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I feel trapped with my live-in boyfriend?

It is such a long story, but here is the short version....

I have been with my BF for 4 years or so, I am 25 and he is 29. About 2 years ago we started living together- which slowly brought us to the point we are at now. I pay "what I can" (1/3 rent, cable, 1/2 the car insurance and the bill for our anti-burglary alarm on the house. I also pay for my phone and any other personal expenses that I need.) but besides that, he pay for EVERYTHING. groceries, bills, dates, you name it. and now I dug myself even deeper because my car recently gave out on me, and the cheapest, easiest option was for me to buy a car off of his parents for around 2 grand. The part I didnt know, however, was that the registration would be under his name because "it was worth 7 or 8 grand" and I cant expect for them to just "give me a car." bottom line, he is often reminding me of these things when we argue, and I know that its not right. especially since he is very set in the traditional roles that a man/woman should have- and so am I, but in my opinion that should come with a MARRIAGE. Currently I am making lunches for him to bring to work, ironing his clothes, making his dinners, hosting him and his friends every weekend when they come over to watch sports, AND I work (part time while I finish school..which I will be by the end of sept. and will be an elementary school montessori teacher.) So being a student and doing all of these things to make his life easier AND helping out with bills should be more than enough. I know this is partly my fault for allowing my relationship to become this one-sided and controlling but I just cant let myself feel this way any longer.

- I need help figuring out HOW to leave. He has flipped every time I try to say Im not happy, and even gone to lengths of blocking my car in and taking my keys/phone so I cannot leave.

- I love him and care about him so much....because I know that if we were more comitted, (engaged/married) I would not feel as insecure as I do and actually feel satisfied that I am doing my job as a wife. It is so hard for me to leave someone that I love and have built something like this with.

- He owns the car, the house, the money....I would have nowhere to go and no money to help me. He is good about reminding me that is the case.

Bottom line- I know its not something I can be in without feeling bad about myself. I just cant bring myself to end things for good. He makes it INCREDIBLY difficult to leave and I know that he would do anything necessary to get my attention/hurt me if I do. I need suggestions or help from people who have been through similar situations? I just feel so trapped and have absolutely no way out.

He is constantly arguing with me, acting like I am the biggest inconvenience to him when I want to ask something as simple as when he wants dinner. It took a long time for us to become this distant from each other but I just don't know what to do or even where to begin picking up the pieces.

Side note- we have gone to counseling (it was free through his work's health benefits) and I have shared these feelings with him before. He has yet to see where I am coming from and still tells me that me moving out is out of the question. He is in the process of buying a house and I am afraid that is going to be the nail on the coffin for me.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I felt like I just read about myself when I was with my ex-fiance.

    Short explaination:

    GET OUT NOW while you can, while you're not married to him yet and there are no kids involved! I mean now! Tomorrow!

    He was my "high school sweetheart" and I was crazy about him. He had so much control over me because of how emotionally attached I was. He was the first guy I was sexual with and everything. It wasn't until we moved in together that I saw how he really was. People tried to tell me. It sunk in a little bit, but I wouldn't listen. It was the same situation with us. He payed for a majority of the bills, but I paid for A LOT, my school money helped, I went to college full time, was the one to clean and cook, and I had to work part time to help out. I felt trapped as well. I'm just gonna say it. Any man who would make you feel trapped like that DOES NOT LOVE YOU. He would want you to be happy above all. This guy wants to keep you locked up and all to himself, not caring what you think about it. This is a very, very dangerous situation and not one that you want to let go further, especially getting a house together. I'm serious, leave now! I felt so much better when I finally left my ex, like I was free. You will love the feeling of freedom you will get in knowing that you can still find your Mr. Right, you don't have to worry about missing him because you can't get yourself away from this clearly obvious Mr. Wrong. Not to mention, do you really want to get kids involved with this d*ck? Why would you want that for any future child of yours?

    When I left him, I stayed with family. It was hard, but I had to get on my feet. Would you rather live with someone like this or be safe with family? I mean really, you'll feel sooooooo much better once you leave. Soooo soooo much.

    If you don't leave, it will be the worst decision you ever make and your life might as well be over. If you do, it will be the best decision you will ever make and you can have a loving husband and home one day.

