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Is obsence talk just a part of the Christian (JW, Mormons, Catholics, Baptist, etc) culture now?

I saw a post where a comment just made me cringe with disgust. Yet few of the suppose Christians on it even mentioned it. In fact many rather put someone down for not introducing themselves before asking a question to someone but made no comment at all on the other.

Some even said the one disgusting comment was funny. This sexual act put to someone as a joke.

Sometimes we need to take stands. As a Christian are you unwilling to take a stand and be counted when you should? Jesus talks about that and those who won't.

Is it your afraid someone won't talk or like you after?

I hear kids outside of church making little dirty talk. Going to school saying the most crude things to each other. Adults as well who act like it's nothing.

We don't wash out people mouth out with soap anymore that was cruel, but could that be the problem?

OR is it more we just socialize with those who see no wrong in it and have become a part of that culture? Maybe the question is more something we have to look within more. Do I really want to be any part of a person or the crowd and blend in with a culture of crude talk?

If your not a Christian I don't see how this applies to you. But you can comment on how you feel when Christians don't mind some things with some yet claim they are against such things. But for those who are Christians it should apply.

Just curious is this a blending of culture these kind of talk where it shouldn't mean anything anymore or is there more to this? Perhaps Satan has a part?

Romans 3:10-18 (NLT) says, “As the Scriptures say,…“Their talk is foul, like the stench from an open grave. ... “Snake venom drips from their lips.” “Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.” … “They have no fear of God at all.”” This was the question , He even thanked some JWs by their comment and silence showing supposedly they agree with him

Perhaps they do. But I'm asking Christians. How do you feel about it, is obscene talk a part of Christian life?


I'm happy to see some still find it unacceptable. And as someone said: "I'm very surprised how many didn't say a thing about that while they were going on about the other" So was I !

Also was surprised some didn't come back and say something than, since so much was in additional details. Come-on most must have check back. I would never want to look like such behavior is just a joke and acceptable to me

Thanks for all your comments. Some it bother, some it didn't, one said don't talk about it or your bad (why?) For some I think it has become a normal part of culture, a part I personally see as a shame to us.

To one, Sorry about the spelling to bad you didn't have anything constructive to say on the subject.

Update 2:

Jewish and others my apologies for leaving you out. One wrote me a nice note how disrespectful he thought that commenter was to all others there not just one. "Obviously they know nothing about real manners. Worried about one where it is questionable if it was a lack, where the other showed a real lack of them. That's was hate does to people, it blinds many. Manners are free but some don't use them, and a few cross the line of decency like that one there did. To bad more didn't say something to them but I can understand a few not wanting too. I give extra credit to those who did. They are standing up not just for others but for God as well. It would seem to me that the decline in good manners is merely part of the general break down in society." (I agree)

16 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The link you have is broken (YA says deleted) so when I read your qn yesterday I was perplexed however, I later found it here:;_ylt=AmpyU...

    (I see there are some follow up comments too)

    There is an apt saying that should always be remembered which says:

    Standing in Church makes you no more a Christian,

    Than standing in a garage makes you a car.

    The point.... a Christian is not one by claim or birth right but by the way they live their life and the evidence thereof. Jesus himself said it would be like this and those claiming such would be rejected because they weren't doing the will of the father (Mt 7:21-23)

    I can't say whether the qn was read and answered prior to the BA's disgusting comment (or even if the claims made by the asker are true) but no, that type of talk is completely unacceptable according to the bible and to those claiming to be Christian. The person who made this obscene statement claims to be a 'born again Christian' however there is nothing Christian about such behaviour, nor is such acceptable in the Christian congregation today as in the first century. The asker himself was rejected from the JW organisation of which he has stated his displeasure on many other posts.

    I note that several have made statements to there disgust from various denominations, as have you on that question, a few have either ignored or perhaps not seen the BA's remark (of course it would only be assuming either way). The one who gave the credit to the comment in question has also left the JW's according to one post I read, but after a quick search I see is leaving many hate posts so it should not surprise any to see such a potty mouth comment...example:

    But one thing does stand to reason..... the JW's obviously ignore this Asker for a reason and I think his behaviour clearly evident as to why he is not a JW. I also have seen an earlier post of his remarking that his own JW family will not even speak to him. Does this perhaps show that many Christians do not accept such vulgar or obscene talk or behaviour to the point where they are prepared to shun a person who 'continues' unrepentantly in such a course? (1 Corinthians 5:12, 13) . . .For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do you not judge those inside, while God judges those outside? “Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.”

    A scripture that comes to mind is:

    "Although these know full well the righteous decree of God, that those practising such things are deserving of death, they not only keep on doing them but also consent with those practising them"

    Notice the word consent here. Interestingly a few other translations use the words 'giving approval'...

    Surely that applies to this doesn't it? If someone laughs along with something or doesn't disapprove of it, would they be considered to be consenting or approving of such behaviour? I certainly would think so.

