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Favorite Answers17%
  • Stuck in limbo, should I leave my husband?

    I'm stuck, I want to leave but having a hard time deciding if it's right. He's emotionally abusive. Gives no affection, but wants sex on the reg. Plays video games on all his off the, and not even exaggerating, hours and hours on end. We have kids together and he doesn't give them affection, I maybe saw him sightly hug the youngest last month.. That's more than usual. Constantly complaining about what wasn't done and barking orders. To be fair here,I gave been lacking as a housewife. Have Heath is (multiple) and quite depressed and it's interfering, etch in trying to change but I feel like he's beaten me down for a long time. Self worth is tanked, and lost my zest for life. I'm only 32. He constantly belittles, back handed comments, yells loudly (which scares me and kids sometimes). He is a very crass guy, ruff and hard working though. Works 2 jobs so I can stay at home which he agreed with, but now is mad about medical bills and says I should get a job to pay for them. He loves me,as much as he can watch if u knew his family you would say he is pretty good considering. He has no empathy tho, or sympathy. I have numerous examples to prove... He's hurt me once, not hitting but still. Years ago. My kids love him, but I an not sure what to do. They don't want us separated. My kids are ages 9-13. I want to wait until they grew up to divorce, but I'm wondering if I'm wrong of just not trying hard enough...

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 years ago
  • Is not having companionship and not getting any affection along with some emotional abuse, grounds for a divorce? Or a deal breaker?

    He works hard to provide though, but there's almost no relationship between us/no time spent with me or kids. No affection, no anything....... For 10 years and 3 kids. Am I just being too needy? I know the romance goes out of a marriage eventually, and u are hopefully left with a great friend whom u have some companionship and occasional sex. I get nothing but the sex, which frankly just makes me feel used.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 years ago
  • My husband did nothing for me for Valentine's Day, and our 10th wedding anniversary...?

    So to be fair our anniversary is on Valentine's day. We just moved and bought a house together last November, and money is tight. It's not so tight though that he couldn't at least get a card or even say happy anniversary. We've been married 10 years, have 3 kids 8,10&12. We've had lots of you and downs, and I've been dealing with a health issue that made it not possible for us to be intimate for a long while. I also really think he had adult autism, it's aspbergers. I've done so much research on this, so much and he fits the bill so we'll. Plus our son was diagnosed with autism at 3. Just like his father... The years have been rough, and I don't know if we can make it. I'm trying to at least make it to when my kids move out. He gives me no affection, plays video games every day after work all night. Not exaggerating either. He's mean at times, he had no empathy, no filter... He's narcissistic, controlling and I think our relationship was more in my head and but what was reality. He does love be tho,I know this. More than anyone else, which doesn't say much because he doesn't act like he loves much of anyone. Has no friends, on purpose. We don't have much of anything in common, there's no companionship. Any advice? I know this is a lot of stuff, but also venting. Thanks

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 years ago
  • How can I be happy for my pregnant sister?

    Long story.

    My sister married a guy she met when she was pregnant with her first child.

    They ve been married only a year, granted he s helping take care of her first child from different father.

    The guy doesn t work real jobs.. Doors under the table party time bartending only.

    They had to leave their attic apartment and moved in with my parents. He is working even less now. My sister keeps saying she wants another kid, but with her hubby. I understand this, but they have barely 5¢ to rub together and no gone that s theirs. My parents place is already small. My sister can be neglectful already with this 1 kid. Her hubby was in jail for most of their dating too.

    She just told me she s pregnant with his baby. How the hell can I be happy for her? I m faking happiness right now, but oh my gosh WTH is she doing? They don t have priorities straight. I know it s her choice, she s an adult age 30, but acts 14. The baby didn t get time with other babies (age2), she s plopped in front of the most days. She recently got off birth control to get pregnant. Her first child isn t getting help from her dad(dead beat guy refuses to help$$). My sister doesn t want to bother getting child support because it s too much hassle for her. I told her it s for the baby, who cares about hassle when u need the money for baby. Her husband s nice, but I kind of don t trust him.

    How can I be happy for her, and not say anything?

