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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 8 years ago

Don't people realize that abortion has always been legal for medical causes?

No sane person thinks that a woman should be forced to carry a child if the pregnancy threatens her life, or if the child will be born with a life-threatening medical problem. Such decisions have always been available between the woman and her doctor, and that is as it should be.

It is abortion being used as birth control that people like me find so outrageous. How dare anyone say that it is just fine to romp around, having sex indiscriminately, ignoring the fact that sex makes babies, something you should have known from like fourth grade, at least...and when "oops" she gets pregnant, oh,'s as easy as getting a wart removed, as one woman put it.

Abortion in the case of medical need, or incest, or rape, even...those kinds of abortions should be legal and available.

Abortion as birth You don't want kids? Fine. Don't have sex. If you're gonna behave like an animal in heat, there is a solution...

Get yourself "fixed".


@Mercuri...Honey, I AM a pro-life people. I have been a volunteer for the Alabama Pro-Life Coalition and a member of "Operation Rescue" for lo, these many years.

And, no...none of the pro-life people I know...and there are many...think that women ought to be forced to carry a baby under these circumstances.

You have been given some false information, my friend...not surprising...there's a lot of it in pro-"choice" circles...

Update 2:

@Alexis: I read your rant...erm...article. Sweetie, all you are doing there is regurgitating tired pro-"choice" propaganda. The fact is that when a woman gets pregnant, what she is carrying is a baby. I ought to know...I've given birth to seven of my own...and adopted three whose mothers were unable to care for.

You, your own self, were a zygote, once. If you don't want kids, have your ovaries removed. After all, they are just "blobs of cells"...and you will have the added bonus of not having to deal with periods every month.

A win-win proposition!!! For you...and for any kids you might have had whose mom thinks they are just "blobs of cells" to be removed at her whim...

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    ,Don't people realize that abortion has always been legal for medical causes?>

    That is what I thought. So basically then the whole "right to choose" point of view based on the life, health and safety of the mother is a farce when the overwhelming majority of terminated pregnancies are perfectly normal.

  • 8 years ago

    "No sane person thinks that a woman should be forced to carry a child if the pregnancy threatens her life"

    No sane person, but apparently the governments of Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Malta do. These countries do not permit abortions for any reason.

    You seem to live in a bizarre nightmare world where people have abortions for fun. You don't live in South Park, do you?

    Meanwhile, I contend that there is no moral angle to an early term abortion. In the first trimester, there is only a potential human... but no brain activity.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No, it hasn't.

    In fact, before Roe v. Wade, there was an substantial amount of dishonesty on the part of many medical professionals in the US, because abortion was illegal under *any* circumstance in most states. Doctors would sometimes make up "medical reasons," perform an abortion to save a mother's life, then report it on charts and reports as something else to avoid arrest.

    If you're so "pro-life," then you should absolutely support comprehensive and widespread teen education regarding birth control methods, which would greatly reduce the number of abortions in the US. Sadly, though, the vast majority of so-called "pro-life" people also vehemently oppose comprehensive sex education for teens, and ready availability of birth control -- shooting themselves in their own feet. What they *really* want is to control the sex lives of people based on their religious superstitions, and to "punish" women who get pregnant by forcing them to carry a zygote to term, because they were "bad" and had sex.

    Frankly, most of us rational people don't *care* what you think. Abortion is legal and every woman has a right to choose one or not, for whatever reasons. And it's going to stay that way. You can rant on about your religious nonsense all you want to, you can bomb clinics and kill doctors, and it's going to stay that way. Deal with it.

  • 8 years ago

    Murdering Jews was once legal, too. All your laws can't make it right.

    A baby conceived through a rape does not deserve to be murdered.

    Every person on earth is born with life threatening problems, and which might cost the mother her life. The baby still does not deserve a death sentence. What kind of ugly sub-human makes excuses like that?

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  • 8 years ago

    >No sane person thinks that a woman should be forced to carry a child if the pregnancy threatens her life, or if the child will be born with a life-threatening medical problem.

    So basically you're saying that pro-"life" people are not sane, because they do think that women still shouldn't get an abortion under these conditions.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Abortion cannot be used as anything *other* than birth control.

    That's what it is.

    And you obviously (for reasons including the fact that it addresses this argument specifically) haven't read the article I posted...


  • 8 years ago

    Killing someone because they have a medical problem is acceptable to you? No-one objects to a woman receiving essential medical care necessary to save her life, even if such medical treatment results in the death of her unborn child. For example, a hysterectomy when uterine cancer is discovered in a pregnant mother. Not even the Catholic Church objects to that scenario. But that is NOT abortion. The intentional killing of an unborn child because he/she has a medical problem, no matter how severe, IS abortion.

    Incidentally, "life of the mother" is just a huge loophole that allows abortion any time and for any reason. All the mother has to say is "I am so upset over this pregnency I am having suicidal thoughts". Bingo! Her life is in danger, and she gets the abortion.

  • 8 years ago

    Not even in half the states. Abortion was illegal *100%* of the time in 30 states before Roe vs Wade.

    Please do not lie.

  • 8 years ago

    Exactly. Myself, if the child or the mothers life is in danger, if she wants to abort it, I guess it's fine, I accept that.

    If you're mature enough to have sex, you're mature enough to raise kids.

  • Eire7
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Abortion is murder, a baby is a life from the moment of conception. A baby cannot defend itself, we are all gifts from God what right has anyone to end a life?

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