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Lv 7
Maxx asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 8 years ago

Will globalists even regulate what you are allowed to eat with the man-made Global Warming excuse?


Look out fat people, man-made Global Warming advocates are coming after you:




Joe Joyce - You seem to be taking it lightly but 'Bioethicist' S. Matthew Liao has seriously proposed genetic modification of the human race in response the the man-made Global Warming hysteria.


Update 2:


Big Gryph - You are naïve like a child. Obama's socialized medicine plan will easily have the power to not only dictate what you eat but decide who lives or dies --- because the needs of the many are greater than the needs of the few... you know. The collectivist excuse will be in full force under ObamaCare, and you will no longer be in control of what medical care you receive, if any --- but you will get to pay about two or three times as much for it as you would through the usual health care insurance plan.

And you better pay it too, the IRS has hired thousands of new employees to make sure you do.

Your healthcare is about to be based more on 'who you know' rather than 'what you need.' Oh you silly socialists, how you love the lies and slavery... that is, until you get it.


Update 3:


Climate Realist - You say -- that my healthcare plan had the power to decide if I died or not --- NOT TRUE.

They had the power within limits to decide if they were going to pay or not, but I always have the option of paying by other means. You won't have that option under a single payer system. We will be like Canada or the U.K. with long waiting lists for medical attention --- and short time to get it done before you get much worse or die.

But at least people in Canada could come to the U.S. and get the medical care they needed before ObamaCare... but no more once it is fully implemented.


Update 4:


Jeff M - Jeff, let me ask you. Do you believe there are no conspiracies in the world? You can't pick up a newspaper without reading about two or three of them. Allow me to introduce into the debate 374,000 instances of "convicted of conspiracy.";_ylt=ApQQ1cbdTXjsW2...

I think I'd rather be considered sick than naïve like you.


Update 5:


Chris - Your "so much evidence to support global warming" is linked to the Marcott study, which might still be retracted, because as he admitted "the 20th century portion of our paleotemperature stack is not statistically robust, cannot be considered representative of global temperature changes, and therefore is not the basis of any of our conclusions."

In other words, they just made stuff up, just like Mann did to get their bogus hockey stick.

There is no empirical evidence for man-made Global Warming.


Update 6:


pegminer - That's another common trait of far Leftists other than being socialist -- hate of Christianity. You always have to bring my religious beliefs into it don't you? Do you think you are enhancing your 'scientific' arguments by doing so?


11 Answers

  • JimZ
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    These people seek to regulate and control everything from the free market to your bedroom. Look at the idiot mayor of New York who tries to regulate Coke and Pepsi. With Obamacare and eco-fascist in EPA, they are set to control people in any way they can. Their excuses will include that it harms the environment or causes extra costs. There will be little that they won't seek to control and Constitution be damned. Those people who support this sort of thing will one day regret it except these people aren't the kind that can admit when they are wrong. When was the last time you saw an alarmist step back and wonder why the line in the sand was redrawn again. It isn't in their nature.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Bryson seems to be relatively unique on a quantity of subjects which might be whatever however specific. But he is emeritus which helps him converse his mind. As a local weather scientist myself i would must say 1) most climate scientists do not consider Bryson and a pair of) climate science is anything however good understood, there wants to be room for appreciating that the end result of including CO2 to the atmosphere could well be specific than what has been estimated. This is rough to do in a global of black&white absolutes. Most men and women need to recognize if including CO2 to the surroundings will or wont lead to warming. The best science can do is connect a chance to it (and proper now most scientists supply it a excessive measure of probability that introduced CO2 will result in warming). Sort of like driving your automobile though a purple gentle. I cannot let you know that you're going to get into an accident, i can handiest inform you of the likelihood that you'll.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Ok. several points.

    1. Your first link is an article about over-consumption, the point is valid. Over-consumption of food creates excess carbon emissions to grow, harvest, process and transport the extra food.

    2. Your second link has a pro genetic-modification paper from S. Matthew Liao. His views are controversial and are an exception not the rule. I don't know why brought it up other than to use a shock and awe argument.

