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Why do Christians accept god with no evidence but other things with actual proof they dispute?

Like evolution tons of proof..and fossils they've found that is millions of years old yet people still argue the earth is only 10000 years old..

24 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In order to accept god with no proof they are required to reject all proof that contradicts their lack of proof.

  • Dr. D
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Why pick on Christians? Every culture throughout all of history has believed in various gods. It seems that the human brain naturally picks up on the concept of god. So your question should NOT be directed to Christians but to humans in general.

    Then, what evidence do you need? Christians have Jesus Christ who performed many miracles and then resurrected from the dead and assented into heaven. Pretty cool proof, huh? You had to have been there?

    Okay, what proof is necessary? Quantum physics may require consciousness to be part of the equation of reality. Science tell us that everything is a wave function until consciousness (or observation) is added and we have wave function collapse. So maybe God is very prominent in our lives and we have our lives within the consciousness of God. Or, if there are additional dimensions to reality like string theory teaches, that could support theories of a spiritual reality. Maybe time is a product of creation and God exists outside of time. What if you join a ghost hunter club and you become convinced that there is life after death - would that be enough proof for you?

    For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who do not believe, no proof is sufficient.

  • 8 years ago

    Erm, hello because religion is about believing and having actual real 'faith' in God even though you can't actually see him, seeing isn't believing. Look at this entire world, and entire peninsula it was designed and created so divinely and accurate. Do you know its a fact that if the Sun was to be moved 1cm back we would all freeze and if moved 1cm forward we would all burn. Does it not occur to you there is a high possibility and chance there truly is a God.

    For example think of it this way if you was to see a beautiful golden watch on the floor, what would, you think? You would think someone probably dropped it. You wouldn't think 'oh it fell form the sky and over millions of years evolved into what it is today a beautiful watch!' You wouldn't think that, because you now that would be ridiculous and stupid. Because you know that, that watch would have to manufactured and designed in some company, then someone purchased and dropped it because that would be the only logical and reasonable solution.

    So why would you think this entire galaxy and peninsula was also here by 'chance' like that watch, knowing this entire world, and galaxy is far more glamorous and designed by some materialistic watch. The chance of rolling a dice tails three times in a row is 26million to 1. So what is the probability this entire Earth, galaxy and peninsula was also here be chance? Think about that.

    I think Christains and Muslims do believe in the 'Big Bang Theory' and that God created this entire world in 6 days. However the scientific proof does show evidence of evolution, but how do you think this evolution, how do you think it is being controlled and functioning. By itself, or maybe by luck? this is the question everyone wants to ask but doesn't now the true answer to it. But let me tell you something the evolution, and evolvement and creation of all animals and humans is by God.

    And do you seriously think you evolved from a fish or a Ape yes we may share some similar characteristics but this is the way God created us so we can function the way we do.God created all living organisms and humans in a way that best suits them for there environment and yes animals evolved over the years to enable this. But humans were created by God, and have not evolved in any way at all therefore the theory of evolution in humans in incorrect. Yes the 'Big Bang Theory', is correct by scientists forget the main and logical answer that God did this creation and created the Earth and entire world.

    And it is our duty and obligation in religions to truly believe that. And if you don't, I feel sorry for you, as you are truly blinded and misguided.

  • 8 years ago

    You have claims backwards!

    There are fossils all over the Earth with Man's and Dinosaur's footprints fossilized together! Several are in Texas and up to 200 feet long! They had to be made the same day of the mud would have been too wet or too dry to hold them! There are more in Minn. also.

    ALL of the History in the Bible has been confirmed at least twice from neighboring countries! Plus all the History in Israel itself! Lots of places in the Bible are still around today! Like Noah's Ark that is on top of a mountain in Turkey! Built to the same measurements as the Bible states! How do You think it got there?

    It is the Atheist "big bang" that has Zero proof to it! Do You know where the very first atom could have come from? Nope! For science has Never been able to figure this out! That is why they start with the "bang" already happened! There is Zero proof!