    5 AnswersFamily2 years ago
  • Kitty trouble!?

    So there s this cat, which is my neighbor s. She s a very outdoor cat and prefers to be outside more of the time. So I noticed that she would come around now and then just purring (she s very friendly) and one time she really seemed to be asking for food, she was meowing and hanging around, so I fed her a little milk. I know my neighbor who owns her, but she works a lot and just recently got a little dog, he s quite yippie.. Don t remember what kind but one that doesn t grow big. Anyways, the cat seems to not like the dog as it chases her. When I fed her the milk I had suspected she was hungry and might have been a tad forgotten and felt bad for her. I should have just told the owner without feeding her, because now she won t leave. After I gave her milk that day I gave her cooked chicken meat( leftovers). I have come to realize that i was taking away her attention from her owner. I came to find out she stopped going home in the mornings as she usually did, right around the time I started feeding her. So her owner and I had a good chat, and I apologized, but now she keeps coming back. She tries coming inside, stays in our yard, and nearby yards. Comes up to us meowing when we come outside, comes to the windows and meows, waits at the doors and jumps in the second they open.


    6 AnswersCats3 years ago
  • Dealing with death?

    I ve recently found out my Grandma is dieing of colon cancer, and I want to know how to get through this. She s not even passed and I m a mess. She s like a mother to me and she s my person. How do I go day to day and still be able to take care of my family and me? This is how I am when she s not even passed yet, how am I going to even deal when she s gone?

    6 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • Questions about juicing from a mom of 3 with little time & money...?

    I bought a juicer last year after seeing the movie "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", but didn't really use it until this year....after my gaining more weight and having a hormonal imbalance I decided to give the juicing a go. Well, it is really expensive. After a couple weeks of trying to do it at ever meal, i ended up doing juice for breakfast, and supper, but would eat lunch. Well, my husband is a meat lover, and my son...I have to do grocery shopping for them and me and it's not something I can do much anymore. I have to make everyone else a meal, then juice for me, clean up after them and my juicing. It has become a chore. I can't afford to juice this much anymore....I did lose a little weight I think, I look less bloated, had more energy, but still have a problem with emotional eating and food addiction. It's better than it was, but seeing that it makes more work, and is draining my wallet, I can't continue, I want to, but how do I afford this or convince my family to help? What should I do, cuz I don't want to stop, but feel like it's going to go that way whether I like it or not.

    2 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • How to get my new computer to connect to my already existing internet at home?

    So what do I need to get internet on my new computer? I have comcast internet on my other computer, but how do I get it hooked up to my new one? Please be specific and describe everything, I don't know much about this stuff...thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • To Home school or send to public school..A mom in a dilemma?

    I want to homeschool my 3 kids, ages 2,4, & 6. I have been trying to...quite pathetically, for a year. I have been on and off attempting to homeschool basically my oldest..and somewhat trying to include the others. I have been trying to teach him how to read. I suck. Not as a teacher, cuz I know I can teach...I just can't seem to get anything under control in my life. The house is in such disarray because of my lack of control and lack of structure for the kids. I stay up late and may start to try planning out lessons and such, but I rarely finish. I'll attempt to do school, and lose patience with the younger ones, and the older one eventually loses interest. I'll have these wonderful plans (the ones i finish), a lovely structure to a day, and I just don't follow thru...I may start ok, but when something doesn't go as planned, it throws off everything else. The house being in such shambles really contributes to my plans not being followed. My marriage is a bit husband is an emotional cripple since we had our 3rd child. I haven't gotten a hug in 2 years....a kiss on the cheek b4 bed I get a few times a week. He wants to be intimate even after just arguing, and the argument not being settled..both still mad...and he wants sex!!?? We are drifting apart daily...and I try to bring it back together, but the house being a total disaster area, and the day being so unstructured gets him mad at me (those are only 2 things out of MANY that he complains about). I used to make him a lunch for work everyday, and a coffee every morning, but I haven't done that in 3 or 4 months. Laundry is so far behind, and the washing machine just broke a couple days ago. My life is a mess, but the thing that stops me from sending my kids into public school, is I feel it will make them very will hurt them so, they will feel like I do not love them as much cuz I send them away everyday....I will feel a HUGE weight of guilt for sending them in...As lots of parents these days know, the world is getting more evil. Schools do not offer what I want for my kids, morally & spiritually. Their safety is also a worry. I will miss out on so much with my kids if i send them in. If I could only just get my head on straight, suck it up, get on the ball, & prioritize and just home school my kids the way I know would be most beneficial to them....but I just can't seem to. I am overweight, and not losing, but gaining...not by choice, I won't exercise, or stop eating when I shouldn' for me. How do I get my head on straight and homeschool, OR If you think I should send the kids in to public school, How do I overcome my fears and all the dilemmas of public schools? I wouldn't be able to stand it if I sent them in...I have thought and thought about what would be best for THE KIDS, and I know without a doubt (due to lots of advice and lots of research) that it's homeschooling them, the right way.....but How do I get there?

