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Is Islamic extremism taking over UK cities? Is multiculturalism failing?

In this video a young woman returns to her town of Luton, where there are protesters chanting slogans such as 'UK burn in hell' and 'British police burn in hell.'

Apparently a Muslim woman had been arrested (sparking the protest.) The young woman says that she thinks it is a minority group and says that the Quran says muslims should respect the law of the land, but she is treated (imo) very rudely.

Is Islamic extremism infiltrating the UK as suggested by the video title?

Is multi-multiculturalism failing?

I am mixed race, and I love how everyone can mix nowadays, but I know many people hate it and would rather us all all separate and for people of my skin tone not live in the UK. What are your thoughts, and why?


Update 2:

@Terry, but I'm not judging. The worst I do is say that I think she was treated rudely. I'm just asking :/

Update 3:

@ Arrow, I don't think you read my question. At no point did I demonise or generalise to all Muslims so there's no need to preach to me about all the good muslims out there. I even mention that I myself am not white (though I haven't gone into details).

Update 4:

@ Shawn. The fact that you do not think we implemented multiculturalism properly means you think we have failed. That's all you needed to say.

I'm quite aware of what multiculturalism is, a number of my courses at university were about it, however I am not going to tell people what it is or put up a definition, I just put up enough info in my question for people to give their own thoughts and feelings.

Second of all, I wasn't 'whining' about it. In fact, I said that I am mixed race and that I like multiculturalism and people mixing.

If you want to have a childish tantrum and spew abuse at entire nations of people I strongly suggest that you a) don't assume b) actually read the question.

Now go cry some more.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Geert Wilders said "There is a tremendous danger looming, and it is very difficult to be optimistic. We might be in the final stages of the Islamization of Europe. This not only is a clear and present danger to the future of Europe itself, it is a threat to America and the sheer survival of the West. The United States as the last bastion of Western civilization, facing an Islamic Europe."

    Many people called Wilder a loon. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith temporarily banned Wilders from entering the territory of the United Kingdom, labelling him an "undesirable person" The British government are banning the wrong people.

    Multiculturalism is fine as long as it's not forced upon a society. I don't think anyone is forcing multiculturalism in Iran, Saudi Arabia or Pakistan.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I wouldn't say multiculturalism is failing, it never really worked to begin with

    People from the same ethnic background have been forming their own close knit communities ever since immigration was allowed and so have simply brought their own culture with them

    Over time larger and larger of pockets of areas have built up that are totally separate from and don't become part of the original British culture

    But this is happening around the world not just the UK, even expats from this country have done the same when they've emigrated

    It's just because people prefer to mix with those with a similar background to theirs as it's easier

    But if you want to talk about the problems this causes then take a look at the recent rioting in Sweden for instance

  • 8 years ago

    You and most others would call it "Islamic extremism", but in reality this is the ONLY life these people have come to know in their country before moving to yours (UK) or to U.S., Sweden, Germany, etc.

    And even in the cases when they were but tiny children when living in their countries and/ or have been born in Europe, U.S., ect., it is their tradition, their religion to be fierce--or feroucious, as you see fit to say.

    One thing for sure: They are NOT and NEVER will be truly European or American. Their calling will soon come to them and they will go to that calling.

    So, in a way you can say that "multiculturalism" has failed where these ethnic groups is concerned. And Islamic extremism is indeed starting to take non-Muslim cities, and it will grow.

    The U.S. thinks it is counting their blessings, but it's typical Americanism to find out things much later than anyone else. Right this morning FBI shot to death "after interviewing" a Muslim Chechnyan young man, friends of Tamerlane Tsarnaev and who police thinks was involved in the Boston bombing. Do Americans "really" have an idea how many hundreds of thousands of Muslims live in thousands of U.S. cities? Of course not. So how can they even begin to fathom that these young men's hearts burn for their original birth country and that anything can "radicalize" them in an instant?!!!!

  • stacey
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Its rare muslims do mix

    British people are expected to understand learn and show respect for everybodies culture but their own , this is wrong , as a British person i think the foreigners should learn the English language and show respect for our culture , it is our country we are the people who have families who have fought in wars

    British people should not be treated like third class citizens and beneath asians , houses should be allocated to our own people first

    not everybody does mix , it would be a better country if we all did

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  • 5 years ago

    No good came from this Migration. Everyone wants free food and money in exchange for hatred given to those in the welcome parties. Islam makes no apologies.

  • 8 years ago

    My answers are .. Yes, and multiculturalism has never existed apart from in the minds of politicians

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Islamic terrorists chopped the head off an innocent citizen. Multiculturalism?

  • 8 years ago

    "Is multiculturalism failing?"

    How can something you don't have fail?

    Because the UK does NOT have actual Multiculturalism.

    You, like the UK and rest of Europe, don't even know what the hell it even is.

    Seeing as how Canada was the birthplace of Multiculturalism nearly half a century ago, the Canadian definition of it is the only correct one.

    And that definition sums up as this:

    "Multiculturalism assists in the integration of immigrants and minorities, removing barriers to their participation in Canadian life and making them feel more welcome in Canadian society, leading to a stronger sense of belonging and pride in Canada.

    -economic integration into the labour market;

    -political integration into the electoral process and other forms of political participation;

    -social integration into the networks and spaces of civil society, from informal networks of friends and neighbours to membership in more formal organizations."

    And that's according to the Canadian Government:

    Link -

    Also this:

    'Multiculturalism has been Canada's solution, not its problem'

    Link -

    Multiculturalism is about naturalizing immigrants so they don't end up a drain on Canada's economy, culture, society and social services.

    And doing it faster than letting immigrants to sink or swim on their own like other nations do.

    So what's your pathetic excuse for not knowing this?

    Don't own a dictionary? Google doesn't work on your computer? Or what?

    Frankly, I don't know who's worse: Europeans or Americans.

    Because neither group has the foggiest notion what Multiculturalism is.

    And at no point did it occur to any of them to look it up before whining about it.

    Far easier, apparently, to make fools of yourselves pretending it's everything it's not.

    You bloody Euros (and Yanks too) should shift your @sses and take a trip to Canada.

    Because actual Multiculturalism works exactly as intended when fully, properly implemented:

    The most prosperous nation in the Americas, Canada ranks first in personal freedom'

    'Canada: Richer than America and more economically powerful than Europe'

    'Canada first and only G7 country to recover all jobs lost during recession'

    'Canada to lead G7 nations in average growth for next 50 years: OECD'

    'Canada Trounces U.S. In Best Countries For Business'

    'Canada Named The World's Most Educated Country'

    'Canada lands in Top 10 of best places to be born in 2013'

    'Canada is best G20 country for females'

    'Best Country For Kids: Canada Best Place In The World To Raise Children'

    'Your Kids Will Have A Better Life If You Move To Canada'

    'Canada ranks among the top 10 least corrupt countries in the world'

    'World's happiest nations Canada ranks 6th overall'

    'Canada rises to 4th in world peace rankings'

    'Vancouver, Toronto and Calgary picked as three of world's top five most liveable cities'

    'Canadian PM named statesman of the year'

    '10 Most Reputable Countries and Canada Takes Top Spot'

    'Canada can fairly claim to be the best-governed country in the world'

    And that's barely any of what MC has helped Canadian achieve.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Islam isn't interested in multi,,it demands " controlling culture ".

    The despise everything else,and strive to under mine and destroy.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    This odious cult does not want multiculturalism!

    They hate anything and everything tat is not Islamic!

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