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Boyfriend says he can show me love because he loves God?

He's not affectionate anymore and he says he's read some scriptures that say don't love the world because those who love the world don't have the love of the father. Something like that. So he says showing love to me is part of the world and he can't do that. He's really into God and the Bible and so am I but I don't see anything wrong in showing affection. Am I the wrong one? He also tells me he loves everyone the same and that he can't love me more than he loves anyone else in this world. That kind of hurts to think he loves other people the same because I am his girlfriend. I understand that God comes first because he also comes first in my life. But am I wrong for wanting love and affection and for being hurt that he says he loves everyone the same. He told me today that he even loves his ex like he loves me. That hurt. So any help? What can I say to him?

24 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He sounds confused about this. There are cases that God may call a person to remain a virgin to do his work. But that means no girl friend, if you 2 are dating than it should be headed toward marriage,, and saying that, the bible says for a man to love his wife as Christ loved the church, and should leave father and mother and cleave to his wife. So the answer is yes, he should show you affection and a much different love, read the book of Ephesians and corrinthins in the bible.

    May I ask how old you 2 are?

    Source(s): Techniician
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Sounds like he's still learning and having a hard time. Maybe he's doing that to avoid temptation? Be patient, leave or both.

    No you're not wrong for wanting affection above that which eh would show to others, but just keep in mind that he is not your fiance or husband, so he doesn't necessarily owe that to you. I'd say he owes you a priority concerning his time and trust though. If he loved you the same as everyone else, he wouldn't have asked you to be his girlfriend.

    He's trust trying to figure out the right balance, not snub you. You should tell him what's on your mind. Guys don't like it when we "expect them to know what we're thinking." =)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Been there, done that! Unfortunately, until he makes the choice to seriously commit himself to you, he's going to be boozing it up and hanging out with his friends while you wait in the wings. If you've already discussed your feelings and concerns with him, the ball is in his court as to how he wants to move forward with this relationship. If he has yet to make a change, it's indicative that this relationship is going nowhere fast. As for the affection, many people who rely on alcohol as a "social lubricant" will have a hard time displaying their emotions and being affectionate or intimate sober. This is a greater issue in itself, as alcohol is probably playing a greater role in his life than you are. It may be hard to walk away, especially if you've shared a lot of good times together and you geniuenly enjoy him as a person. I was in an extremely similar situation with my last boyfriend, and walking away was very difficult. If I hadn't walked away, I'm sure I'd still be waiting around for him to grow up and lay off the sauce! You deserve better and to be loved for who you are, not with the beer googles on. Walking away now will hurt, but not as much as it will if you stay with him for several more years! Also, you walking away now might make him realize how much he really loves you, and will give him incentive to change his ways before he loses you for good.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    hehe ... you sound so sweet , how could he treat you this way.

    i think he's just not ready for marriage or to be in a relationship.

    even God has favourites ...

    OT : God's favourite was moses, david, elijah and the other prophets

    NT : God's favourtie -- james, john , peter ... then follows the other apostles.

    your bf does not know scripture and is in the process of discovering it.

    if he says that he loves you the same as he loves everyone else ...

    means he does not love you, sweetheart.

    his heart does not miss a beat over you,

    he is not passionate over you ...

    maybe you should look elsewhere ...

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  • 8 years ago

    You need to dump him so he can see a more true love relationship and remember he will love you the same and as long as he does show that same kind of him love. God responds to those who love him because he knows them and their is a relationship there he loves those who don't know him but without a relationship it is different. Your boy friend needs to understand that.

  • 8 years ago

    Gen. 2: 24: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh." The Father and Mother that Adam and Eve left were God. God wants the marriage union to be special above all other unions. If one says, "No, I'm putting God #1", then they must not be thinking too clearly; God told Adam and Eve, and by extension all of us, to put our spouses first. It's hard to claim you love and follow God first and foremost when you're disobeying one of His very first commandments. Does your boyfriend know better than God? Is he more righteous than God?

    Source(s): Old Testament
  • 7 years ago

    Ephesians 5:25

    Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

    I am a little confused with your boyfriend's way of thought. God loves us all equally, true. And we are made to love one another. But there is a special kind of love between partners.

    Do we ever have to question if God loves us? No! Because God is always constantly proving His love to us! You should not have to question if your boyfriend loves you. He should love you as Jesus loves you. He should love God above all but we are made to love another partner. That is why God created Adam and then created Eve for him. He specifically created Eve for Adam so they could love each other as God loves them. God has created someone for most all of us (unless He has other plans for us) and it is up to us to find that person and love them unconditionally through God and through prayer.

    That is a difficult situation. The most you can do is talk to him about how it makes you feel when he says those things to you and pray with him! Go to church with him, read your bible together. God sees your struggles. He knows what is best for the both of you. Just don't be afraid to trust God. I hope you the best of luck and you are in my prayers (:

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    he's an idiot. a man is supposed to love his woman & the woman is supposed to lvoe him in why the jews & muslims arrange marraiges is beyond comprehension but anyway.

    tell him that he is going against the bible. loving his woman IS different from loving common folk...the ONLY one he should love more than you..& you more than god himself.

    bible says "husbands love your wives & wives submit to (aka love) your husbands"

    plus dont forget gods kama satra...the song of solomon.

    if he's still being stupid after all that....fck him...not like that either.

  • 5 years ago

    He's growing in knowledge, have patience. The world, in those verses, mean the sinful world. You have to let God's word speak for itself.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    What religion does he belong to? I used to be a Jehovah's Witness and we used that scripture to distance ourselves from non-JW's. In short, I'm not sure there's much you can do. All of this is his decision after all. Talk to him about it if you can. At least demand an explanation.

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