    11 AnswersHome Schooling9 years ago
  • Advice needed..Offended someone accidentally?

    Ok, well it all started like this..

    I was having a little get together for my father's birthday (emphasis on little, only my parents, grandparents and my husband, kids and I), and the set time for arrival was 4:30pm. Well, I had some things I needed at the store before everyone arrived..I was busy all day, and didn't get to leave the house till 3:50pm...well, needless to say try as I might, I wasn't going to arrive before the first guest (my grandmother who is always early), but my husband and the kids were home to welcome guests, so I figured he'd be welcoming people in & I'd be back home a few min. after, so it wouldn't be so bad....well, 4:20pm while I am leaving the store, my Grandma calls and says how she is there, at my house....well I'm assuming that she's already inside cuz my husband is home. I tell her that I had to get some last minute personal stuff (true) and I'll be home very soon. She somehow thought I said that "WE had to pick up some personal stuff @ store". When she had pulled up to the house in the driveway, she saw how my car wasn't there & assumed that absolutely nobody was home. I had no idea she thought this, my husband's car was there. While on the phone with her I said how I would be home real soon, and she sounded quite aggravated. I didn't think at all to tell her go inside, cuzz I thought she was already inside. Well we hang up, and on my way home (driving) I get a call from my husband saying where are you? everyone is arriving. Well, I told him i will be home in like 10 min., I was on my way...he says ok and we hang up. well about 2 min from my house I drive past my Grandma going the other way, leaving my house. I get home and my husband is on the phone with her and that's when I discover she thought nobody was husband did see her in the driveway, but assumed she was going to get out and come to the door as she always does and everyone else always does, but of course she isn't going to do that if she thinks nobody is home. Well, after a couple min. my husband, who is watching 2 of the kids (age 4 & 2) is wondering why she hasn't come to the door. He goes to the window to check and sees her pulling out of the driveway. So he calls her and he discovers the big problem, she thought nobody was home...and that's when I walk in, while he's on the phone with her. He mouths to me how she's mad @ me..and I am confused about things until my husband mouths that she apparently heard me say "we were out.." instead of "I was out.." So he just hands the phone over to me and she proceeds in telling me how mad at me she is, and why did my husband not go outside to greet her? And how the last minute trip to the store was just like my mother (who is know by all as "last minute sally" to the extreme, she really is always late). Well i agreed with her that the trip was ill timed, and apologized for not being home. She was mad at my husband, at me, and my parents cuz by that time it was 4:45 or sometime just before 5pm, and of course they were not there on I tried to get my Grandma to turn around and com back, but to no avail. Her and my Grandpa were real hungry and left to go eat. She was in such a mood from it all, that she couldn't turn around and come back...I guess it all just upset her so much.

    Now what do you think i should do? I know that my Grandma is hyper sensitive, she's known for it, but none the less, it was kind of out was all one big misunderstanding & miscommunication. I have learned from the experience to try to b more communicative & to time things more carefully. What should I do about my grandma tho? What would you do?

    4 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • It's not a good sign to feel lonely when your married...what would you do?

    I am a stay-at-home mom with 3 beautiful little kids ages 6,4 & 2. I have chosen to homeschool them. They love being homeschooled, that is when I can actually do it. My home is such a freakin' mess, and I go days without doing laundry, dishes, or schooling...I am ALWAYS depressed now, and never want to do anything cause I can't seem to stay consistent with it.... I can't get ahead of the chores. My poor kids need me to be consistent, but that is something I struggle with tremendously. Not sure why. Even if i can get to doing something, I can't ever seem to stick with it. The other side of this, is my husband. He is so unloving and distant....When the house gets real messy, he will refrain from any physical contact of any kind...even just sitting near me or talking...about the day or something. In the first place he isn't a very affectionate person, but he used to be with me...not too long ago. After our 2nd child he was still 100% more affectionate then he is today after our 3rd. He never makes time for me, even tho I do make time for him & when I do he gets aggravated that he has to spend time with me now, like it's boring and a waste. I am overweight, but I am not disgustingly huge and can't move...I just need to lose quite a bit of weight ya, but I am not so gross...I don't smell, I am clean. My weight and the house being messy is a turn off for much so that I feel like we are just room mates, who just happen to live together and haven't known each other long. He is so distant...he absolutely does NOT support my endeavors to homeschool. He never wants to really spend time with his kids, and when he does...the effort he puts in is so miniscule. When he is mad at me, he ends up taking it out on the kids...and has such little patience with them.