    Source(s): I gained the courage to leave my abusive ex and now I have the absolute best husband God could have possibly blessed me with, and I am incredibly happy with my life.
  • 8 years ago

    Wow well I have been in places like that. First off if you paid the money on the car to buy it its yours no ifs ands or buts. Small claims court will settle that. even tho I understand that u might not wanna go that far. The other option is saving money and getting a new one then leaving . as mean as that sounds. Or just go without. On the leaving part there has to be a part of the day where he's not home or around. you use that time to leave. Don't text or call til after your already gone. Have a friend or family help you to grab all you need leave behind the stuff you don't really care about to make it easier. Start packing what you can when he's not around also stuff he won't notice and take them to a storage unit or family etc. He knows he can control you with the car so make it to where he can't. Good luck hope this helped

    Source(s): Ex boyfriend same way
  • 8 years ago

    Bottom line is, if you're unhappy & don't want to marry or have a future with this guy, set yourself up somewhere & leave. I would try to find options to live somewhere else as soon as possible (without him knowing) & when you do, pack your things & leave! I know it may sound like a terrible option, but if you absolutely have no where to go, maybe take some time off of school & work more hours to save up for your own place? Get a loan? I know many people will look down on me saying that, but being unhappy until you graduate & find a job can really knock you down! School is always there!!! Being safe & happy comes first!!

  • 7 years ago

    I can see you need encouragement to leave. I think you already know you should leave. He sounds like somebody who is actually abusing you. Not LETTING you go, that is actually a DANGEROUS situation. I would honestly let the police know what's going on. It's that serious. Don't tell him you're leaving when you're alone. Have cops with you. Get a restraining order. Be safe. I hope things are better now.

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  • 8 years ago

    So, basically, you are living far beyond your means because you want to and your boyfriend is paying for it and you are complaining because you feel guilty about it? Seems unfair you have to pay for your own phone?

    No, that's not it! You make snacks for his friends even though you don't want to (and don't have to) and feel taken advantage of?

    Wait! You made yourself a really bad deal buying a car worth far more than you paid for it because it's not really in your name so you can't drive off in it when you ditch the situation?

    What happens if you don't iron his clothes? What happens if you suggest sandwiches for dinner and just set up the sandwich bar and make yourself one then head to your own corner to read a book?

    You are 25. Possibly you are not aware of the fact that you are not being taken advantage of. In fact, your boyfriend is paying a pretty high price for you making him an occasional meal and being polite to his friends. You need a better job. So you can squirrel your own money away. Do it now. That way you can reassess all of this when you aren't broke.

    If you had $6,000 of your own money squirreled away, would you leave? If you know the answer to that then you know what you have to do. If you don't know the answer to that... get yourself $6,000 seed money so that you can figure it out.

    Your "leaving" appears to have repeatedly happened during an argument. That's make believe. You aren't locked in a basement. You come and go at will, with a car.

  • 8 years ago

    Ugh. Please spare us the ridiculous "but I love him sooooo much" nonsense in the middle of a novella about what a controlling, manipulative dooshbag you are living with.

    And spare me the "I don't know how to leave" nonsense. Unless you are chained to the wall or there is someone guarding the door 24x7, you have the opportunity to simply walk out. Who cares who owns the car; next time you tell him you are going to the store, just drive away. You can call him later and tell him what parking lot you left the car in.

    You have no family? no friends? No newspaper that advertises for rooms to rent? I don't buy it.

    You seem more interested in a pity party than in taking control of your life.

  • 8 years ago

    Find some friends to split rent with and get out while he's at work. Leave the car and don't make payments on it.

    NEVER tell him where you moved to. He WILL come after you. After you get settled, call the police and tell them you just left an abuse boyfriend and want them to know that you may need them to come in a hurry if you call.

    Source(s): I helped a couple of friends get out of bad relationships.
  • 5 years ago

    Steps Toget Ex Back Guaranteed -

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Your obviously not happy. Why marry him? He's not going to change. If he tries to hurt you call the police. You should go for help w/o him knowing. If you really feel threatened by him.

    Source(s): Experinece.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    just get out nothing is gonna work,,,hell panty training him wouldn,t even help

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