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Lv 5
Beth asked in HealthMental Health · 8 years ago

Do all growing teens go through a suicidal stage?

I had a conversation with my mother the other day, and somehow we ended up on 'suicide'. I finally decided to disclose to her the fact that I used to be suicidal, and am worried about slipping back into this stage of depression sometimes. She told me everyone goes through this. Now, she's never been the best at comforting others. But, is she right? Have you ever contemplated suicide?

I never told her about some past suicide attempts. But, I want to know how common it is for others to attempt suicide. Have you?

Now, I'm sorry for being so glum. Maybe a youtube video about a very annoying, but slightly adorable squeaking desert frog:

15 Answers

  • Naguru
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    Source(s): own
  • 6 years ago

    Yes, I've gone through a suicidal stage. I'm 16 and when I was 15, I had lots of suicidal thoughts such as different ways to kill myself. I even went so far into the deep end that I thought about harming others. The only way I didn't think about these things was when I was asleep. Now more than a year later I don't think about these things at ALL!! So yeah it's a phase and it will eventually pass. Mine lasted only a few months. It's part of growing up and your mind is maturing. But if it bothers you severely I would talk to someone professionally.

  • 8 years ago

    I never thought of suicide, I usually got mad and figured out how to pull off what I wanted. If you give up, you get no isn't fair and takes effort and you get out of it what you put into it. I will add that I don't understand depression since I don't suffer from it. I set goals and then go about figuring how to accomplish that goal and then set some more. Different people go about things in different ways. A positive attitude goes a long way. I've also had some terrible downturns in life and at one point did talk to a shrink to get it all straight in my mind. He really helped me and he was quite a listener and had some very good advice. That was part of figuring out yet another goal. You gotta do what you gotta do but don't give up.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No, not all do, however it is quite common and becoming even more common. I for one have not, but know people who have. Honestly the best option if you ever reach such a low point is seeking therapy, a therapist can help you find the root of your depression so that you can begin to heal and work through it. Also if you have someone you are close to in whom you can confide that is also a major help.

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  • 8 years ago

    I am not one myself, but a lot of my friends are and I didn't know it. So tell people like close friends and a guidance counselor so they are aware and can be there for you to talk to when you are depressed. Being suicidal is dangerous and people need to become aware that they're not alone. Do you really want to loose everything just because of depression and put everyone you know through that? I hope not. I hope I helped. (:

  • 8 years ago

    No! You should talk to her more about it. But, all teens go thru a stage where they want to be independent. If that is what's causing you to be suicidal, then maybe its normal. But you said you talk to your mom, so i dont think thats it. Tell your mom about it.

    EDIT: WOW! that Toad is so damn cute! I like how it walks backwards and squeaks. Thank you so much for sharing it.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    When I was 12/13 I thought about suicide and attempted it twice(but I was really depresseed) It's normal for teens to go thru depression but not suicidal thoughts.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, I think that everyone does. Most people decide almost immediately that its not worth it to hurt the people they love like that, most think about it more than they think. Some get help because they think something is wrong just from one thought like that, but some also decide that they can't handle it anymore and spiral down into this stage more.

    Yes, I have. With me, a lot of people that I thought loved me left, and I decided that I wasn't worth it. I actually remember the moment and the day that I first wanted to kill myself. I turned to self-harm because, I later figured out, I was trying to keep myself alive. When I got caught and couldn't rely on it anymore, I spiraled until I found myself holding a bottle of aspirin, cough syrup to keep it down and sleeping pills. However, I didn't take them, because at the last second I punched a wall instead and got called upstairs, even though I desperately wanted to. My point is, everyone does go through it, (and in different ways) but the experience sticks a lot more to some people than others. I have to work a lot harder to not spiral again because of anxiety and bipolar, but others put it straight out of their minds. Your mom might not understand this because she was the latter, instead of the urge sticking to you and trying to pull you back in, like you said you are worried about going back into it.

    Source(s): Me
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Not all of them but I admit I have. If you ever see youself slipping into that stage tell your mother or a close friend. Also just remember no matter what suicide is bot the anwser.

  • 8 years ago

    Not Everyone but a lot do. I know I sure did. Now that I am bipolar and panic disorder with ADHD. 22 white female here. If with time it doesn't get better consider a therapist ur doctor. One day everything will be OK.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I've been depressed but never contemplated suicide. Many teens go through a depressed state when they're teenagers, but not suicidal.

    Source(s): Certified furry!
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