    I essentially feel like a single mom, w/o a paycheck, lonely and overburdened with a grown 4th child. He does next to nothing for himself. I don't have friends, i am always alone...

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I need some lost.?

    I have 3 wonderful kids, ages 6,4 &2. I decided to homeschool our kids before I had them, it's just something I felt very strongly about. Anyways, the kids love it, when I actually do get to school. When I do get to school is the key word here, cuz I can't keep consistent with that. Part of me dreads all the work it can require sometimes. Well, the other thing is, my house is a mess...not just a lil sloppy, I mean a mess. Crumbs, clothes, sticky and ants in the corner carrying away remnants of someone's snack, dishes piled high, laundry as well piled in every room, everything scattered, toys underfoot, and writing on the walls. Sounds like the kids took over, which in essence, is true. I am supposed to be the one in control, but the more time goes by, the less motivated I am, and the less drive I have for life. The other thing is, my husband works EVERYDAY. No days off, and he isn't too eager to come home. Can't blame him, but it didn't always use to be this way. Anyways, when the house gets this messy, he becomes distant...dramatically so. Not like he was such a loving husband in the first place. He is turned off by my weight (understandable), but so much so that he won't touch me...until the house looks cleaner, and he needs his sex..then he goes for it...and thats it. I am a tall girl, and big boned...but overweight a lot... not like so bad that I can't walk or move without gasping, but big enough ya know. ANyways, this guy I married is like just a room mate to me now, and I am personal maid to him. He gives me absolutely NO support in homeschooling, never an encouraging word, NEVER to me.... nothing to show ANY caring of any kind. Only constant criticizing, nagging,nitpicking & complaining. Now, our kids really need their schooling...More the 6 year old, but they need education. I know where I need to be in order to provide this homeschool environment for them, but trouble is...I can't seem to get there. No matter what, I am always depressed...I can't seem to get out of not having any ambition for anything. My marriage is pointless, I feel like a single mom. I have to do EVERYTHING for the kids and with the kids. When he is home, he just wants to sit on his skinny *** the rest of the night...sort of understandable, he's been working...ya he can relax for a while, but he is a father after all, and his kids do need some time with him, right? Well, in his opinion, an hour or so, or just putting one to bed, is enough. As things worsen between him & I; the less patience he has for the kids, and the less he spends time with them. Now knowing this, you'd think it'd at least motivate me a little to want to push and clean the house no matter what and to lose some weight maybe...but nope. For some reason, I am stuck. Why? I feel like I serve no purpose anymore, and that my poor kids are in need of so much, but get so little. I homeschool them, but not everyday. Days go by in between doing anything. We just do errands, go to parks, watch TV, hang out and visit family in between the days I get to do homeschooling. The 6 year old is going to a co-op thing and needs to know how to read before then. AND I havn't tAUGHT HIM TO YET......I have started, but I keep letting all this time go in between lessons...and I keep getting so manically depressed. I do NOT want to send the kids to public school. I know it sounds like a good solution, but I KNOW that they would benefit most from this homeschooling if I could only do it right! I feel so alone. I haven't any friends at all. I know some homeschoolers, I bring the kids every friday to baseball game that some of the homeschooled kids play in, but that's not enough. The kids need more socialization...I need a good friend.....which I thought would have been my husband, but that ship has sailed, docked and burned up. He will only be loving (and by loving I mean, he won't mind sitting next to me and briefly touching me, talking, and sharing the details of his day with me, or wanting to have sex a little more often)...if I can keep up with the dishes, and the house is looking more tidy, and he's got more clothes in his dresser. I am so pathetic..I, being a stay-at-home mom, believe that I can do the dishes, laundry,basic housework, and most of the homeschooling, but I have such a hard time doing the basic chores,, and keeping up with's so frustrating. No matter how caught up I get, i still fall behind, pathetically so. I haven't been caught up with all laundry since I can't remember. There is so much housework to do...I gt overwhelmed....I end up just laving it as is and sitting down with the kids and watching tv or just leaving the house before I ever cleaning up. I guess what I wanted to know is, are there any moms out there who homeschool, or have homeschooled and can give advice? I feel like a single mom, the only difference is i am not bringing home a paycheck.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • A married, stay at home mom, who feels like a single parent....?