    I don't know if it's because of the unpredictable outcome that people avoid speaking out or that society has become very "A" political in it's approach and telling someone their behaviour or speech is wrong is considered self righteous or encroaching on another's right to free speech. Perhaps even wanting acceptance by the world...idk, but you are right, it has become noticeable that many do not say or do anything about such behaviour today, in fact, in many places other serious sins are acceptable in some churches from homosexuality to living together unmarried so abusive speech is seen as minor. All I can say is such events should make us aware of what the bible terms as acceptable or unacceptable speech and as the bible "put away" from you (Eph. 4:31)

    Certainly, as Galatians 6:1 says, we readjust our brother if he is taking a false step, if he continues 1 Corinthians 5:12,13 brings out, we have to remove the wicked man from among ourselves for we judge those inside but God judges those outside. Certainly, if a brother is sinning it is our responsibility to say so....

  • Righteousness and the majority are not always on the same side.

    That was some read, and I was taken back by some.

    No it is not part of God's people ever. Such talk. Nor will it ever be a part of his culture. I do believe we should shun those willful sinning, so that we don't provoke God to anger or feel hurt by us ; for it is a truth it is hard to obtain forgiveness for sins that were willfully committed. And that includes bad or unhealthy associations.

    Even our silence sometimes supports sin and you see by reply after picking best answer.

    We need to avoid indecent words, and filthy jokes of which respectable people would be ashamed. *That surely doesn't mean just stand there and say nothing about it neither. "How does that look to others when you say your a Christian but say nothing when someone says something like that? It gives them a bad message of you and your faith. Like a silent approval. I'm not surprised the poster made a note of that in reply at the end.

    Lewd conversation of this sort is outward proof of an unregenerate heart; "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" (Matt. 12:34). And smutty humor and immodest words smooth the road to dishonorable deeds. Such mirth is clearly forbidden by God's Word. "Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient," says the Apostle Paul, are to be permitted. "For because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience" (Eph. 5:4, 6). Through such evil talk and vain mirth the Holy Spirit of God is grieved. Eph. 4:29-30.

    So God must have been deeply grieved there.

    I know some won't like to hear that. Maybe they will say well we didn't say it but is standing there when others are saying how wrong it is any better? Saying nothing yourself does make you look a part of the other company. Maybe some didn't come back but I think most did and some maybe decided I won't get into that like silence makes it better. Better for whom?

    I think of the crowd In Exodus who may not have said anything themselves when some were behaving badly, maybe they thought by saying nothing that would excuse them too, pleasing both. It didn't. They had to make a stand. Sometimes we do and it's Shame we have to be told as Christians when.

    We are so prejudiced in our own favor often that we cannot see our own mistakes and shortcomings as easily as those of others. And will often will rebuke if others say anything, you will get that too, we have all the excuses for it, and yet it is very necessary that we have their help, since they can see our needs much more clearly than we ourselves can

    Again, such foul talk is "no" part of a Christian life. Nowhere in the Bible are we told to tolerate sin, and to be quiet about it especially when it has become an issue around us and we are there.

    I can see why you asked this and I felt the question was a good one for some looking in and should be addressed.

    Actually I know many Unbelievers and Atheists who have better manners than to say something like that on a public place or anywhere.

    I did read it and saved it, to see how much people admit to, hide, learn and change in time to come.

  • 8 years ago

    It's a good question because I don't think there is anyone who hasn't heard such talk from some. For religious folks it is something God frowns on. So we should talk about it when it comes up like it did. When you ignore things like that they don't usually stop. Others pick it up. There are times on the forum where you will see several in a row like that-all smut talk. And it's infectious and childish. A lot of us don't like it.

    No one there made such a comment only that one. That was awful.

    Some people may think it is clever to use such smut talk but it's not. And the poster defending it saying it isn't a dirty word when it certainly was used in a derogatory way, no, it was not cute sarcasm, I'm sorry but there is no excuse for that behavior. And others that agree with that than shame on them too.

    Most adults wouldn't even say that in a bar to someone without others saying something to them.

    I think many adults do that here because they feel that they need to do it to impress their friends or peer group. Doesn't say much for their group does it? For many it becomes one nasty habit where they don't even stop to think about how others around may view it. They don't even care.

    Sometimes young children swear because it is part of the language of their school yard and they don't realize it is not OK unless someone explains to them why they should not do it.

    So how do we handle it here? We tell them. I'm very surprised how many didn't say a thing about that while they were going on about the other? Is it that much a part of their lives they didn't notice that?

    Talk like that in a public place can get you fined, or even imprisoned in some countries, cities or even some places

    Talk like that can get you banned from all sorts of sites, from Internet forums to massively multiplayer online role-playing games.

    Talk like that at work will probably get you fired.

    Good for you for speaking out. Most aren't children here even if some act like it.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I was told about the question by someone yesterday and checked it out for myself. Here is the thing: The person who said the obscene comment wasn't a Witness but an anti-Witness.

    Not too many Witnesses even went to the question.

    The questioner was upset because he was asked by a Witness if he was apostate and felt that was rude, esp because the person didn't introduce themselves.