    Science can Not even explain today how a caterpillar can make cocoon, become a red jelly with out any bones, then become a butterfly! Do you think you know?

    Atheists dates and times keep changing, they can not even make up their minds. When I was in school it was an even six Billion years that was taught. Now Trillions of years are taught. Yet Facts/fossils say we were here at the same time!

    See if you can get "Time/Life's Lost Civilizations, Mesopotamia" on VCR only, to watch. It has tones of proof! Plus there is tons more proof you can watch, ones even with hours of proof on Noah's Ark!

    How come around 15 million people have died, been confirmed dead by a medic, and have come back to life ALL describing the basically same experience? Watch "The Lazarus Phenomenon" on DVD or FREE over the Internet! See for yourself. Divide the 15 million by our population and find out how common it is!

    Earth is 6,000 years old!

    Source(s): Bible, history
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  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I believe the bible 100% and I accept the scientific evidence that the Earth is about 6 billion years old with a universe which started 13 billion years ago.

    Not everyone see Genesis as a literal step by step account of creation. It is mostly an American thing.

  • 8 years ago

    Belief in the one true living God without seeing physical proof is called "faith" Hebrews 11;1-3 Christians don't believe in evolution. This "evidence" you speak of is not evidence to us. Man's creations are faulty, man being imperfect. New discoveries are always being made by scientists that prove their dating of the earth or things on it were wrong. No one knows exactly how old the earth is. The scriptures say that "a day is "like" a thousand years to God". The scripture isn't specific.

  • 8 years ago

    Well I would like to begin by pointing out that it is completely unfair for you to group Christians together like this. It's the same concept as saying all Asians enjoy math. I am a Christian and I study evolution and science intently: not to disprove it, but because it's interesting and I like to find links between the stories of the Bible and science. The population of closed-minded, bigamist, Christians is actually quite limited. I'm sorry that you feel that all Christians are so disagreable. I hope that you meet a real Christian soon that can change your mind :)

    Now to begin. There are many stories in the Bible that seem impossible but of which scientists have actually found proof. For example, the great flood of Noah's time was actually proven to have occured through the study of geology. Also, the 7 plagues of Egypt were accurately described by the bible and were caused by the erruption of a super volcano in Ethiopia. I know what you're thinking: so the Jews got lucky. Did they? This is how a Christian would think: there's no way this happened so perfectly for the Jews. The land bridges formed on the Reed Sea (the bible says "Red Sea, but it's a translation error) were formed just in time for the Jews to make it across but for the Egyptians to drown. These stories are recounted by multiple cultures therefore varifying their actual occurance. But the perfection of the execution was no accident: God was freeing his people.

    Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome: all of these civilizations recount the great power of the Jews and their stories. The Epic of Gilgimesh: the first epic poem in history, bears uncanny resemblance to the story of the beast and the harlot in the bible.

    Now you're probably thinking: so these stories happened. But they're explained through nonsense. It's like aliens as an excuse for inexplicable occurances in modern day. Maybe you're right. I spent my time wondering about the nonsense. My life is heavily rooted in education. I didn't go to church when I was young. I've not been baptised or taken part in any religious ritual. I'm very liberal in social issues. I fight for the acceptance of gay rights: seeing that it's no more of a sin than normal lust (which is explained in the Bible if people would read and interpret it themselves), I believe in an evolutionary theory that claims that we evolved from the protiens and minerals that were brought to Earth as the dust from a fallen commet. I've spent a long time with agnostic ideals. But I believe in God, not because of some stupid evidence that only exists in splotches. I am smart enough to understand that the lack of evidence is a test. God doesn't want us to have evidence: it's easy to believe if it's spelled out in front of you. God is more than tangable ****. So much more. And I've had many experiences: coincidences that were all too convienient: miricals. I talk to God every night. He is my oldest friend: my mentor: my father. And honestly, I cannot explain how annoying the facebook posts about Jesus and God are. I don't mind Bible quotes. The relationship is a personal one. To understand the connection between a true Christian and God is to be able to break past the barrier of knowledge. It requires higher levels of thinking: metacognition, emotion (which is NOT and NEVER WILL BE a weaknes!), and I suppose, a bit of blind faith. But the feeling is even more overwhelming than a baby being born or your best friend dying. To explain why Christians believe in God, I did my best, but language's and logic's limitations have prevented me from explaining in full. I hope this was what you were looking for, but I get a sick feeling that you were looking for a fight.