    I have 3 wonderful kids, ages 6,4 &2. I decided to homeschool our kids before I had them, it's just something I felt very strongly about. Anyways, the kids love it, when I actually do get to school. When I do get to school is the key word here, cuz I can't keep consistent with that. Part of me dreads all the work it can require sometimes. Well, the other thing is, my house is a mess...not just a lil sloppy, I mean a mess. Crumbs, clothes, sticky and ants in the corner carrying away remnants of someone's snack, dishes piled high, laundry as well piled in every room, everything scattered, toys underfoot, and writing on the walls. Sounds like the kids took over, which in essence, is true. I am supposed to be the one in control, but the more time goes by, the less motivated I am, and the less drive I have for life. The other thing is, my husband works EVERYDAY. No days off, and he isn't too eager to come home. Can't blame him, but it didn't always use to be this way. Anyways, when the house gets this messy, he becomes distant...dramatically so. Not like he was such a loving husband in the first place. He is turned off by my weight (understandable), but so much so that he won't touch me...until the house looks cleaner, and he needs his sex..then he goes for it...and thats it. I am a tall girl, and big boned...but overweight a lot... not like so bad that I can't walk or move without gasping, but big enough ya know. ANyways, this guy I married is like just a room mate to me now, and I am personal maid to him. He gives me absolutely NO support in homeschooling, never an encouraging word, NEVER to me.... nothing to show ANY caring of any kind. Only constant criticizing, nagging,nitpicking & complaining. Now, our kids really need their schooling...More the 6 year old, but they need education. I know where I need to be in order to provide this homeschool environment for them, but trouble is...I can't seem to get there. No matter what, I am always depressed...I can't seem to get out of not having any ambition for anything. My marriage is pointless, I feel like a single mom. I have to do EVERYTHING for the kids and with the kids. When he is home, he just wants to sit on his skinny *** the rest of the night...sort of understandable, he's been working...ya he can relax for a while, but he is a father after all, and his kids do need some time with him, right? Well, in his opinion, an hour or so, or just putting one to bed, is enough. As things worsen between him & I; the less patience he has for the kids, and the less he spends time with them. Now knowing this, you'd think it'd at least motivate me a little to want to push and clean the house no matter what and to lose some weight maybe...but nope. For some reason, I am stuck. Why? I feel like I serve no purpose anymore, and that my poor kids are in need of so much, but get so little. I homeschool them, but not everyday. Days go by in between doing anything. We just do errands, go to parks, watch TV, hang out and visit family in between the days I get to do homeschooling. The 6 year old is going to a co-op thing and needs to know how to read before then. AND I havn't tAUGHT HIM TO YET......I have started, but I keep letting all this time go in between lessons...and I keep getting so manically depressed. I do NOT want to send the kids to public school. I know it sounds like a good solution, but I KNOW that they would benefit most from this homeschooling if I could only do it right! I feel so alone. I haven't any friends at all. I know some homeschoolers, I bring the kids every friday to baseball game that some of the homeschooled kids play in, but that's not enough. The kids need more socialization...I need a good friend.....which I thought would have been my husband, but that ship has sailed, docked and burned up. He will only be loving (and by loving I mean, he won't mind sitting next to me and briefly touching me, talking, and sharing the details of his day with me, or wanting to have sex a little more often)...if I can keep up with the dishes, and the house is looking more tidy, and he's got more clothes in his dresser. I am so pathetic..I, being a stay-at-home mom, believe that I can do the dishes, laundry,basic housework, and most of the homeschooling, but I have such a hard time doing the basic chores,, and keeping up with's so frustrating. No matter how caught up I get, i still fall behind, pathetically so. I haven't been caught up with all laundry since I can't remember. There is so much housework to do...I gt overwhelmed....I end up just laving it as is and sitting down with the kids and watching tv or just leaving the house before I ever cleaning up. I guess what I wanted to know is, are there any moms out there who homeschool, or have homeschooled and can give advice? I feel like a single mom, the only difference is i am not bringing home a paycheck. How do I gt ca