    One Witness said: "I would have blocked him for that." I agree that that was an uncalled thing for a JW to say. Why is he trying to get in the middle of an issue that doesn't concern him and he doesn't know the details about. Blocking is a function that should be used as a last resort anyway.

    As far as a JW emailing someone and asking "Are you an apostate?" he could have eased into the matter but it isn't like he told the person off. He or she just misspoke and could have used more tact. That isn't the worst thing in the world.

    I emailed a couple of different people in the past and was told that they weren't ex-Witnesses, only to find out later that they lied to me. So it doesn't do any good to ask.

    As far as the obscene comment by the anti-Witness, that should be the real issue. That is much ruder than the Witness who sent a Klutzy email.

    I added my own comments but I didn't direct them to the anti-JW because he is an apostate and I try not to talk to them if I know that they are. I do slip up a little here and there, in that regards though.

    I answered the questioner's basic question. I didn't want to turn it into a back and forth dialogue of snide remarks. Other people had already pointed out the opposer's gross words. I was there to answer the question and not have it become a "chat room."

    However, I did correct someone on there and that was another JW. Which is all one can really do is keep in check the behavior of a fellow worshipper. That person had said: "It sounds to me like the person who emailed you was not one of us. We would never do something like that." I kindly pointed out to that person that JWs are certainly capable of displaying "klutzy" behavior. If someone does something that isn't totally well thought out, it doesn't mean that it is impossible that they are a JW. Even the apostles goofed up.

    And one afterthought. Some people go to a question and answer it. They don't necessarily read everything that everyone else says. And some people purposely avoid reading what apostates say and I admire them for that. They can't correct someone for something that they didn't read.

    I personally don't believe that I even read all of what the questioner said. And I rarely read all of other people's comments. Some people never read the other comments and only leave their own.

    I am going to make it my aim to stay out of issues on this site and only answer deserving questions on here.

    Eclesiastes says there is a time to speak and a time to stay quiet. There is also a scripture about not being "righteous over much." Everyone has to use their own abilities to figure out how to apply that to their own self.

    Edit-One of the "Witnesses" that validated what the questioner said wasn't even a Witness, btw. He follows our activity and kind of "hangs around us." But we can't be blamed for what he does.

    More food for thought: It is going against guidelines to even address others in a question. When anti-JWs were on a reporting kick awhile ago, a couple of them were reporting my comments for "chatting."

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  • 8 years ago

    I saw that before and answered.

    It is a big part of our culture. And for many it doesn't mean much anymore. They will only attack you for saying anything against it . And on anything they can find wrong against you. Just like the other was doing to that gal. You can see that pattern here.

    Christians know they shouldn't associate with such people.That is why the first gal asked.

    And it looks like some did get pulled in for not taking a stand. Satan loves that.

    It is important to take our stand against such things.

    I try to teach my children to stay away from such people. They will only drag you down to their level

    So it is a big part of the world now and the bible tells us who is ruling the world.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No this is not part of the christian way or teaching if any thing this is a sin, but due the the lack of discipline and understanding of the scriptures and the culture of society some of us reside in it is taken for granted that these things can be done.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    No and it should not be part of any Christian's life. It is not in accordance with the admonitions given in the Bible to make sexual jokes. The bible says, "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." And please don't base your opinion of Christians upon what a few people on the internet say.

    Source(s): Baptist
  • 8 years ago

    There are a ton of "Christian" people who think they will be saved in spite of their lack of allegiance to God's commandments. I suspect this attitudes is a spin off of the catholic concept of being clean by simply confessing each week.

    As the world becomes more corrupt and wicked, many Christians are just following along. They will someday find that only those with truly repentant hearts will find salvation. When God separates the rebellious goats from his loyal sheep, I don't think he will be using lip service as a gauge.

    Anyone who still has a conscience knows when they are doing wrong. Wordsmithing the bible in order to justify your actions does not lead to God.

  • Daver
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    <<Is obsence talk <snip> etc) culture now?>>

    It's in our culture.

    <<I saw a <snip> as a joke.>>

    And what age were the offending idiots? Christians are not immune to immaturity.

    <<Sometimes we need <snip> like you after?>>

    And then there's the fact that you can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink.

    <<I hear kids <snip> be the problem?>>

    Yes, it could. What you advocate, you run the risk of over-stepping. Those kids have their own parents.

    <<OR is it <snip> of crude talk?>>

    No. Does not the average person prefer to socialize with people who act and behave similar to how one behaves as well?

    <<If your not <snip> applies to you.>>

    Non-Christians are human beings too.

    <<But you can <snip> has a part?>>

    So what's your solution then? Are you suggesting that Christians will somehow inexplicably be able to do something about the uncouth members of society - by staying away from them - HOW?!?

  • 8 years ago

    True Christians don't talk like that. You have to remember that there is a large number of people who say they are Christians but they don't try to walk the talk: they don't go to church, don't live in the Word, so it doesn't bother them to use foul language or do things that displeases God.

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