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Upgrading from XP, best option?

I've fially decided to upgrade operating systems, and will be getting a new computer while I'm at it.

Which of the newer operating systems has the best stability, compatibility, and overall track record?


Windows 7?

Windows 8?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Probably in your case miss Vista and go with windows 7. Especially if you have a lot of apps that you were using with XP. Stability I would have to say probably windows 8 but compatibility windows 7. And as someone else says Windows 8 has not been around that long, but slowly its gaining ground, albeit in Europe its not like users have a choice when they buy a computer..

  • 8 years ago

    I have used Vista, 7 and 8.

    Go for Windows 7.

    vista is out of question. It has slow startup and shutdown time

    8 is the fastest but it is way ahead, looks good with touchscreens. Too many tabs.

    7 is the best os from windows till date.

    GO FOR IT!!! All the best.

  • 8 years ago

    Windows 7 by far. Vista is junk and 8 is too new. Go with 7, heck if you get the pro version or above you can download Windows XP mode.

  • 8 years ago

    for now better immigration to windows 8 .

    Regards ,

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