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? asked in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · 8 years ago

Questions about juicing from a mom of 3 with little time & money...?

I bought a juicer last year after seeing the movie "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", but didn't really use it until this year....after my gaining more weight and having a hormonal imbalance I decided to give the juicing a go. Well, it is really expensive. After a couple weeks of trying to do it at ever meal, i ended up doing juice for breakfast, and supper, but would eat lunch. Well, my husband is a meat lover, and my son...I have to do grocery shopping for them and me and it's not something I can do much anymore. I have to make everyone else a meal, then juice for me, clean up after them and my juicing. It has become a chore. I can't afford to juice this much anymore....I did lose a little weight I think, I look less bloated, had more energy, but still have a problem with emotional eating and food addiction. It's better than it was, but seeing that it makes more work, and is draining my wallet, I can't continue, I want to, but how do I afford this or convince my family to help? What should I do, cuz I don't want to stop, but feel like it's going to go that way whether I like it or not.

2 Answers

  • Martha
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If it's killing your finances and making more work for you, then don't do it!

    You can eat healthfully with the rest of your family and lose weight without going through all the fuss and extra work of juicing.

    Make one meal for your family - you just control your portions and what you eat. You don't have to eat the mac & cheese your kids eat. Load up on the veggie portion of dinner (green veggies, not potatoes!) or have a salad along with dinner to add bulk to your meal without a lot of extra calories (no heavy dressings!).

    Drink LOTS of water throughout the day - that will keep your hands and your mouth occupied and your belly full so you won't crave the bad stuff so much.

    Yes, you'll still have the emotional eating issue - I do too - but it's up to you to control yourself. Go for a walk or clean a room of your house when you get the urge to eat and you'll soon find yourself distracted from thoughts of food. Good luck!

  • 8 years ago

    I'm not sure when or why mature intelligent people decided it was better to drink juice than eat whole foods, but it's dumb.

    Eat veggies, whole grains and fruit. Serve them to your family too, along with the meat. Make the meat lean cuts, broiled, sauteed or roasted rather than fried. For yourself eat mostly the veggies and whole grains. Frozen veggies are very affordable and sometimes even healthier and better tasting than fresh. You'll all feel better. Save the juice for when you have money and time.

    One tip-you can make juice then freeze it in ice cube trays. Pop the cubes out and store in a big ziploc. Pop a few in the microwave for a few seconds or in the blender with some yogurt or milk for a healthy snack when you feel overwhelmed and want a treat. It should raise your blood sugar and curb your emo eating.

    Best wishes to you.

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