    7 AnswersHome Schooling9 years ago
  • Any one who makes their own household cleaners out there?

    I hate to use vinegar because of the smell, so I am looking for an alternative. I read somewhere that tee tree oil is a good disinfectant as well as other essential oils. Unfortunately I don't have any essential oils, nor can i afford them. I have some lemons...but I also have these 2 bars of tee tree soap I bought a while back from Trader Joe's (when I had a bit more money). Anyways, I was wondering if I like melted or boiled them down and added them to water or something I could use them in some household cleaning. Is there a way to do that? Just trying to save money by using what I have. I also have washing soda, baking soda, borax...basic homemade cleaning ingredients. I just want something powerful and disinfecting that doesn't smell horrid.

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • Can you take a road test without a sponsor if you are over 18?

    I have to take a road test tomorrow to get my license, and I was unable to get any babysitters, so can i bring my kids with us to the RMV and leave the kids with my husband while I go on the road test with the examiner? Or do I need to have a licensed driver besides the examiner in the car with me? Anyone please???

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • 2 year old too young to get some teeth removed?

    My 2 year old daughter has 2 teeth that are decayed almost down to nothing...Anyways, Brought her to the dentist and he says he needs to extract them, while she's just seems to me that she is too young to have any teeth yanked...The dentist said how she is old enough, but I was thinking of getting a second opinion. I thought I'd ask here to see what I'd come up with...Anyone else out there gone thru this? Is there a less invasive way?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • How do I get fruits and veg into kids who won't touch them?

    My kids are picky...I admit, it's my fault! I eat better then they do...thy are in need of REAL food. They do not appear to be as healthy as they should be. How do I get a boy of 6 who turns his nose up at watermelon, and anything else that came from the ground, to start eating healthier? My other 2 will eat fruit, but not veg...I eat good, but my hubby, he's just as bad as the kids. Whatever he eats, they want. He will eat it in front of em' too. He won't listen to me when I ask him to help out w/ this issue. His attitude is he's worked all day, he's entitled, and he payed for it, he can eat when he wants! In one respect I understand, but this is our kid's health....and his too. The way he eats, I would be surprised if he didn't get kidney stones by 30. How do I introduce the good stuff into their diets in a way that's showing veggies in a good light? My son loves his burgers..and bread...and pizza, like his father. Uugh

    7 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • What do you do when you've lost your libido?

    My husband says I never want to "do it". He's always the one who does. It used to be the other way around when we were first married. Back then there was a lot of hurt (I was hurt), he seemed to grow very cold to me (during my 3rd pregnancy). He became verbally abusive...impatient with me, and almost never touched me for long periods of time. After a while of trying to gain affection, and make him understand that he can't treat me that way...trying to win his approval, and getting day something seemed to just fade, break away. I felt like I didn't care anymore. I am no longer ever in the mood to do it with him..I am pretty sure that it's not my libido that's having problems, cuz I will feel "in the mood" at times (at least 1x a week), but don't say anything to him cuz I don't want to do it with him, I feel uncomfortable when naked, or during sex, cuz I am overweight....I've had 3 kids in a 4 year span...have not lost weight, and maybe gained some due to depression bcuz of marriage trouble. I am not so hideous, but I need to lose the weight. He makes remarks about it now and then, so I don't feel comfortable naked around him/ or anyone for that matter...who does? Anyways, The fact that he still wants to be intimate with me, isn't something that I feel so great about, cuz when we do it, it's boring, that's all we do, no foreplay, no, just his relief. He says that he's too tired to bother with "messing around". Now that I never want to do it, he asks, but I am just not into it. I feel like he's a friend, a lifelong companion...not a lover. He has a hard time showing affection and had an emotionally neglected childhood, but he has shown me that he can be affectionate (and was all during dating and first year of marriage), and even a little freaky in bed when he my being fat is a turn off to him, I believe. I want to lose weight, and get back to my old size, but it nver gets anywhere..I just feel so low and ugly. I've noticed he's been paying more attention to attractive porn, but like an ad or article with ladies in bikinis..Normally he doesn't go clicking on those things...I know cuz I check stuff on the computer.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago