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Jordan vs Lebron hear me out?

Me personally I believe that Lebron and Jordan are equally matched

Stats: Tied

One on One: Jordan

Overall: Lebron

If they played one on one I believe Lebron will kill him when he drives shooting also but Jordan's fadeaway is unstoppable personally I think Lebron is a better player because Lebron took the Cleveland Cavaliers to the Finals by hisself, no help and he also came out of high school averaging 25+ points and leading that dead in team. Jordan couldnt do that for the Bulls, OUT OF COLLEGE so Jordan has no excuse he had 4 more years to develope but didn't lead the Bulls to the Finals when they're line up had dead end players. Jordan needed help from Pippen and others. Lebron didn't need any help. I think if Pippen wasn't there he would've won only about 1-3 championships. Lebron is very Underated compared to Jordan

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In LeBron's defense. I think its unfair that people compare him to Mike. Why? Because he is not even close. And for those people that think that James is better and will be better than Michael, those people have one thing in common. They dont know anything about Basketball.

    LeBron lovers like to think that he is better than everybody that ever played in NBA. He is better than Bird, he is better than Magic, better than MJ. Again it shows how they dont know anything about basketball and how they didnt even see MJ played. They didnt even see NBA back in the 80s and 90s. Because if you are really understand the game, you will admit that yes LeBron James is a good ball player and he can be great but he will never be as great as Michael Jordan.

    Here is why..

    1. To those people that said that MJ won the title late. Ok yes. He did. Why? Because if you go up against greats like Dr. J, Magic, Bird, Kareem, and many more beasts in the 80s, it would be hard for you to win. Especially when their in theyre prime. But what did MJ did in his roookie year. Scored 60+ points against the Celtics that have the original big three. Plus Jordan played in the different era where there is no hand checking. Thats why Jordan Rule which is invented by Detroit Bad Boys worked. Because you can get away with a murder back then. Now you breath in your opponent you can get called for a fragrant foul. To those James fans. Know your NBA history please. Who can give James a challenge nowadays? Huh tell me. The old Spurs? Kevin Durant, that doesnt know anything but to shoot 3s when Westbrook went down. Injured Westbrook, Injured Blake Griffin, injured Dwight Howard, Injured Kevin Love... An aging and injured Kobe? Old Boston Celtics.. Injured Rondo.... Wake up.. Less games (referring to last years lock down) and less players (referring to many injured players) thats the only way James can win a championship.

    And who cares if he win late.. what matters is how many does he have? How many rings that James have again?

    2. Taking over games? You kidding. How many times LeBron choked when the team needs him. Umm let me remind the public. 2008 against the Celtics? How about 2009 against the Magic. How about 2010? Where is LeBron James. Oh thats right he left Cleveland. Michael in the other hand. Ask for these type of moments. Shot over Craig Ehlo. The thriller against Clyde Drexler. Win over the Knicks lead by Ewing which is a very physical players. Lakers Upset. Beating Detroit Bad Boys. Utah's game winner. Taking over games? Please!

    3. Jordan never asked for Pippen. Pippen was drafted by the Bulls. Did Jordan complained and asked the management to trade Scotty for the likes of Charles Barkley, or Karl Malone. No! He wants to work on what he have. (Yup another reason why he won championship late) And he wants the challenge. If Karl, Stockton, Kevin Johnson, Hakeem Olajuwon, Patrick Ewing, Starks, Dumars are all in his team. Whats the challenge? Yup another thing that Jordan have over LeBron. Jordan wants the challenge. He DOESNT want it GIVEN... He WANTS to EARN IT. And he did... He has 6 rings to back it up.

    4. Who cares if he's a gambler.. We care about his work ethic and his talent. Dont tell me James never gambles or touched a woman before. we dont follow these athletes 24/7 they have their own life. Another typical excuse of LeBron James @$$ kissers, bringing in personal life when we are talking about basketball. i guess thats the only way to attack Jordan's legacy.

    -___- smh... seriously James fans need to learn history.... actually learn the game and how its played.. -___-

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Jordan would shut him down. Everybody back in the 80s and 90s had to know how to play defense. Nowadays, everyone is scared of getting dunked on and nobody knows how to play defense. Jordan was one of the quickest and most agile people in NBA history. He was also very strong. Look at his body and how many lay ups/dunks he finished when he was heavily contested. That takes a lot of strength. Jordan didn't get on NBA all first team defense 9 times and win DPOY award for nothing. And how would LeBron guard Jordan exactly? All Jordan would have to do would be drive on him all day or just use his other offensive weapons such as his deadly mid range game. And their stats aren't exactly the same. Jordan averaged 28 ppg in his ROOKIE season and LeBron doesn't even average that in his prime. Joran's highest ever ppg average is 37 and he would get average a game about 2-3 steals every year. Jordan is the better player, overall player, ect everything!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You're getting caught up in the hype, Jordan was a way better player than LeBron, that did a lot more for his team, than LeBron did.

    Jordan MADE Pippen, and the others, before Jordan the Bulls were mediocrity incarnate(only Rodman had a successful past from all the Bulls players he played with).

    LeBron didn't make anybody great, he needed to join already great players, and still failed to actually finish the job his first try(playing Small Forward just doesn't get it done, LeBron is a Power Forward).

    Also LeBron is a product of OFFENSE FRIENDLY RULES, if teams could play real-D on LeBron, he would struggle(he already does when teams get a little physical with him).

