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I've had two Christian trolls block me now. Why?

It never used to happen. I don't get it. I'm not annoyed or anything, just confused. Why troll atheists then block them? My answers to these guys are almost never rude. They're generally flippant, with some kind of serious point attached of course. I mean, do make some fun, but not in a mean-spirited way.

If they're not looking for light debate, poking fun, or serious answers, then what exactly are they here for? Seriously, I don't get it. Can anyone enlighten me?


@Ruth: Well, as far as I could tell, they had fun trolling atheists and reading what arguments they could come up with to leading questions. I don't think it's the rude or immoral practice that you seem to suggest it is (a healthy dig at other peoples' beliefs rarely is). I know I certainly don't feel put out by it. It's most of the reason why I come here.

Don't get me wrong about being this "nice guy". I don't pull punches when I come here, and I'm very happy to challenge beliefs you may hold sacred. But I try to make it light and funny wherever possible.

Update 2:

@Tzadiq: I had no idea you'd blocked me. I obviously haven't seen an interesting question from you since you have.

As for why my Q&A are private, it's a relic from when I exclusively answered questions in the mathematics section. Believe it or not, but the mathematics section have some rather stringent unspoken etiquettes, and people get rather touchy when they suspect they've been violated. Thumbs down are a really big deal (I admit I've gotten myself caught up in it before; not my proudest moment!).

Anyway, I noticed that every single one of my posts for all my questions, regardless of subject or correctness were receiving a thumbs down. I have no idea who was doing it or why (and this was before I had any friction with a fellow asker), but as soon as I made my Q&A private, it stopped, so I kept it like that.

I'm going to make it public now. There's no real reason not to.

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I honestly don't know. I don't know the people or what you said or what they said. Perhaps one possibility is that of perception. Maybe what you considered as "generally flippant" but not "mean-spirited" they took as offensive and don't want to talk to you.

    Are they right or wrong to do so? I don't know. I do know that the topic of religion can be a very personal one and people often have very strong feelings about their religion or lack of one, even if they say they don't.

    So if I were you, when it comes to religion don't take it too personally when people block you if you are trying to debate with them, even lightly.

    I would say that you labeling them as "trolls" is telling. Perhaps they consider you a troll as well and that is why they blocked you? :)

    good luck,


  • paul c
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If your "just kidding around". Maybe they didn't think you were. The old bar tenders rule is "never talk about religion or politics." Because some people don't joke about those topics. They get real angry real fast and that's not good.

    I've said over and over, "if you know the subject, great. If you don't know, but want to learn, fantastic." The problem here is we have troll children that don't know and won't learn. If they had a question, they wouldn't cause problems. But they don't have a question, they add a question mark to a rant. It's hard to read some of the trash they come up with. If it was brilliant thinking, I'd be trilled. A good mind has every right to question anything. The problem is they come up with a mind fart of an idea. A small piece of something they think is funny. They don't work on it, they just submit it. It's annoying and juvenile. So they get reported.

    You may have been turned in unfairly. I hope that's not the case. But with all the trash being written, you may have pushed someones buttons, by accident.

    Keep in mind, your writing about religion. Some people take it very seriously. They may not give you the benefit of the doubt.

  • Tzadiq
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I just blocked you and here is why.. You don't let others see how you answer questions You have your whole answered and asked questions blocked. Tells me you have something to hide and that perhaps the troll is you. Darkness hates the light and scurries from it like the dirty disgusting little rats they are.

    John 3:19 This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.

    Jim I don't think you statistics are quite right. About 99% of the question in this section are an outright attack on the belief of God. They are never serious they are always either "you are Stupid" questions or "gotcha" questions. It is tiresome stupid and obnoxious. I actually like to read a well thought out answer even If I don't agree with it. I've give someone the best answer who gave an opposing view but at least thought out their answer. But to me to have some child whether actual or mental answer a serious question with a cliche answer Is really obnoxious and irritating.

    For instance. Do you think that Christians should keep Gods Holy Days? It is a serious theological debate and could actually depend on someones salvation and to get answers like "What does it matter their is no gud." detracts from and is unhelpful in the debate. Its childish and shows a lack of any real intelligent thought. I prefer not to get those kinds of answers so I use the only tool I have. the block. I don't block Christians I disagree with unless they have the same spam answer for everything and I don't block atheists that have a real opinion but I do not have to put up with 2 point seekers who abuse the system.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    a - some people are immature and can't handle opposition - which they perceive as an attack against themselves or their religion

    b - some of the stricter sects (I've noticed it particular with Witnesses, but there may be others) religiously believe it is wrong to listen to people who teach things other than what they teach, and these sorts of people will often block contrary answers **in obedience to religious doctrine**

    2) If they're not looking for light debate, poking fun, or serious answers, then what exactly are they here for? Seriously, I don't get it. Can anyone enlighten me?

    Lots of question-askers are looking for nothing other than agreement. Ego-boosting. I'd guess that perhaps as many as 5% of the questions asked here fall into that category.

    Some question-askers are genuinely looking for answers, but **only within the confines of what they already accept as religious truth**. So - for example - a Christian who asks a question about Jesus might be expecting only Christians to answer - not looking for debate, not looking for anyone to poke fun, only interested in serious and specific answers from other Christians. Such a person might block people who "poke fun" at their religious beliefs or who "debate" the religious presumptions included in the question.

    Conclusion: some people take their religion seriously (I like to think that many do). Some take it *too* seriously. Don't let it bother you.

    - Jim,

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If you actually look at the pattern of many of these questions, especially from some of the regular posters*, you will notice a pattern of mental instability/dysfunction. I've seen some people even say that they ask the same question every day because of OCD (not on R&S, on another section).

    Once you understand that, it becomes easier to feel sympathy for some of the bizarre behavior here, such as blocking people who give answers to intentionally provocative questions.

    * -- kindly note I said 'some,' not 'all,' and not 'most.' Some.

  • kelcey
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Trolls attempt to entice haters into posting impolite comments, or to start "flame wars." the finest occasion (besides the actuality that for the duration of all probability no longer precise because of the fact that's a legitimately significant question) is that a troll might positioned up a query, pretending that he desires to renowned no count number if Mac or homestead windows is greater appropriate. the end result he's hoping for is that folk initiate arguing with one yet another of their solutions because of the fact he's conventional with that folk on the two sides of the priority are very prepared approximately their critiques on that concern.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I have had 5 atheists block me. I am not really concerned with their rationale, nor concerned with their blocking me.

    One of the people who blocked me, went on to find a bunch of locations that I posted an answer. They then did not answer the given question but only posted that I am a devout catholic and part of an organization designed to spread misinformation. I was at first annoyed, but then looking back I thought it was funny.

    So, my advice is not to worry about it. There are plenty of zealots out there and there is no accounting for their logical processes.

    Source(s): Deist
  • Ruth
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    My guess is you are not near the nice guy you claim to be. Why would a Christian troll?

    To give atheists a little something back. Atheists can dish it but most can't take it.

  • 8 years ago

    Quit whining and grow up. I get blocked by Christians, Muslims and atheists alike. Any time you give an answer that is firm and cannot be refuted by logic or fact you are likely to get blocked.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Oh sweet, sweaty, hairy Jesus. It's like *every* question I click on has a reply from you in it!


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