    Source(s): Christian that once had similar views and is very liberal
  • 8 years ago

    Nonchristians get so confused on this point.

    Christians HAVE the evidence that God exist! We can not put it on a silver platter and hand it to you, so you therefore, think that there is no evidence. If you want evidence that God exists, then you need to get it for yourself. The signs, wonders, and miracles that God works in my life, are MY evidence.

    God said that if you seek Him, you will find Him if you search for Him with all of your heart. You have chosen not to do that, so do not expect to get the results.

    Your areeither:

    1) not looking.

    2) not looking for God, and instead looking for a magazine article that tells you a bone is older than the earth.

    3) Not looking for Him the way that He tells us to do, but instead insisting that He do things your way.

    4) Looking half hearted, giving God your time limits, demanding signs, wanting to impress another atheist with your wit.

    5) wanting to hang on to your sin more than you are wanting to be cleansed of it.

    6) not understanding the wages of sin, and what Jesus Christ did for you so that you will not need to pay it yourself.

    The "evidence"? That is the exact same evidence that Christians have to prove that God is the Creator of the Creation.

    Calling it proof? It is not proof, it is "YOUR INTERPRETATION".

    Someone told you that it is millions of years old, when it is less than 6000 years old. If they were to hand you a stick that is 9 inches long and tell you that it was a yard stick, you should question that also.

    God is God. Jesus Christ is Lord. Where you spend eternity depends on what you believe. Choose wisely!

  • 8 years ago

    It's really only a quite small minority who do this. A misleadingly vocal and politically active minority, but a minority nonetheless.

    But for many of those who do, it's because they literally believe they will go to hell if they don't. For the latter just as much as the former. For many of the others, it's because they trusted someone to tell them the truth when they were too young and uneducated to know any better. Someone who either didn't know the truth, or who intentionally lied about it.

  • 8 years ago

    When will you stop ignorantly stereotyping over two billion Christians in the world who accept Evolution as if they are part of the tiny group of Creationist Christians who do not?

    Truth cannot contradict Truth. -- Pope Leo XIII

    Most Jews and Christians do not take the stories of creation in the Bible literally. We believe the stories included in first 11 chapters of Genesis tell religious truth but not necessarily historical fact.

    One of the religious truths is that God created everything and declared all was good.

    Catholics can believe in the theories of the big bang or evolution or both or neither.

    On August 12, 1950 Pope Pius XII said in his encyclical Humani generis:

    The Teaching Authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter - for the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God.

    Here is the complete encyclical:

    And here is the Address of Pope John Paul II to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on October 22, 1996 speaking of the Theory of Evolution:

    Here is an interesting article about Pope John Paul II's opinion in the matter:

    The Church supports science in the discovery of God's creation. At this time, the big bang and evolution are the most logical scientific explanations.

    As long as we believe that God started the whole thing, both the Bible and responsible modern science can live in harmony.

    Here is a nice list of Christian thinkers in science:

    The Clergy Letter Project an open letter endorsing the Theory of Evolution signed by over 12,000 clergy from many different Christian denominations:

    I suggest you read "New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy" by Robert J. Spitzer

    With love in Christ.

  • 8 years ago

    Have you ever been to Peru? If not how do you know it exists? You yourself have never seen nor touched the earth of Peru? Do you love someone? How do you know it? You can't see it, touch it yet it exists.

    How foolish to think that you must see and feel everything for it to be real. Their is a universe of things that we do not know about nor understand. The wise person acknowledges this and does not put all of his faith in the "proof" that some men claim to be true.

    Who is wiser, the person who puts all his faith in science that can change from year to year or the person who chooses to trust in and believe in God who is the creator of all things and who knows the actual truth.

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