    Source(s): Basketball was a sport when Jordan played. It's entertainment now LeBron is playing.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    They are not equally matched

    Stats are not tied if you compare their stats for the first 8 or 9 years what ever you want to do MJ clearly has better stats

    1V1 Jordan will win 10/10 times because of how competitive he is and just how much of a better all around player and defender he is over Lebron do you really think 2 inches and 44 pounds is going to lead LBJ to victory over MJ? lol

    So what he took the Cavs to the finals AI also took then 76ers to the finals with a even worse team and he is a 6'0 PG but it doesn't matter you know why Lebron got swept and Iverson lost in 5 at least Iverson got a win

    I'm not saying he can or can't but why would Jordan want to carry a team of bums to the finals and lose what kind of accomplishment is that?

    LBJ came out of high school averaging 20.9 for his first season and Jordan came out of collage averaging 28.2 and lead the team to the playoffs averaging 29.3 on a bad Bulls team why Lebron could not get the Cavs to the playoffs

    sure Jordan had Pippen but Pippen or no one else on the 90-93 95-98 bulls commanded a double team so he had to shoulder the whole load of the offense on his back why Lebron could only win a title with 2 other star players with DWade and Chirs bosh who both can demand double teams

    Like Jordan said I didn't have to go call up Larry Bird and Magic and say hey lets team up because I'm getting my but kicked over here

    but then again the Cavs were doing nothing for Lebron to get him pieces but he doesn't need 2 allstars to win a ring or maybe he does

    also last thing let me know when Lebron wins 6 rings on a team where he is the only superstar the only player to be good enough to command a double team and also win 6 finals MvPs

    Jordan is the superior player without question you shouldn't have to think twice about this topic and not to be rude but if anyone thinks otherwise I think they should question their basketball knowledge

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  • 8 years ago

    One flaw in your logic is that the year that LeBron took the Cavs to the finals, the East was horrible. The Spurs easily swept Cleveland in the finals. Jordan faced must stiffer competition when he was trying to win his first championship.

    From a purely physical standpoint, I'd agree LeBron and MJ are pretty close. What sets Jordan apart is the way he dominated the NBA for years. LeBron just won his first title. I'll need to see him win at least a couple more, and stay the best player in the NBA, before I rate him with Jordan.

  • 8 years ago

    Jordan was better. He had to go against better competition in the playoffs/Finals than LeBron did in his runs with the Cavs.

    Jordan played against the Bad Boy Pistons, played against Karl Malone-John Stockton Jazz, and he played against the showtime Lakers. Who did LeBron play against? Yes, he played against some good Celtics teams, the Spurs, etc. but none of those teams were on the level of the competition Jordan faced. Plus, Jordan is a better player because he was mentally tougher. He didn't go acting like a little girl when he got knocked out the playoffs, he just tried to improve his game and come back with better performances. He also elevated the play of his teammates, and was a better leader than LeBron. Oh, and he was also clutch. LeBron consistently fades in the 4th quarter, and misses alot of shots when trying to tie the game or take the lead in the finals minutes.

  • I think its funny how people make Jordan out to be this genious who played all these great teams never losing

    Fact 1.Lebron Stats wise IS right there with Jordan like Jordans 3 ball was laughable until his 5th or 6th year Lebrons has been over 31% every year but his first when it was 29% and Lebrons career 3 point Percentage is better than Jordans

    Fact 2.No one in NBA history has dominated in Assist Scoring and Rebounding at the same time for 10 straight years like Lebron

    Fact 3. Jordan didn't win his first title until Magic and Byrd were shells of themselves.How many rings did Jordan win during the 80''s ok I'll wait.

    I mean people say Jordan did this and Lebron didn't..... but Jordan Never scored 50 points and still had 10 assist in the same game.LEBRON DID

    Jordan never shot 56% from the Field while still shooting 40% from 3...Lebron did and he shot over 100 3's this season

    Lebron has 2 FINALS TRIPLE DOUBLES and Jordan has none......

    My point is People need to realize Jordan didn't walk on water and he had a lot more problems than gambling

  • 8 years ago

    "Jordan has no excuse he had 4 more years to develope but didn't lead the Bulls to the Finals when they're line up had dead end players".

    Look at the competition that Jordan was playing against.

    Prime Larry Bird and the HOF Celtics and the Bad Boy Pistons. You are not comparing apples to apples.

    Hope this helps

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    you are clearly young and dumb. Jordan didn't NEED Pippen he MADE Pippen. Pippen is in the hall of fame ONLY because MJ made him that great. Lebron is not clutch. So what does going to the finals mean if he couldn't win them? He had to team up with D Wade to win. That's a cheese ball move. MJ would never have done that. But you say MJ needed Pippen. Lebron NEEDS Wade. Or else he would have won in Cleavland. Its retarted to compare two players that play different positions. Todays basketball is different. Lebron is a beast no doubt. But he will never be an MJ. MJ showed up every time his team needed him to. Would play hurt no matter what. Lebron will sit if he has the hic ups because he doesn't want his numbers to be hurt. He can play no doubt. But MJ is and always will be the best of all time. Period.

  • Good argument.. Jordan is great I don't care for him.. Ya points are valid as hell.. Lebron from highschool shouldered a franchise.. Jordan went to college and couldn't do nothing until pippen and other came along

  • 8 years ago

    Well you make good points. Without Jordan the Bulls still went to the finals, without Lebron the Cav's were one of the worst teams in the league. Hard to say Lebron is equal though, Lebron maybe is physically more gifted than Jordan, although Jordan probably had better athleticism. Jordan's killer instincts were definitely on another level than Lebron's, I remember watching Jordan crush and demoralize entire opposing teams, i.e. the Jazz in consecutive finals. Lebron is probably a better passer and rebounder. It is to early to say Lebron is Jordan's equal though, we will have to wait to see what Lebron has accomplished when he retires.

    With that being said, they are both amazingly gifted athletes and competitors.

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