    3. There are so much evidence to support global warming that in my honest opinion global warming skeptics are the creating the hysteria

  • Jeff M
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I recently read a report stating that conspiracy theorists suffered from one or more schizophrenic-type ailments. How far down do you fit on the ladder Maxx? I'm fairly certain that a number who post in here who think as you do suffer from the same kinds of things too.

    Maxx: So let me get this straight. You are a younger Earth creationist who believes the world is about 6500 years old and who states evolution is false. I'm pretty sure you've come up with various different excuses for things such as dinosaur bones being found in strata older than thousands of years, and so on. Yet you call me naive. Really? furthermore you continuously state there is no evidence for man-made global warming where I have posted the evidence time and time again. Evidence such as the frequencies at which the world is warming by, the fact that human emissions outstrip atmospheric increases of CO2, the fact that both the atmosphere and ocean surface is increasing in CO2 at the same time, and so on. My question is how many of the naysayers in here suffer from some form of schizophrenic thinking?

    and before you start going off on how all leftist thinkers hate Christianity and I am a perfect example, I do not hate religion. The above post is merely to show how scientifically incompetent you are.

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  • 8 years ago

    No, Maxx, we're all going to be genetically modified to be no more than 4 feet tall, with the average being 3 feet tall. At this height, even when the waters flood Manhattan and rise halfway up the sides of the skyscrapers, we will still have enough room, because we will be able to divide each of the remaining floors above water into 2, an upper and a lower floor, and then all the shorter people will still fit.

    This will also reduce our food needs considerably, which is good, because the droughts, floods, fires snows and other weather caused by global warming will reduce our food supplies by half, but thanks to genetic modification, we will only need half as much food. For the really poor people who can't afford food, we will just inject them with genetically modified chloroplasts, so they can photosynthesize their food.

    So you see, the jack-booted liberal nazi stormtroopers who come for your guns, your candy, your cigarettes, your SUV, your light-bulbs ... will NOT come for your food. There will be plenty. Show up for your shot at the Manhattan office of the FDA in 2 weeks, Wed, May 15, at 11:30 am, to do the necessary paperwork. Your shot is scheduled for 4:00 pm. If you do not finish the requisite paperwork in time, you will have to come back the following Wednesday and start over. See website for the 7 required forms of ID.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Did Psy Gua hack into your account?

    Based on Psy Gua's recent Q&A, expect this resolution to this question.

    Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    Sagebrush - lol

    Asker's rating - d

    <Obama's socialized medicine plan will easily have the power to not only dictate what you eat but decide who lives or dies>

    And your HMO didn't?

    <They had the power within limits to decide if they were going to pay or not, but I always have the option of paying by other means.>

    You still do. And I bet that you are with the same provider. Although you can switch more easily now, since other providers can no longer deny you coverage based on a pre-existing condition. You have more power to take your business elsewhere.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm hoping that fundamentalist Christian deniers will be on the menu.

    EDIT: I have no hatred of Christianity or any other religion per se. I am against stupidity and prejudice "justified" by religion, though.

    I bring up your particular religious persuasion because it requires you to reject modern science--and yet you continually attempt to use "scientific" arguments against AGW. That should make it obvious to everyone that you are a hypocritical liar. You can't simultaneously believe in modern science AND that the Earth is < 7000 years old.

  • Rio
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Man can't live on water alone. Only DA alarmist would take pride in stupidity.

  • Kano
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    They are already trying, suggestions are being made that because it takes ten times the amount of vegetable material to make meat, that we should all become vegetarians.

    There has and always will be people who wish to impose their ideas, beliefs, culture on others and climate change is the perfect excuse for doing so.

  • 8 years ago

    The beauty of man made global warming is that the consequence has been painted as so extreme that any and all measures are justified. The answer is yes what you eat, drink and everything else you do will be controlled by the global warming Nazi's. The bright side? You may be one of the few allowed to live. The fact is if man made global warming is true culling the population would be the quickest and easiest way to slow it down.

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