • 8 years ago

    Jesus did not create Christianity since Christ is the Word of God and was here before Jesus. Jesus is called "the" Christ because he is "the" one sent to teach the WORD to man on earth. He is called only BEGOTTEN Son because He was re-born on earth (there in no begetting in Heaven). It was necessary that Peter refer to Jesus as "The Christ" to distinguish Him from Christ. All God's obedient sons are Christ; disobedient ones are antichrist. Sons of God are only called angels when delivering messages to earth.

  • jurgen
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Even the holy book was made in Roman.

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